🗊 In Interesting facts about DREAMS

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       In  Interesting facts about DREAMS      , слайд №1  
       In  Interesting facts about DREAMS      , слайд №2  
       In  Interesting facts about DREAMS      , слайд №3  
       In  Interesting facts about DREAMS      , слайд №4  
       In  Interesting facts about DREAMS      , слайд №5  
       In  Interesting facts about DREAMS      , слайд №6  
       In  Interesting facts about DREAMS      , слайд №7  
       In  Interesting facts about DREAMS      , слайд №8  
       In  Interesting facts about DREAMS      , слайд №9

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Слайд 1


Описание слайда:
In Interesting facts about DREAMS

Слайд 2

are successions of images, ideas, emotions
that occur involuntarily in the mind 
during certain stages of sleep.
 *succession – последовательность
 *occur involuntarily in the mind 
during -происходит непроизвольно в 
Описание слайда:
Dream are successions of images, ideas, emotions that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. *succession – последовательность *occur involuntarily in the mind during -происходит непроизвольно в сознании

Слайд 3

Interesting facts:
1) We forget 90% of our dreams.
During the first 5 minutes after waking man
 remembers almost all sleep, but after 10 minutes 
after waking up - 90%, we can no longer remember.
Описание слайда:
Interesting facts: 1) We forget 90% of our dreams. During the first 5 minutes after waking man remembers almost all sleep, but after 10 minutes after waking up - 90%, we can no longer remember.

Слайд 4

       In  Interesting facts about DREAMS      , слайд №4
Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

       In  Interesting facts about DREAMS      , слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

The most common emotion in dreams is anxiety. People are more prone to negative emotions in dreams than positive.
Описание слайда:
The most common emotion in dreams is anxiety. People are more prone to negative emotions in dreams than positive.

Слайд 7

Number of dreams in one night
It turns out that the average person sees one night from 4 to 7 dreams. Which takes from one to two hours.
*on the average – в среднем
Описание слайда:
Number of dreams in one night It turns out that the average person sees one night from 4 to 7 dreams. Which takes from one to two hours. *on the average – в среднем

Слайд 8

Dreams of men and women.
 Men and women have dreams differently. The men in my dreams, about 70% of characters - men and emotions. In women, the number of male and female characters about the same.
Описание слайда:
Dreams of men and women. Men and women have dreams differently. The men in my dreams, about 70% of characters - men and emotions. In women, the number of male and female characters about the same.

Слайд 9

Thank you for your attention
Описание слайда:
Thank you for your attention

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