🗊 French cuisine

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  French cuisine  , слайд №1  
  French cuisine  , слайд №2  
  French cuisine  , слайд №3  
  French cuisine  , слайд №4  
  French cuisine  , слайд №5  
  French cuisine  , слайд №6  
  French cuisine  , слайд №7  
  French cuisine  , слайд №8

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Слайд 1

French cuisine
Описание слайда:
French cuisine

Слайд 2

Everyone know that French are gourmands. In France, people's interest in good food is considered perfectly natural and necessary, perhaps even ahead of interest in love. 
Everyone know that French are gourmands. In France, people's interest in good food is considered perfectly natural and necessary, perhaps even ahead of interest in love. 
Despite regional differences , a characteristic feature of the national French cuisine is the abundance of vegetables and root crops . Potatoes, green beans, different varieties of onions, spinach , cabbage different varieties, tomatoes, eggplant , celery, parsley , salads used to prepare appetizers, first and second courses , as well as a garnish .
Описание слайда:
Everyone know that French are gourmands. In France, people's interest in good food is considered perfectly natural and necessary, perhaps even ahead of interest in love. Everyone know that French are gourmands. In France, people's interest in good food is considered perfectly natural and necessary, perhaps even ahead of interest in love. Despite regional differences , a characteristic feature of the national French cuisine is the abundance of vegetables and root crops . Potatoes, green beans, different varieties of onions, spinach , cabbage different varieties, tomatoes, eggplant , celery, parsley , salads used to prepare appetizers, first and second courses , as well as a garnish .

Слайд 3

Compared with other European countries, French cooking uses less milk products. Exceptions are cheeses, famous throughout the world . Dish with cheese and lettuce necessarily served before dessert. France produces no less than 500 varieties of cheese . Maybe more, because almost every French village know their unique recipe for cheese making . Among them are such well-known , like Roquefort , Gruyere , Camembert , etc.
Compared with other European countries, French cooking uses less milk products. Exceptions are cheeses, famous throughout the world . Dish with cheese and lettuce necessarily served before dessert. France produces no less than 500 varieties of cheese . Maybe more, because almost every French village know their unique recipe for cheese making . Among them are such well-known , like Roquefort , Gruyere , Camembert , etc.
Описание слайда:
Compared with other European countries, French cooking uses less milk products. Exceptions are cheeses, famous throughout the world . Dish with cheese and lettuce necessarily served before dessert. France produces no less than 500 varieties of cheese . Maybe more, because almost every French village know their unique recipe for cheese making . Among them are such well-known , like Roquefort , Gruyere , Camembert , etc. Compared with other European countries, French cooking uses less milk products. Exceptions are cheeses, famous throughout the world . Dish with cheese and lettuce necessarily served before dessert. France produces no less than 500 varieties of cheese . Maybe more, because almost every French village know their unique recipe for cheese making . Among them are such well-known , like Roquefort , Gruyere , Camembert , etc.

Слайд 4

Characteristic of the French cuisine is availability  of omelets and cheese soufflé, which is prepared with various condiments and toppings : ham, mushrooms and greens.
Characteristic of the French cuisine is availability  of omelets and cheese soufflé, which is prepared with various condiments and toppings : ham, mushrooms and greens.
Описание слайда:
Characteristic of the French cuisine is availability of omelets and cheese soufflé, which is prepared with various condiments and toppings : ham, mushrooms and greens. Characteristic of the French cuisine is availability of omelets and cheese soufflé, which is prepared with various condiments and toppings : ham, mushrooms and greens.

Слайд 5

French chefs use all kinds of meats : veal, beef, lamb, poultry , game . Very popular dishes from marine and freshwater fish: cod , halibut , pike, carp , as well as seafood such as oysters , shrimp, lobster , scallops .
French chefs use all kinds of meats : veal, beef, lamb, poultry , game . Very popular dishes from marine and freshwater fish: cod , halibut , pike, carp , as well as seafood such as oysters , shrimp, lobster , scallops .
French is considered the inventor of sauces in their cooking and inventing new recipes you will not find them equal in the world.
Описание слайда:
French chefs use all kinds of meats : veal, beef, lamb, poultry , game . Very popular dishes from marine and freshwater fish: cod , halibut , pike, carp , as well as seafood such as oysters , shrimp, lobster , scallops . French chefs use all kinds of meats : veal, beef, lamb, poultry , game . Very popular dishes from marine and freshwater fish: cod , halibut , pike, carp , as well as seafood such as oysters , shrimp, lobster , scallops . French is considered the inventor of sauces in their cooking and inventing new recipes you will not find them equal in the world.

Слайд 6

You can not conceal the posh desserts, in which the French certainly know a lot about . This tart cherry Clafoutis , delicious tarte tatin - open cakes with fruit and of course the famous creme brulee - baked with cream caramel crust - the king and ruler of all desserts.
You can not conceal the posh desserts, in which the French certainly know a lot about . This tart cherry Clafoutis , delicious tarte tatin - open cakes with fruit and of course the famous creme brulee - baked with cream caramel crust - the king and ruler of all desserts.
As for me french desserts are the best in the world and I want to go to France for taste everything.
Описание слайда:
You can not conceal the posh desserts, in which the French certainly know a lot about . This tart cherry Clafoutis , delicious tarte tatin - open cakes with fruit and of course the famous creme brulee - baked with cream caramel crust - the king and ruler of all desserts. You can not conceal the posh desserts, in which the French certainly know a lot about . This tart cherry Clafoutis , delicious tarte tatin - open cakes with fruit and of course the famous creme brulee - baked with cream caramel crust - the king and ruler of all desserts. As for me french desserts are the best in the world and I want to go to France for taste everything.

Слайд 7

Drinks from the French prefer soki fruit and mineral water. Extremely popular coffee. Everyone thinks that the French can not live a day without a glass of wine. This is true
Drinks from the French prefer soki fruit and mineral water. Extremely popular coffee. Everyone thinks that the French can not live a day without a glass of wine. This is true
Описание слайда:
Drinks from the French prefer soki fruit and mineral water. Extremely popular coffee. Everyone thinks that the French can not live a day without a glass of wine. This is true Drinks from the French prefer soki fruit and mineral water. Extremely popular coffee. Everyone thinks that the French can not live a day without a glass of wine. This is true

Слайд 8

Go to France with me because their cuisine is delicious!!! 
Go to France with me because their cuisine is delicious!!!
Описание слайда:
Go to France with me because their cuisine is delicious!!! Go to France with me because their cuisine is delicious!!!

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