🗊London the capital of the UK Timasheva Regina gr.5201

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London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №1London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №2London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №3London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №4London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №5London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №6London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №7London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №8London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №9London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №10London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №11London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №12London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №13London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №14London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №15London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №16London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №17London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №18London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №19London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №20London the capital of the UK  Timasheva Regina  gr.5201, слайд №21

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Слайд 1

London the capital of the UK
Timasheva Regina
Описание слайда:
London the capital of the UK Timasheva Regina gr.5201

Слайд 2

     London- the city and the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Administrative forms a region of England Greater London, divided into 32 self-governing region and the City.
     London- the city and the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Administrative forms a region of England Greater London, divided into 32 self-governing region and the City.
Описание слайда:
London- the city and the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Administrative forms a region of England Greater London, divided into 32 self-governing region and the City. London- the city and the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Administrative forms a region of England Greater London, divided into 32 self-governing region and the City.

Слайд 3

     Population - 8.3 million people (2012), the second largest city in Europe.
     Population - 8.3 million people (2012), the second largest city in Europe.
     The main political, economic and cultural center of the United Kingdom.
      Founded about 43 years under the name Londinium by the Romans soon after their invasion of Britain. In I-III centuries - the capital of Roman Britain, with the XI-XII centuries - England, since 1707 - the UK, from the XVI to the XX century - the British Empire. From 1825 to 1925, was the largest city in the world.
Описание слайда:
Population - 8.3 million people (2012), the second largest city in Europe. Population - 8.3 million people (2012), the second largest city in Europe. The main political, economic and cultural center of the United Kingdom. Founded about 43 years under the name Londinium by the Romans soon after their invasion of Britain. In I-III centuries - the capital of Roman Britain, with the XI-XII centuries - England, since 1707 - the UK, from the XVI to the XX century - the British Empire. From 1825 to 1925, was the largest city in the world.

Слайд 4

  London covers an area of ​​about 1580 km ².            Around London, an area 554,700 hectares (2011) placed the "green zone" established after the Second World War in order to prevent the further spread of.
  London covers an area of ​​about 1580 km ².            Around London, an area 554,700 hectares (2011) placed the "green zone" established after the Second World War in order to prevent the further spread of.
  London suffered from smoke air since the Middle Ages, has been dubbed the Great Smog.
  The Thames is one of the cleanest rivers in the world that flows through the capital
Описание слайда:
London covers an area of ​​about 1580 km ². Around London, an area 554,700 hectares (2011) placed the "green zone" established after the Second World War in order to prevent the further spread of. London covers an area of ​​about 1580 km ². Around London, an area 554,700 hectares (2011) placed the "green zone" established after the Second World War in order to prevent the further spread of. London suffered from smoke air since the Middle Ages, has been dubbed the Great Smog. The Thames is one of the cleanest rivers in the world that flows through the capital

Слайд 5

     According to the 2011 census, living in London, 8,173,900 people (more than in Scotland and Northern Ireland combined). On average, during the day in London remains about 9.3 million people.
     According to the 2011 census, living in London, 8,173,900 people (more than in Scotland and Northern Ireland combined). On average, during the day in London remains about 9.3 million people.
Roughly from 1825 to 1925, London was the most populated city in the world, after which it was ahead of New York.
In 1939, the population of London reached a historical high of 8.6 million inhabitants.
Now it is the second largest city in Europe.
Описание слайда:
According to the 2011 census, living in London, 8,173,900 people (more than in Scotland and Northern Ireland combined). On average, during the day in London remains about 9.3 million people. According to the 2011 census, living in London, 8,173,900 people (more than in Scotland and Northern Ireland combined). On average, during the day in London remains about 9.3 million people. Roughly from 1825 to 1925, London was the most populated city in the world, after which it was ahead of New York. In 1939, the population of London reached a historical high of 8.6 million inhabitants. Now it is the second largest city in Europe.

Слайд 6

    Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and East End.
     City - the oldest part of London, its financial and commercial center. Westminster - it's the business part of the aristocratic London. It includes Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives and where the building of the Parliament.
    West End - the place of residence of rich people. This is the most beautiful part of London.
     East End - an industrial area of ​​London.
    Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and East End.
     City - the oldest part of London, its financial and commercial center. Westminster - it's the business part of the aristocratic London. It includes Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives and where the building of the Parliament.
    West End - the place of residence of rich people. This is the most beautiful part of London.
     East End - an industrial area of ​​London.
Описание слайда:
Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and East End. City - the oldest part of London, its financial and commercial center. Westminster - it's the business part of the aristocratic London. It includes Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives and where the building of the Parliament. West End - the place of residence of rich people. This is the most beautiful part of London. East End - an industrial area of ​​London. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and East End. City - the oldest part of London, its financial and commercial center. Westminster - it's the business part of the aristocratic London. It includes Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives and where the building of the Parliament. West End - the place of residence of rich people. This is the most beautiful part of London. East End - an industrial area of ​​London.

Слайд 7

     London has many attractions. One of them - the Houses of Parliament, where is the British government. Here you can see the famous Big Ben clock tower - symbol of London. Big Ben - is a real bell that beats every quarter of an hour. Another attraction of London - Buckingham Palace. It is the residence of the queen. London has many other interesting places: Trafalgar Square, Regent's Park, Westminster Abbey and, of course, the British Museum.
     London has many attractions. One of them - the Houses of Parliament, where is the British government. Here you can see the famous Big Ben clock tower - symbol of London. Big Ben - is a real bell that beats every quarter of an hour. Another attraction of London - Buckingham Palace. It is the residence of the queen. London has many other interesting places: Trafalgar Square, Regent's Park, Westminster Abbey and, of course, the British Museum.
Описание слайда:
London has many attractions. One of them - the Houses of Parliament, where is the British government. Here you can see the famous Big Ben clock tower - symbol of London. Big Ben - is a real bell that beats every quarter of an hour. Another attraction of London - Buckingham Palace. It is the residence of the queen. London has many other interesting places: Trafalgar Square, Regent's Park, Westminster Abbey and, of course, the British Museum. London has many attractions. One of them - the Houses of Parliament, where is the British government. Here you can see the famous Big Ben clock tower - symbol of London. Big Ben - is a real bell that beats every quarter of an hour. Another attraction of London - Buckingham Palace. It is the residence of the queen. London has many other interesting places: Trafalgar Square, Regent's Park, Westminster Abbey and, of course, the British Museum.

Слайд 8

It is interesting!
     The St. Paul's Cathedral can be seen trees with bright blue trunks. Australian artist Konstantin Dimopoulos decided to stress the importance of trees and the problem of deforestation, unfortunately, most people just do not pay attention to the trees as long as they are not cut down.
Описание слайда:
It is interesting! The St. Paul's Cathedral can be seen trees with bright blue trunks. Australian artist Konstantin Dimopoulos decided to stress the importance of trees and the problem of deforestation, unfortunately, most people just do not pay attention to the trees as long as they are not cut down.

Слайд 9

     "Little Venice" is not far from Paddington Station, one need only take a walk along the Regent's Canal.
     "Little Venice" is not far from Paddington Station, one need only take a walk along the Regent's Canal.
Описание слайда:
"Little Venice" is not far from Paddington Station, one need only take a walk along the Regent's Canal. "Little Venice" is not far from Paddington Station, one need only take a walk along the Regent's Canal.

Слайд 10

     Trafalgar Square in central London is rightly attracts thousands of tourists. On the ground in front of the National Gallery. Couple resourceful "artists" decided to play on the patriotism of foreign tourists. They painted on the pavement flags of many nations. Someone threw the flag of his country's first coin, most likely by the artists themselves, but gradually on the flags of the tourists begin to "vote" for their country a coin. 
     Trafalgar Square in central London is rightly attracts thousands of tourists. On the ground in front of the National Gallery. Couple resourceful "artists" decided to play on the patriotism of foreign tourists. They painted on the pavement flags of many nations. Someone threw the flag of his country's first coin, most likely by the artists themselves, but gradually on the flags of the tourists begin to "vote" for their country a coin.
Описание слайда:
Trafalgar Square in central London is rightly attracts thousands of tourists. On the ground in front of the National Gallery. Couple resourceful "artists" decided to play on the patriotism of foreign tourists. They painted on the pavement flags of many nations. Someone threw the flag of his country's first coin, most likely by the artists themselves, but gradually on the flags of the tourists begin to "vote" for their country a coin. Trafalgar Square in central London is rightly attracts thousands of tourists. On the ground in front of the National Gallery. Couple resourceful "artists" decided to play on the patriotism of foreign tourists. They painted on the pavement flags of many nations. Someone threw the flag of his country's first coin, most likely by the artists themselves, but gradually on the flags of the tourists begin to "vote" for their country a coin.

Слайд 11

     The London zoo — one of the largest zoos in the world, is based in 1828 by sir Thomas Stemford Rafflz. It is located in northern part of Ridzhents-park on border between the Areas of Westminster and Camden.
     The London zoo — one of the largest zoos in the world, is based in 1828 by sir Thomas Stemford Rafflz. It is located in northern part of Ridzhents-park on border between the Areas of Westminster and Camden.
     By the way, this zoo was visited by Harry Potter in the movie "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone".
Описание слайда:
The London zoo — one of the largest zoos in the world, is based in 1828 by sir Thomas Stemford Rafflz. It is located in northern part of Ridzhents-park on border between the Areas of Westminster and Camden. The London zoo — one of the largest zoos in the world, is based in 1828 by sir Thomas Stemford Rafflz. It is located in northern part of Ridzhents-park on border between the Areas of Westminster and Camden. By the way, this zoo was visited by Harry Potter in the movie "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone".

Слайд 12

     Kuperskhildsky cheese race (Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling) is carried out every year last Monday of May on Cooper's hill near Gloucester to Kotsuoldse, England.
     Kuperskhildsky cheese race (Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling) is carried out every year last Monday of May on Cooper's hill near Gloucester to Kotsuoldse, England.
     Rules of race are extremely simple. When participants gathered on hill top, from it on a signal start up a cheese. Who the first will cross the finish line, receives cheese as a prize.
Описание слайда:
Kuperskhildsky cheese race (Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling) is carried out every year last Monday of May on Cooper's hill near Gloucester to Kotsuoldse, England. Kuperskhildsky cheese race (Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling) is carried out every year last Monday of May on Cooper's hill near Gloucester to Kotsuoldse, England. Rules of race are extremely simple. When participants gathered on hill top, from it on a signal start up a cheese. Who the first will cross the finish line, receives cheese as a prize.

Слайд 13

     The huge royal park (the former hunting grounds of monarchs) in the southeast of London is well-known for the observatory of sir Christopher Rehn: through the territory of its yard passes that Zero meridian that divides our planet into two hemispheres — the West and the East and is a reference point of all time zones.
     The huge royal park (the former hunting grounds of monarchs) in the southeast of London is well-known for the observatory of sir Christopher Rehn: through the territory of its yard passes that Zero meridian that divides our planet into two hemispheres — the West and the East and is a reference point of all time zones.
Описание слайда:
The huge royal park (the former hunting grounds of monarchs) in the southeast of London is well-known for the observatory of sir Christopher Rehn: through the territory of its yard passes that Zero meridian that divides our planet into two hemispheres — the West and the East and is a reference point of all time zones. The huge royal park (the former hunting grounds of monarchs) in the southeast of London is well-known for the observatory of sir Christopher Rehn: through the territory of its yard passes that Zero meridian that divides our planet into two hemispheres — the West and the East and is a reference point of all time zones.

Слайд 14

     The traffic light tree on crossing of streets Marsh Uoll and Uestferri Road was "planted" in 1999 by Pierre Vivan. The tree consisted of 75 traffic lights. In 2011 the intersection reconstructed and a tree cleaned.
     The traffic light tree on crossing of streets Marsh Uoll and Uestferri Road was "planted" in 1999 by Pierre Vivan. The tree consisted of 75 traffic lights. In 2011 the intersection reconstructed and a tree cleaned.
Описание слайда:
The traffic light tree on crossing of streets Marsh Uoll and Uestferri Road was "planted" in 1999 by Pierre Vivan. The tree consisted of 75 traffic lights. In 2011 the intersection reconstructed and a tree cleaned. The traffic light tree on crossing of streets Marsh Uoll and Uestferri Road was "planted" in 1999 by Pierre Vivan. The tree consisted of 75 traffic lights. In 2011 the intersection reconstructed and a tree cleaned.

Слайд 15

     On April 13 in London passed "Tweed Cross-country" (Tweed Run).
     On April 13 in London passed "Tweed Cross-country" (Tweed Run).
     Indispensable condition for participants - the tweed suit being traditional for British cyclists. Vintage style of action reproduces the atmosphere of last time.
Описание слайда:
On April 13 in London passed "Tweed Cross-country" (Tweed Run). On April 13 in London passed "Tweed Cross-country" (Tweed Run). Indispensable condition for participants - the tweed suit being traditional for British cyclists. Vintage style of action reproduces the atmosphere of last time.

Слайд 16

     Pillow Fight Day is a global flashmob which arrange worldwide on April 6. Yesterday hundreds people gathered on the Trafalgar Square in London to beat each other pillows and to laugh with all the heart.
     Pillow Fight Day is a global flashmob which arrange worldwide on April 6. Yesterday hundreds people gathered on the Trafalgar Square in London to beat each other pillows and to laugh with all the heart.
Описание слайда:
Pillow Fight Day is a global flashmob which arrange worldwide on April 6. Yesterday hundreds people gathered on the Trafalgar Square in London to beat each other pillows and to laugh with all the heart. Pillow Fight Day is a global flashmob which arrange worldwide on April 6. Yesterday hundreds people gathered on the Trafalgar Square in London to beat each other pillows and to laugh with all the heart.

Слайд 17

     Certainly, one of important components of London - ridiculous, cunning and eternally hungry proteins.
Описание слайда:
Certainly, one of important components of London - ridiculous, cunning and eternally hungry proteins.

Слайд 18

     If you dreamed to spend the night in the London Natural History Museum, this dream is feasible for 175 pounds sterling from the person. The dinner, show is included in the sum the program, a lottery and certainly, horror films on the big screen. Unfortunately, even for this impressive sum to you won't provide a sleeping bag therefore it is necessary to bear own.
     If you dreamed to spend the night in the London Natural History Museum, this dream is feasible for 175 pounds sterling from the person. The dinner, show is included in the sum the program, a lottery and certainly, horror films on the big screen. Unfortunately, even for this impressive sum to you won't provide a sleeping bag therefore it is necessary to bear own.
Описание слайда:
If you dreamed to spend the night in the London Natural History Museum, this dream is feasible for 175 pounds sterling from the person. The dinner, show is included in the sum the program, a lottery and certainly, horror films on the big screen. Unfortunately, even for this impressive sum to you won't provide a sleeping bag therefore it is necessary to bear own. If you dreamed to spend the night in the London Natural History Museum, this dream is feasible for 175 pounds sterling from the person. The dinner, show is included in the sum the program, a lottery and certainly, horror films on the big screen. Unfortunately, even for this impressive sum to you won't provide a sleeping bag therefore it is necessary to bear own.

Слайд 19

     In 1664 the Russian Ambassador brought to London pack of pelicans - a gift to King Charles II. Since then in royal park St. James's, near the Buckingham palace, live these big beautiful birds, entertaining tourists and locals. Among them one pelican to whom named Willie especially caused a stir. It is well-known for that with pleasure poses for photographers and likes to sit on a shop with the friends.
     In 1664 the Russian Ambassador brought to London pack of pelicans - a gift to King Charles II. Since then in royal park St. James's, near the Buckingham palace, live these big beautiful birds, entertaining tourists and locals. Among them one pelican to whom named Willie especially caused a stir. It is well-known for that with pleasure poses for photographers and likes to sit on a shop with the friends.
Описание слайда:
In 1664 the Russian Ambassador brought to London pack of pelicans - a gift to King Charles II. Since then in royal park St. James's, near the Buckingham palace, live these big beautiful birds, entertaining tourists and locals. Among them one pelican to whom named Willie especially caused a stir. It is well-known for that with pleasure poses for photographers and likes to sit on a shop with the friends. In 1664 the Russian Ambassador brought to London pack of pelicans - a gift to King Charles II. Since then in royal park St. James's, near the Buckingham palace, live these big beautiful birds, entertaining tourists and locals. Among them one pelican to whom named Willie especially caused a stir. It is well-known for that with pleasure poses for photographers and likes to sit on a shop with the friends.

Слайд 20

10 facts about Tower Bridge:

•    On construction of the bridge eight years were required, in it participated five chief contractors and 432 workers-builders.   
•    To build a framework of towers and passes, 11 000 tons of steel were required.
•    Once in 1952 the bridge unexpectedly started drawing, and the London bus which was on the bridge, was compelled to make "jump" from one flight on another.
 •    In 1977, in honor of Silver anniversary of reign of the queen, Tower Bridge was recoloured in red, white and blue colors (before it was chocolate color).
 •    In 1982, for the first time since 1910, transitions of Tower Bridge were glazed and open for general public, together with constantly operating Museum of Tower Bridge (Tower Bridge Exhibition), located in its towers •   Since 1994 Tower Bridge is leased for carrying out solemn evenings and receptions.  
•    In May, 1997 "unexpectedly" opened Tower Bridge divided a motorcade of the American President Bill Clinton.  
•    In 2012 the bridge celebrated the 30 anniversary of the museum. • Total length of Tower Bridge makes 244 meters, and length of the central flight between towers reaches 61 meters.
•     Michael Williams spent 10 years and 1,6 million matches for creation of the copy of Tower Bridge.
Описание слайда:
10 facts about Tower Bridge: • On construction of the bridge eight years were required, in it participated five chief contractors and 432 workers-builders. • To build a framework of towers and passes, 11 000 tons of steel were required. • Once in 1952 the bridge unexpectedly started drawing, and the London bus which was on the bridge, was compelled to make "jump" from one flight on another. • In 1977, in honor of Silver anniversary of reign of the queen, Tower Bridge was recoloured in red, white and blue colors (before it was chocolate color). • In 1982, for the first time since 1910, transitions of Tower Bridge were glazed and open for general public, together with constantly operating Museum of Tower Bridge (Tower Bridge Exhibition), located in its towers • Since 1994 Tower Bridge is leased for carrying out solemn evenings and receptions. • In May, 1997 "unexpectedly" opened Tower Bridge divided a motorcade of the American President Bill Clinton. • In 2012 the bridge celebrated the 30 anniversary of the museum. • Total length of Tower Bridge makes 244 meters, and length of the central flight between towers reaches 61 meters. • Michael Williams spent 10 years and 1,6 million matches for creation of the copy of Tower Bridge.

Слайд 21

     "It indeed astounding city! The most surprising that with each its new visit, paints don't grow dull, and admiration of this city doesn't weaken. But little by little impressions become more counterbalanced, and perception of details — pragmatic. Already you cease to go on it, having slightly opened a mouth. You start noticing, many things, whether it be paving slabs or the organization of public transport" are how well thought over and executed here. © Anatoly Strunin
     "It indeed astounding city! The most surprising that with each its new visit, paints don't grow dull, and admiration of this city doesn't weaken. But little by little impressions become more counterbalanced, and perception of details — pragmatic. Already you cease to go on it, having slightly opened a mouth. You start noticing, many things, whether it be paving slabs or the organization of public transport" are how well thought over and executed here. © Anatoly Strunin
Описание слайда:
"It indeed astounding city! The most surprising that with each its new visit, paints don't grow dull, and admiration of this city doesn't weaken. But little by little impressions become more counterbalanced, and perception of details — pragmatic. Already you cease to go on it, having slightly opened a mouth. You start noticing, many things, whether it be paving slabs or the organization of public transport" are how well thought over and executed here. © Anatoly Strunin "It indeed astounding city! The most surprising that with each its new visit, paints don't grow dull, and admiration of this city doesn't weaken. But little by little impressions become more counterbalanced, and perception of details — pragmatic. Already you cease to go on it, having slightly opened a mouth. You start noticing, many things, whether it be paving slabs or the organization of public transport" are how well thought over and executed here. © Anatoly Strunin

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