🗊Презентация Getting on well with the family. 5 класс

Категория: Английский язык
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Getting on well with the family. 5 класс, слайд №1Getting on well with the family. 5 класс, слайд №2Getting on well with the family. 5 класс, слайд №3Getting on well with the family. 5 класс, слайд №4Getting on well with the family. 5 класс, слайд №5Getting on well with the family. 5 класс, слайд №6Getting on well with the family. 5 класс, слайд №7Getting on well with the family. 5 класс, слайд №8Getting on well with the family. 5 класс, слайд №9

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Getting on well with the family
Урок английского языка в 5 классе

Учитель МБОУ СОШ №7 г. Сальска
Ольховская В. А.
Описание слайда:
Getting on well with the family Урок английского языка в 5 классе Учитель МБОУ СОШ №7 г. Сальска Ольховская В. А.

Слайд 2

Listen, read and repeat:

ex 24 p.148
Описание слайда:
Listen, read and repeat: ex 24 p.148

Слайд 3

Look and learn
law   [  lɔ: ]                                           select [si ′lekt ]                                               
outstanding  [ aut′stændiŋ ]        direct [ di ′rekt  ]                                               
qualit [ ′ kwɔliti  ]                    husband  [ hʌzbænd ]                                               
ruler    [ ′ru:lə ]                                   wife  [waif ]                                               
exceptional [ ik′sepʃnəl ]      complex [ kɔmpleks]                                               
will power  [′ pauə ]              seclusion  [si′kluʒən ]                                               
a slave   [ sleiv ]                       Emperor [ ′empərə ]                                               
Описание слайда:
Look and learn law [ lɔ: ] select [si ′lekt ] outstanding [ aut′stændiŋ ] direct [ di ′rekt ] qualit [ ′ kwɔliti ] husband [ hʌzbænd ] ruler [ ′ru:lə ] wife [waif ] exceptional [ ik′sepʃnəl ] complex [ kɔmpleks] will power [′ pauə ] seclusion [si′kluʒən ] a slave [ sleiv ] Emperor [ ′empərə ]  

Слайд 4

Answer the questions:
Who were the main characters of the story?
What were their names?
Were they happy to live together?
Who were they?
Описание слайда:
Answer the questions: Who were the main characters of the story? What were their names? Were they happy to live together? Who were they?

Слайд 5

2013 is the 400th anniversary of the Romanov ′s house
The last Emperor of Russia and his family: Grand Duchess Anastasia, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Tsarevich Alexei.
Описание слайда:
2013 is the 400th anniversary of the Romanov ′s house The last Emperor of Russia and his family: Grand Duchess Anastasia, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Tsarevich Alexei.

Слайд 6

Nicholas Romanov 
He was born on 16 May 1868 at Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg. He was the supreme ruler of the Russian Empire from the late 19 th century until 1917.
Описание слайда:
Nicholas Romanov He was born on 16 May 1868 at Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg. He was the supreme ruler of the Russian Empire from the late 19 th century until 1917.

Слайд 7

Nicholas Romanov married German princess Alexandra of Hessen-Darmstadt
She was the Grand-daughter of Queen Victoria.
They disliked St. Petersburg.
The capital was too modern for them and they moved the family residence in 1895 to Alexander Palace in Tsarskoye Selo, where they lived in seclusion.
Описание слайда:
Nicholas Romanov married German princess Alexandra of Hessen-Darmstadt She was the Grand-daughter of Queen Victoria. They disliked St. Petersburg. The capital was too modern for them and they moved the family residence in 1895 to Alexander Palace in Tsarskoye Selo, where they lived in seclusion.

Слайд 8

Olga - 15 November 1895
Tatiana - 10 June 1897
Maria -  26 June 1899
Anastasiya- 18 June 1901
Alexei- 12 August 1904
Описание слайда:
Children Olga - 15 November 1895 Tatiana - 10 June 1897 Maria - 26 June 1899 Anastasiya- 18 June 1901 Alexei- 12 August 1904

Слайд 9

 All daughters can sew, knit but the their most favourite hobby was taking photos for the whole family.
Описание слайда:
Anastasiya All daughters can sew, knit but the their most favourite hobby was taking photos for the whole family.

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