🗊Презентация Modal verbs in school life

Категория: Английский язык
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Modal verbs in school life, слайд №1Modal verbs in school life, слайд №2Modal verbs in school life, слайд №3Modal verbs in school life, слайд №4Modal verbs in school life, слайд №5Modal verbs in school life, слайд №6Modal verbs in school life, слайд №7Modal verbs in school life, слайд №8Modal verbs in school life, слайд №9Modal verbs in school life, слайд №10Modal verbs in school life, слайд №11

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Modal Verbs  
in school life
Описание слайда:
Modal Verbs in school life

Слайд 2

Modal verbs in school life, слайд №2
Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

Modal verbs in school life, слайд №3
Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

кирәк – кирәкми, кирәк түгел
ярый – ярамый
мөмкин – мөмкин түгел
тиеш – тиеш түгел 
була - булмый
Описание слайда:
кирәк – кирәкми, кирәк түгел ярый – ярамый мөмкин – мөмкин түгел тиеш – тиеш түгел була - булмый

Слайд 6

1. Дәрестә тәрәзәгә карап     утырырга_______, укытучыны тыңларга_______.
2. Син бу күнегүне язып бетерергә_______.
3. Кайдан алырга_______?
Описание слайда:
1. Дәрестә тәрәзәгә карап утырырга_______, укытучыны тыңларга_______. 2. Син бу күнегүне язып бетерергә_______. 3. Кайдан алырга_______?

Слайд 7

Modal verbs in school life, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

Modal verbs in school life, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

 Rules of  School
1. Children must come to school on time.
2. Children must wear a uniform.
3. Children should be polite.
4. Children should stand up when 
     a teacher comes into the class.
5. Children mustn’t bring mobile phones to class.
6. Children mustn’t play ball games in school. 
7. Children mustn’t eat or drink in the classroom.
8. Children mustn’t run in the corridor.
9. Children should say hallo when they see a teacher
Описание слайда:
Rules of School 1. Children must come to school on time. 2. Children must wear a uniform. 3. Children should be polite. 4. Children should stand up when a teacher comes into the class. 5. Children mustn’t bring mobile phones to class. 6. Children mustn’t play ball games in school. 7. Children mustn’t eat or drink in the classroom. 8. Children mustn’t run in the corridor. 9. Children should say hallo when they see a teacher

Слайд 10

Мәкальләрне туры китер:
1. Башыңа төшсә,                         үзең сайла.
 2. Кием кешене бизәсә дә,          кызга килешә.
3. Үзең киясе киемне                     башмакчы булырсың.
 4. Кызыл яулык                               гүзәл итмәс.
Описание слайда:
Мәкальләрне туры китер: 1. Башыңа төшсә, үзең сайла. 2. Кием кешене бизәсә дә, кызга килешә. 3. Үзең киясе киемне башмакчы булырсың. 4. Кызыл яулык гүзәл итмәс.

Слайд 11

Complete the sentences with one of the modal verbs listed below:
must, mustn’t, can, can’t, could, couldn’t, may, shouldn’t
You  ___ wear a coat, it’s quite warm.
Students ___ be quite when they take the test!
I ____ go to school yesterday because I was ill.
___ I open the window? It is very hot in the room.
You ___ drive fast. It’s dangerous!
When he was fifteen he ___ run fast. 
She is a famous ballerina. She ___ dance very well.
Описание слайда:
Complete the sentences with one of the modal verbs listed below: must, mustn’t, can, can’t, could, couldn’t, may, shouldn’t You ___ wear a coat, it’s quite warm. Students ___ be quite when they take the test! I ____ go to school yesterday because I was ill. ___ I open the window? It is very hot in the room. You ___ drive fast. It’s dangerous! When he was fifteen he ___ run fast. She is a famous ballerina. She ___ dance very well.

Теги Modal verbs in school life
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