🗊Презентация Inductance. Self-inductance

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Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №1Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №2Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №3Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №4Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №5Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №6Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №7Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №8Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №9Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №10Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №11Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №12Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №13Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №14Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №15Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №16Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №17Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №18Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №19Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №20Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №21Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №22Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №23Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №24Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №25Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №26Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №27Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №28Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №29Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №30Inductance. Self-inductance, слайд №31

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Physics 1

Voronkov Vladimir Vasilyevich
Описание слайда:
Physics 1 Voronkov Vladimir Vasilyevich

Слайд 2

Lecture  14
RL Circuits
Energy in a Magnetic Field
Mutual inductance
LC circuit – harmonic oscillations
RLC circuit – damped harmonic oscillations
Описание слайда:
Lecture 14 Inductance Self-inductance RL Circuits Energy in a Magnetic Field Mutual inductance LC circuit – harmonic oscillations RLC circuit – damped harmonic oscillations

Слайд 3

	When  the  switch  is  thrown  to  its  closed  position,  the  current  does  not immediately  jump from zero to its maximum value /R. As the current increases with time, the magnetic flux through the circuit loop due to this current also increases with  time. This  increasing flux  creates  an  induced  emf  in  the  circuit. The direction of the induced emf is such that it would cause an induced current in the loop), which would establish  a magnetic field opposing the change in the original magnetic field. Thus, the direction of the induced emf is opposite the direction of the emf of the battery; this results in a gradual rather than instantaneous increase in the current to its final equilibrium value. Because of the direction of  the  induced emf,  it  is also called a back emf. This effect is called self-induction because the changing flux through the circuit and the resultant induced emf arise from the circuit itself. The emf L set up in this case is called a self-induced emf.
Описание слайда:
Self-inductance When the switch is thrown to its closed position, the current does not immediately jump from zero to its maximum value /R. As the current increases with time, the magnetic flux through the circuit loop due to this current also increases with time. This increasing flux creates an induced emf in the circuit. The direction of the induced emf is such that it would cause an induced current in the loop), which would establish a magnetic field opposing the change in the original magnetic field. Thus, the direction of the induced emf is opposite the direction of the emf of the battery; this results in a gradual rather than instantaneous increase in the current to its final equilibrium value. Because of the direction of the induced emf, it is also called a back emf. This effect is called self-induction because the changing flux through the circuit and the resultant induced emf arise from the circuit itself. The emf L set up in this case is called a self-induced emf.

Слайд 4

	(a) A current in the coil produces a magnetic field directed to the left.
	(a) A current in the coil produces a magnetic field directed to the left.
Описание слайда:
(a) A current in the coil produces a magnetic field directed to the left. (a) A current in the coil produces a magnetic field directed to the left.

Слайд 5

Self-induced emf
Описание слайда:
Self-induced emf

Слайд 6

From last expression it follows that
So inductance is a measure of the opposition to a change in current.
Описание слайда:
From last expression it follows that So inductance is a measure of the opposition to a change in current.

Слайд 7

Ideal Solenoid Inductance
	Combining the last expression with Faraday’s law, L = -N dB/dt, we see that the inductance of a closely spaced coil of N turns (a toroid or an ideal solenoid) carrying a current I and containing N turns is
Описание слайда:
Ideal Solenoid Inductance Combining the last expression with Faraday’s law, L = -N dB/dt, we see that the inductance of a closely spaced coil of N turns (a toroid or an ideal solenoid) carrying a current I and containing N turns is

Слайд 8

Series RL Circuit
	An  inductor  in a circuit opposes changes  in the current  in that circuit:
Описание слайда:
Series RL Circuit An inductor in a circuit opposes changes in the current in that circuit:

Слайд 9

Change of variables: x = (/R) – I
Change of variables: x = (/R) – I
     dx = - d

where  x0 is  the  value  of  x at t = 0.
Описание слайда:
Change of variables: x = (/R) – I Change of variables: x = (/R) – I dx = - d where x0 is the value of x at t = 0.

Слайд 10

Taking the antilogarithm of the last result:
Taking the antilogarithm of the last result:
Because I = 0 at t = 0, we note from the definition of x that x0 = /R. Hence, this last expression is equivalent to
Описание слайда:
Taking the antilogarithm of the last result: Taking the antilogarithm of the last result: Because I = 0 at t = 0, we note from the definition of x that x0 = /R. Hence, this last expression is equivalent to

Слайд 11

	The time constant  is the time interval required for I to reach 0.632 (1-e-1) of its maximum value.
	The time constant  is the time interval required for I to reach 0.632 (1-e-1) of its maximum value.
Описание слайда:
The time constant  is the time interval required for I to reach 0.632 (1-e-1) of its maximum value. The time constant  is the time interval required for I to reach 0.632 (1-e-1) of its maximum value.

Слайд 12

Energy in an Inductor
	Multiplying by I the expression for RL–circuit we obtain:
	So here I is the power output of the battery, I2R is the power dissipated on the resistor, then LIdI/dt is the power delivering to the inductor. Let’s U denote as the energy stored in the inductor, then:
Описание слайда:
Energy in an Inductor Multiplying by I the expression for RL–circuit we obtain: So here I is the power output of the battery, I2R is the power dissipated on the resistor, then LIdI/dt is the power delivering to the inductor. Let’s U denote as the energy stored in the inductor, then:

Слайд 13

After integration of the last formula:
After integration of the last formula:
L is the inductance of the inductor, 
I is the current in the inductor,
U is the energy stored in the magnetic field of the inductor.
Описание слайда:
After integration of the last formula: After integration of the last formula: L is the inductance of the inductor, I is the current in the inductor, U is the energy stored in the magnetic field of the inductor.

Слайд 14

Magnetic Field Energy Density
Inductance for solenoid is:
The magnetic field of a solenoid is:
Al is the volume of the solenoid, then the energy density of the magnetic field is:
Описание слайда:
Magnetic Field Energy Density Inductance for solenoid is: The magnetic field of a solenoid is: Then: Al is the volume of the solenoid, then the energy density of the magnetic field is:

Слайд 15

uB is the energy density of the magnetic field
uB is the energy density of the magnetic field
B is the magnetic field vector
 0 is the free space permeability for the magnetic field, a constant.
Though this formula was obtained for solenoid, it’s valid for any region of space where a magnetic field exists.
Описание слайда:
uB is the energy density of the magnetic field uB is the energy density of the magnetic field B is the magnetic field vector 0 is the free space permeability for the magnetic field, a constant. Though this formula was obtained for solenoid, it’s valid for any region of space where a magnetic field exists.

Слайд 16

Mutual Inductance
	A cross-sectional view of two adjacent coils. The current I1 in coil 1, which has N1 turns, creates a magnetic field. Some of the magnetic field  lines pass  through  coil  2, which has N2 turns. The magnetic flux caused  by  the  current  in  coil  1  and  passing  through  coil  2  is  represented  by  F12. The mutual  inductance M12 of  coil  2  with respect to coil 1 is:
Описание слайда:
Mutual Inductance A cross-sectional view of two adjacent coils. The current I1 in coil 1, which has N1 turns, creates a magnetic field. Some of the magnetic field lines pass through coil 2, which has N2 turns. The magnetic flux caused by the current in coil 1 and passing through coil 2 is represented by F12. The mutual inductance M12 of coil 2 with respect to coil 1 is:

Слайд 17

Mutual inductance depends on the geometry of both circuits and on their orientation with respect to each other. As the circuit separation distance increases, the mutual inductance decreases because the flux linking the circuits decreases.
Описание слайда:
Mutual inductance depends on the geometry of both circuits and on their orientation with respect to each other. As the circuit separation distance increases, the mutual inductance decreases because the flux linking the circuits decreases.

Слайд 18

The emf induced by coil 1 in coil 2 is:
The emf induced by coil 1 in coil 2 is:
The preceding discussion can be repeated to show that there  is a mutual  inductance M21. The emf induced by coil 1 in coil 2 is:
In mutual  induction,  the  emf  induced  in  one  coil  is  always  proportional  to the rate  at  which  the  current  in  the  other  coil  is  changing.
Описание слайда:
The emf induced by coil 1 in coil 2 is: The emf induced by coil 1 in coil 2 is: The preceding discussion can be repeated to show that there is a mutual inductance M21. The emf induced by coil 1 in coil 2 is: In mutual induction, the emf induced in one coil is always proportional to the rate at which the current in the other coil is changing.

Слайд 19

	Although  the proportionality  constants  M12 and  M21 have  been  obtained  separately,  it  can  be shown  that  they  are  equal. Thus, with M12 = M21 = M, the expressions for induced emf takes the form:
	Although  the proportionality  constants  M12 and  M21 have  been  obtained  separately,  it  can  be shown  that  they  are  equal. Thus, with M12 = M21 = M, the expressions for induced emf takes the form:
	These two expression are similar to that for the self-induced emf:  = - L(dI/dt).
	The unit of mutual inductance is the henry.
Описание слайда:
Although the proportionality constants M12 and M21 have been obtained separately, it can be shown that they are equal. Thus, with M12 = M21 = M, the expressions for induced emf takes the form: Although the proportionality constants M12 and M21 have been obtained separately, it can be shown that they are equal. Thus, with M12 = M21 = M, the expressions for induced emf takes the form: These two expression are similar to that for the self-induced emf:  = - L(dI/dt). The unit of mutual inductance is the henry.

Слайд 20

LC Circuit Oscillations
If  the  capacitor  is  initially  charged  and  the  switch  is  then closed, we find  that both  the  current  in  the  circuit  and  the  charge on  the  capacitor oscillate between maximum positive and negative values. 
We assume:
the resistance of the circuit is  zero, then no  energy  is dissipated,
energy is not radiated away from the circuit.
Описание слайда:
LC Circuit Oscillations If the capacitor is initially charged and the switch is then closed, we find that both the current in the circuit and the charge on the capacitor oscillate between maximum positive and negative values. We assume: the resistance of the circuit is zero, then no energy is dissipated, energy is not radiated away from the circuit.

Слайд 21

The energy of the LC system is:
The energy of the LC system is:
U=const as we supposed no energy loss:
Using that I=dQ/dt we can write:
Описание слайда:
The energy of the LC system is: The energy of the LC system is: U=const as we supposed no energy loss: Using that I=dQ/dt we can write:

Слайд 22

The solution for the equation is: 
The angular frequency of the oscillations depends solely on the inductance and capacitance of the circuit. This is the natural frequency (частота собственных колебаний) of oscillation of the LC circuit.
Описание слайда:
The solution for the equation is: The angular frequency of the oscillations depends solely on the inductance and capacitance of the circuit. This is the natural frequency (частота собственных колебаний) of oscillation of the LC circuit.

Слайд 23

Then the current is:
Then the current is:
Choosing the initial conditions: at t = 0, I = 0 and Q = Qmax we determine that =0.
Eventually, the charge in the capacitor and the current in the inductor are:
Описание слайда:
Then the current is: Then the current is: Choosing the initial conditions: at t = 0, I = 0 and Q = Qmax we determine that =0. Eventually, the charge in the capacitor and the current in the inductor are:

Слайд 24

	Graph of charge versus time 
	Graph of current versus time for a resistanceless, nonradiating LC circuit. 
	NOTE: Q and I are 90° out of phase with each other.
Описание слайда:
Graph of charge versus time and Graph of current versus time for a resistanceless, nonradiating LC circuit. NOTE: Q and I are 90° out of phase with each other.

Слайд 25

Plots of UC versus t and UL versus t for a resistanceless, nonradiating LC circuit. 
Plots of UC versus t and UL versus t for a resistanceless, nonradiating LC circuit. 
The sum of the two curves is a constant and equal to the total energy stored in the circuit.
Описание слайда:
Plots of UC versus t and UL versus t for a resistanceless, nonradiating LC circuit. Plots of UC versus t and UL versus t for a resistanceless, nonradiating LC circuit. The sum of the two curves is a constant and equal to the total energy stored in the circuit.

Слайд 26

RLC circuit
	A series RLC circuit. Switch S1 is closed and the capacitor is charged. S1 is then opened and, at t = 0, switch S2 is closed.
Описание слайда:
RLC circuit A series RLC circuit. Switch S1 is closed and the capacitor is charged. S1 is then opened and, at t = 0, switch S2 is closed.

Слайд 27

Energy is dissipated on the resistor:
Energy is dissipated on the resistor:
Using the equation for dU/dt in the LC-circuit (slide 2):
Using that I=dQ/dt:
Описание слайда:
Energy is dissipated on the resistor: Energy is dissipated on the resistor: Using the equation for dU/dt in the LC-circuit (slide 2): Using that I=dQ/dt:

Слайд 28

The  RLC circuit  is  analogous  to  the  damped  harmonic  oscillator, where R is damping coefficient.
The  RLC circuit  is  analogous  to  the  damped  harmonic  oscillator, where R is damping coefficient.
Here b is damping coefficient. When b=0, we have pure harmonic oscillations.
Solution is:
RC is the critical resistance:
When R<RC oscillations are damped harmonic.
When R>RC oscillations are damped unharmonic.
Описание слайда:
The RLC circuit is analogous to the damped harmonic oscillator, where R is damping coefficient. The RLC circuit is analogous to the damped harmonic oscillator, where R is damping coefficient. Here b is damping coefficient. When b=0, we have pure harmonic oscillations. Solution is: RC is the critical resistance: When R<RC oscillations are damped harmonic. When R>RC oscillations are damped unharmonic.

Слайд 29

The charge decays in damped harmonic way when
The charge decays in damped harmonic way when
Описание слайда:
The charge decays in damped harmonic way when The charge decays in damped harmonic way when

Слайд 30

Charge decays in damped inharmonic way when R>RC, then the RLC circuit is overdamped.
Charge decays in damped inharmonic way when R>RC, then the RLC circuit is overdamped.
Описание слайда:
Charge decays in damped inharmonic way when R>RC, then the RLC circuit is overdamped. Charge decays in damped inharmonic way when R>RC, then the RLC circuit is overdamped.

Слайд 31

Units in Si
Inductance		  L   	H (henry): 1H=V*s/A
Mutual Inductance	  M   	H (henry): 1H=V*s/A
Energy density 	  u    J/m3
Описание слайда:
Units in Si Inductance L H (henry): 1H=V*s/A Mutual Inductance M H (henry): 1H=V*s/A Energy density u J/m3

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