🗊Презентация Grammar corrections

Категория: Английский язык
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Grammar corrections, слайд №1Grammar corrections, слайд №2Grammar corrections, слайд №3Grammar corrections, слайд №4Grammar corrections, слайд №5Grammar corrections, слайд №6Grammar corrections, слайд №7Grammar corrections, слайд №8Grammar corrections, слайд №9Grammar corrections, слайд №10Grammar corrections, слайд №11

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Слайд 1

August 4th 2019
Trial lesson
Fluency/ vocabulary extension: discuss likes and dislikes with idioms and phrasal verbs
Grammar and pronunciation: correction of common errors
Learn some new vocabulary/expressions
Описание слайда:
August 4th 2019 Trial lesson Fluency/ vocabulary extension: discuss likes and dislikes with idioms and phrasal verbs Grammar and pronunciation: correction of common errors Learn some new vocabulary/expressions

Слайд 2

new vocabulary
speaking while sleeping -talking in my sleep
significant details
be keen on -ing;  be keen to + infinitive
to set out = start a journey; I set out (from my house) at 7.00
get to = arrive in/at
Описание слайда:
new vocabulary speaking while sleeping -talking in my sleep significant details be keen on -ing; be keen to + infinitive to set out = start a journey; I set out (from my house) at 7.00 get to = arrive in/at

Слайд 3

Grammar corrections
Описание слайда:
Grammar corrections

Слайд 4

I have to do a lot of presentations. - flat intonation
key /keee/ features
do not = don’t
Описание слайда:
pronunciation I have to do a lot of presentations. - flat intonation peculiarities analyse key /keee/ features do not = don’t

Слайд 5

Speaking (and prepositions) 
 What do you intend …. do …. the next few years?
 Why are you keen …. learning English? 
 Tell me about a journey you go …. regularly. When do you set …. when do you get …. your destination?
 Tell me a bit about your family and friends. Who do you get …. with best? 
Описание слайда:
Speaking (and prepositions) What do you intend …. do …. the next few years? Why are you keen …. learning English? Tell me about a journey you go …. regularly. When do you set …. when do you get …. your destination? Tell me a bit about your family and friends. Who do you get …. with best? https://quizlet.com/_4yxj7e

Слайд 6

 Do you like living in a city or would you rather live ___ the beaten track, ___ the middle ___ nowhere? ∂v
 Do you like living in a city or would you rather live ___ the beaten track, ___ the middle ___ nowhere? ∂v
 When might you drag your heels ___ something? = procrastinate
 Tell me about someone you get ___ with like a house on fire. I get on well with her.
 Tell me when you were last rushed ___ your feet (or you could say, you had to rush around like a headless chicken).
 Can you tell me about a place that took your breath ___?
Описание слайда:
Do you like living in a city or would you rather live ___ the beaten track, ___ the middle ___ nowhere? ∂v Do you like living in a city or would you rather live ___ the beaten track, ___ the middle ___ nowhere? ∂v When might you drag your heels ___ something? = procrastinate Tell me about someone you get ___ with like a house on fire. I get on well with her. Tell me when you were last rushed ___ your feet (or you could say, you had to rush around like a headless chicken). Can you tell me about a place that took your breath ___?

Слайд 7

Grammar corrections, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

future lessons
improve sentence building with a variety of grammatical structures
learn and practise some new idioms and phrasal verbs
some work on pronunciation
Описание слайда:
future lessons improve sentence building with a variety of grammatical structures learn and practise some new idioms and phrasal verbs some work on pronunciation

Слайд 9

Future lessons and resources
Future lessons and resources
If you decide to have more lessons with me, they will probably be similar to this. 
With more time we can focus on: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading or writing. It all depends on what you need.
I will use material from course books, the internet and my own resources. I may use these books: Headway and English File (at the appropriate level), English Pronunciation In Use and possibly some exam books such as IELTS Masterclass or Objective Proficiency. 
There is a list of my favourite websites on the following page.
Описание слайда:
Future lessons and resources Future lessons and resources If you decide to have more lessons with me, they will probably be similar to this. With more time we can focus on: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading or writing. It all depends on what you need. I will use material from course books, the internet and my own resources. I may use these books: Headway and English File (at the appropriate level), English Pronunciation In Use and possibly some exam books such as IELTS Masterclass or Objective Proficiency. There is a list of my favourite websites on the following page.

Слайд 10

Useful links
https://quizlet.com - vocabulary
http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio - Radio 4 podcasts
the guardian - daily briefing
Описание слайда:
Useful links https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/phonemic-chart http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/learner-english/ https://quizlet.com - vocabulary https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/?cc=gb&selLanguage=en http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio - Radio 4 podcasts http://www.pearsonlongman.com/speakout/video-podcasts/ http://www.tinyteflteacher.co.uk the guardian - daily briefing

Слайд 11

I hope you’d like to have more lessons with me. If so, just go to my italki page: https://www.italki.com/teacher/3468767
I hope you’d like to have more lessons with me. If so, just go to my italki page: https://www.italki.com/teacher/3468767
If you have any questions, please email me jncunningham25@yahoo.com  
If I don't hear from you in a few days, I will contact you for feedback.
Thank you!
You can also join my edmodo page: https://edmo.do/j/9mcnuv
Описание слайда:
I hope you’d like to have more lessons with me. If so, just go to my italki page: https://www.italki.com/teacher/3468767 I hope you’d like to have more lessons with me. If so, just go to my italki page: https://www.italki.com/teacher/3468767 If you have any questions, please email me jncunningham25@yahoo.com If I don't hear from you in a few days, I will contact you for feedback. Thank you! You can also join my edmodo page: https://edmo.do/j/9mcnuv

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