🗊Презентация Morphology

Категория: Английский язык
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Morphology, слайд №1Morphology, слайд №2Morphology, слайд №3Morphology, слайд №4Morphology, слайд №5Morphology, слайд №6Morphology, слайд №7Morphology, слайд №8Morphology, слайд №9Morphology, слайд №10Morphology, слайд №11Morphology, слайд №12

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Johann Wolfgang van Goethe
Описание слайда:
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe (1746-1832)

Слайд 3

It’s etymology is Greek “morphs” – means “shape, form”, and morphology is the study of form or forms”
Описание слайда:
It’s etymology is Greek “morphs” – means “shape, form”, and morphology is the study of form or forms”

Слайд 4

 In linguistics morphology refers to the mental system involved in word formation or to the branch of linguistics that does with words, their internal structure and how they are formed.
Описание слайда:
In linguistics morphology refers to the mental system involved in word formation or to the branch of linguistics that does with words, their internal structure and how they are formed.

Слайд 5

In linguistics a morpheme is the smallest grammatical unit in a language. In other words it is the smallest meaning full unit of the a language.
Описание слайда:
In linguistics a morpheme is the smallest grammatical unit in a language. In other words it is the smallest meaning full unit of the a language.

Слайд 6

Classification of morphemes.
Описание слайда:
Classification of morphemes.

Слайд 7

Morphology, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

Free morpheme
Описание слайда:
Free morpheme

Слайд 9

Bound morpheme
Описание слайда:
Bound morpheme

Слайд 10

Allomorphs are variants of a morpheme that differ in pronunciation but are semantically identically. 
For example: 
in English the plural marker –(e)s of regular nouns can be pronounced /-z/, /-s/ or /-iz/, depending on the final sound of noun’s singular form.
Описание слайда:
Allomorphs Allomorphs are variants of a morpheme that differ in pronunciation but are semantically identically. For example: in English the plural marker –(e)s of regular nouns can be pronounced /-z/, /-s/ or /-iz/, depending on the final sound of noun’s singular form.

Слайд 11

For example: 
For example: 
in English the plural marker –(e)s of regular nouns can be pronounced /-z/, /-s/ or /-iz/, depending on the final sound of noun’s singular form.

/s/ (e.g. in cats - /kate/s//), 
/iz/ (e.g. in dishes - /di/∫łz// and 
/z/ (e.g. in dogs - /dog/z//)
Описание слайда:
For example: For example: in English the plural marker –(e)s of regular nouns can be pronounced /-z/, /-s/ or /-iz/, depending on the final sound of noun’s singular form. /s/ (e.g. in cats - /kate/s//), /iz/ (e.g. in dishes - /di/∫łz// and /z/ (e.g. in dogs - /dog/z//)

Слайд 12

Thank you for the attention!!!
Описание слайда:
Thank you for the attention!!!

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