🗊George Gordon Byron Prepared by : Galya Ovsyanikova Mary Filatova 4-B

Категория: Английский язык
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George Gordon Byron  Prepared by :  Galya Ovsyanikova  Mary Filatova  4-B, слайд №1George Gordon Byron  Prepared by :  Galya Ovsyanikova  Mary Filatova  4-B, слайд №2George Gordon Byron  Prepared by :  Galya Ovsyanikova  Mary Filatova  4-B, слайд №3George Gordon Byron  Prepared by :  Galya Ovsyanikova  Mary Filatova  4-B, слайд №4George Gordon Byron  Prepared by :  Galya Ovsyanikova  Mary Filatova  4-B, слайд №5George Gordon Byron  Prepared by :  Galya Ovsyanikova  Mary Filatova  4-B, слайд №6George Gordon Byron  Prepared by :  Galya Ovsyanikova  Mary Filatova  4-B, слайд №7George Gordon Byron  Prepared by :  Galya Ovsyanikova  Mary Filatova  4-B, слайд №8George Gordon Byron  Prepared by :  Galya Ovsyanikova  Mary Filatova  4-B, слайд №9

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Слайд 1

George Gordon Byron
Prepared by :
Galya Ovsyanikova
Mary Filatova
Описание слайда:
George Gordon Byron Prepared by : Galya Ovsyanikova Mary Filatova 4-B

Слайд 2

George Gordon Byron-commonly known simply as Lord Byron, was an English poet and a leading figure in Romanticism.
Byron's best-known works are the brief poems:
“She Walks in Beauty”
“When We Two Parted”
“So, we'll go no more a roving”
Описание слайда:
Title George Gordon Byron-commonly known simply as Lord Byron, was an English poet and a leading figure in Romanticism. Byron's best-known works are the brief poems: “She Walks in Beauty” “When We Two Parted” “So, we'll go no more a roving”

Слайд 3

George Gordon Byron was born in London.
He was the son of Caterine Gordon.
Then after his father fled from creditors to France and Caterine Gordon took her son to Scotland,Aberdeen.
Byron’s father died when he was 3,and the boy was educated at home and later at Aberdeen Grammar School.
Описание слайда:
Title George Gordon Byron was born in London. He was the son of Caterine Gordon. Then after his father fled from creditors to France and Caterine Gordon took her son to Scotland,Aberdeen. Byron’s father died when he was 3,and the boy was educated at home and later at Aberdeen Grammar School.

Слайд 4

In 1798 Byron’s great-uncle died,leaving the 10-year-old boy the family home at Newstead Abbey but very little fortune.
He went to Harrow and his first poems were written there.
In 1805 Byron entered to Trinity College, Cambridge ,where he cultivated a reputation for high-spirited and profligate behaviour that belied the real achievments of his undergraduated years.
Описание слайда:
In 1798 Byron’s great-uncle died,leaving the 10-year-old boy the family home at Newstead Abbey but very little fortune. He went to Harrow and his first poems were written there. In 1805 Byron entered to Trinity College, Cambridge ,where he cultivated a reputation for high-spirited and profligate behaviour that belied the real achievments of his undergraduated years.

Слайд 5

George Gordon Byron  Prepared by :  Galya Ovsyanikova  Mary Filatova  4-B, слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

In 1807 he published “Hours of Ldleness”-collection of lyrics.
After returning to England he completed the first two cantos of the poem begun in Albania.
“Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”(1812) made him famous.
In 1815 Byron married Annabella Milbanke ,but their marrige lasted little more than a year.
After the birth of their daughter ,she left him.
Описание слайда:
In 1807 he published “Hours of Ldleness”-collection of lyrics. After returning to England he completed the first two cantos of the poem begun in Albania. “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”(1812) made him famous. In 1815 Byron married Annabella Milbanke ,but their marrige lasted little more than a year. After the birth of their daughter ,she left him.

Слайд 7

George Gordon Byron  Prepared by :  Galya Ovsyanikova  Mary Filatova  4-B, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

Then  Byron went to Veice.
Then  Byron went to Veice.
In this period “Manfred”,”Mazeppa”,and the first cantons of “Don Juan” were written.
His connection with Teresa,Countess Guiccioli,begun in Veice in April 1819 and proved a lasting one.
In April 1824 he caught a severe chill after being soaked to the skin in an open boat.
Rheumatic fever set in and Byron died on 19 1824.
Описание слайда:
Then Byron went to Veice. Then Byron went to Veice. In this period “Manfred”,”Mazeppa”,and the first cantons of “Don Juan” were written. His connection with Teresa,Countess Guiccioli,begun in Veice in April 1819 and proved a lasting one. In April 1824 he caught a severe chill after being soaked to the skin in an open boat. Rheumatic fever set in and Byron died on 19 1824.

Слайд 9

The Greeks wished to bury him in Athens,but only his heart stayed in Greece.
His body was returned to England but refused burial in Westminster Abbey.
Описание слайда:
The Greeks wished to bury him in Athens,but only his heart stayed in Greece. His body was returned to England but refused burial in Westminster Abbey.

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