🗊Smuggling of Cultural Values in the customs posts of Samara and Smolensk Prepared by Olga Khropina and Filippova Elena

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Smuggling of Cultural Values in the customs posts of Samara and Smolensk  Prepared by Olga Khropina and Filippova Elena, слайд №1Smuggling of Cultural Values in the customs posts of Samara and Smolensk  Prepared by Olga Khropina and Filippova Elena, слайд №2Smuggling of Cultural Values in the customs posts of Samara and Smolensk  Prepared by Olga Khropina and Filippova Elena, слайд №3Smuggling of Cultural Values in the customs posts of Samara and Smolensk  Prepared by Olga Khropina and Filippova Elena, слайд №4Smuggling of Cultural Values in the customs posts of Samara and Smolensk  Prepared by Olga Khropina and Filippova Elena, слайд №5Smuggling of Cultural Values in the customs posts of Samara and Smolensk  Prepared by Olga Khropina and Filippova Elena, слайд №6Smuggling of Cultural Values in the customs posts of Samara and Smolensk  Prepared by Olga Khropina and Filippova Elena, слайд №7Smuggling of Cultural Values in the customs posts of Samara and Smolensk  Prepared by Olga Khropina and Filippova Elena, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Smuggling of Cultural Values in the customs posts of Samara and Smolensk
Prepared by Olga Khropina and Filippova Elena
Описание слайда:
Smuggling of Cultural Values in the customs posts of Samara and Smolensk Prepared by Olga Khropina and Filippova Elena

Слайд 2

Cultural values ​​are the heritage of the state and its people. The Russian Constitution enshrines the right of every citizen to participate in cultural life and cultural institutions, access to cultural property (Art. 44). The duty of the state consists in ensuring the granted right of the citizen, including criminal and legal means.
Cultural values ​​are the heritage of the state and its people. The Russian Constitution enshrines the right of every citizen to participate in cultural life and cultural institutions, access to cultural property (Art. 44). The duty of the state consists in ensuring the granted right of the citizen, including criminal and legal means.
Описание слайда:
Cultural values ​​are the heritage of the state and its people. The Russian Constitution enshrines the right of every citizen to participate in cultural life and cultural institutions, access to cultural property (Art. 44). The duty of the state consists in ensuring the granted right of the citizen, including criminal and legal means. Cultural values ​​are the heritage of the state and its people. The Russian Constitution enshrines the right of every citizen to participate in cultural life and cultural institutions, access to cultural property (Art. 44). The duty of the state consists in ensuring the granted right of the citizen, including criminal and legal means.

Слайд 3

In 2011 year the Central operative customs and the TsTU regional customs raised 34 criminal cases according to Art. 188 upon smuggling of cultural and historical values.
Описание слайда:
In 2011 year the Central operative customs and the TsTU regional customs raised 34 criminal cases according to Art. 188 upon smuggling of cultural and historical values.

Слайд 4

At the end of October during the inspection of wagon with the use of x-ray machine was found the cup wrapped in a towel  from metal of white color with the image of two eagles, a German cross with a swastika and an inscription «1939».
At the end of October during the inspection of wagon with the use of x-ray machine was found the cup wrapped in a towel  from metal of white color with the image of two eagles, a German cross with a swastika and an inscription «1939».
Описание слайда:
At the end of October during the inspection of wagon with the use of x-ray machine was found the cup wrapped in a towel from metal of white color with the image of two eagles, a German cross with a swastika and an inscription «1939». At the end of October during the inspection of wagon with the use of x-ray machine was found the cup wrapped in a towel from metal of white color with the image of two eagles, a German cross with a swastika and an inscription «1939».

Слайд 5

Inscriptions in German said: Sergeant-Major Franz Hagelshtange, August 16, 1942", "For outstanding achievements in the air war."
Описание слайда:
Inscriptions in German said: Sergeant-Major Franz Hagelshtange, August 16, 1942", "For outstanding achievements in the air war."

Слайд 6

The German tank of times of the Second World War was detained at Smolensk customs. Historically significant subject which isn't present even in museums of Germany, was taken out from Russia as scrap metal. To prevent smuggling information on value of the tank, helped information received on channels of World Customs Organization (WTO).
The German tank of times of the Second World War was detained at Smolensk customs. Historically significant subject which isn't present even in museums of Germany, was taken out from Russia as scrap metal. To prevent smuggling information on value of the tank, helped information received on channels of World Customs Organization (WTO).
Описание слайда:
The German tank of times of the Second World War was detained at Smolensk customs. Historically significant subject which isn't present even in museums of Germany, was taken out from Russia as scrap metal. To prevent smuggling information on value of the tank, helped information received on channels of World Customs Organization (WTO). The German tank of times of the Second World War was detained at Smolensk customs. Historically significant subject which isn't present even in museums of Germany, was taken out from Russia as scrap metal. To prevent smuggling information on value of the tank, helped information received on channels of World Customs Organization (WTO).

Слайд 7

During the customs control of international postal items in Samara in the train following from Ukraine to Russia were found: two silver coins, par 15, and 20 cents, made in 1893 and in 1870 the Mint St. Petersburg, eleven postage stamps in England, Germany (Saxony, Braunshveyt, Hannover) and Iran.
During the customs control of international postal items in Samara in the train following from Ukraine to Russia were found: two silver coins, par 15, and 20 cents, made in 1893 and in 1870 the Mint St. Petersburg, eleven postage stamps in England, Germany (Saxony, Braunshveyt, Hannover) and Iran.
Описание слайда:
During the customs control of international postal items in Samara in the train following from Ukraine to Russia were found: two silver coins, par 15, and 20 cents, made in 1893 and in 1870 the Mint St. Petersburg, eleven postage stamps in England, Germany (Saxony, Braunshveyt, Hannover) and Iran. During the customs control of international postal items in Samara in the train following from Ukraine to Russia were found: two silver coins, par 15, and 20 cents, made in 1893 and in 1870 the Mint St. Petersburg, eleven postage stamps in England, Germany (Saxony, Braunshveyt, Hannover) and Iran.

Слайд 8

On July 6 the staff of the Samara customs raised four criminal cases on the facts of smuggling of cultural values in the international postal items.
In postal items from Germany to Russia were found a picture "Behind a card play" and a gratuity cross of German mother having many children in silver on a tape. The picture is written by the  Bergholz at the end of the 19th century in Western Europe. The cross is made in Germany in 1938.
Описание слайда:
On July 6 the staff of the Samara customs raised four criminal cases on the facts of smuggling of cultural values in the international postal items. In postal items from Germany to Russia were found a picture "Behind a card play" and a gratuity cross of German mother having many children in silver on a tape. The picture is written by the Bergholz at the end of the 19th century in Western Europe. The cross is made in Germany in 1938.

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