🗊Modality as a text category Карпова Александра РП-31

Категория: Английский язык
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Modality as a text category  Карпова Александра РП-31, слайд №1Modality as a text category  Карпова Александра РП-31, слайд №2Modality as a text category  Карпова Александра РП-31, слайд №3Modality as a text category  Карпова Александра РП-31, слайд №4Modality as a text category  Карпова Александра РП-31, слайд №5Modality as a text category  Карпова Александра РП-31, слайд №6

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Modality as a text category
Карпова Александра РП-31
Описание слайда:
Modality as a text category Карпова Александра РП-31

Слайд 2

It is a conceptual category expressing the purposefulness of speech, the relationship of a speaker to the content of his utterance, and the relationship of the content of the utterance to reality
Описание слайда:
modality It is a conceptual category expressing the purposefulness of speech, the relationship of a speaker to the content of his utterance, and the relationship of the content of the utterance to reality

Слайд 3

Modality may signify affirmation, command, desire, permission, truth, and unreality.
Modality may signify affirmation, command, desire, permission, truth, and unreality.
It can be expressed by three categories of forms expressing modality:
Modal verbs
Modal words (perhaps, likely)
Intonational means
Описание слайда:
Modality may signify affirmation, command, desire, permission, truth, and unreality. Modality may signify affirmation, command, desire, permission, truth, and unreality. It can be expressed by three categories of forms expressing modality: Modal verbs Modal words (perhaps, likely) Intonational means

Слайд 4

Modal verbs
Modal verbs unlike other verbs, do not denote actions or states, but only show the attitude of the speaker towards the action expressed by the infinitive in combination with which they form compound modal predicates.
Описание слайда:
Modal verbs Modal verbs unlike other verbs, do not denote actions or states, but only show the attitude of the speaker towards the action expressed by the infinitive in combination with which they form compound modal predicates.

Слайд 5

There are 9 modal verbs in English
Описание слайда:
There are 9 modal verbs in English Can Could May Might Must Shall Should Will Would

Слайд 6

Position of modal verbs
Position of modal verbs
Modal verbs always appear in the first position at the beginning of the verb phrase in English. Unlike other verbs they do not show tense or number
Описание слайда:
Position of modal verbs Position of modal verbs Modal verbs always appear in the first position at the beginning of the verb phrase in English. Unlike other verbs they do not show tense or number

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