🗊Musical professions Favourite classmates’ hobbies

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Musical professions  Favourite classmates’ hobbies, слайд №1Musical professions  Favourite classmates’ hobbies, слайд №2Musical professions  Favourite classmates’ hobbies, слайд №3Musical professions  Favourite classmates’ hobbies, слайд №4Musical professions  Favourite classmates’ hobbies, слайд №5Musical professions  Favourite classmates’ hobbies, слайд №6Musical professions  Favourite classmates’ hobbies, слайд №7Musical professions  Favourite classmates’ hobbies, слайд №8Musical professions  Favourite classmates’ hobbies, слайд №9

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Musical professions
Favourite classmates’ hobbies
Описание слайда:
Musical professions Favourite classmates’ hobbies

Слайд 2

 Musical professions & Hobbies
2.hair stylist
5.sound engineer
6. lead singer
8. musical producer
11. compositor
Описание слайда:
Musical professions & Hobbies 1.songwriter 2.hair stylist 3.choreographer 4.manager 5.sound engineer 6. lead singer 7.singer 8. musical producer 9.dancer 10.musician 11. compositor

Слайд 3

 A songwriter writes the words of the songs
Описание слайда:
A songwriter writes the words of the songs

Слайд 4

A hair stylist is a person who does the pop star’s hair
Описание слайда:
A hair stylist is a person who does the pop star’s hair

Слайд 5

A choreographer is a person who teaches the dance routines to the performers
Описание слайда:
A choreographer is a person who teaches the dance routines to the performers

Слайд 6

A manager is a person who controls the business affairs of a star
A manager is a person who controls the business affairs of a star
Описание слайда:
A manager is a person who controls the business affairs of a star A manager is a person who controls the business affairs of a star

Слайд 7

A sound engineer is person who records the song
A sound engineer is person who records the song
Описание слайда:
A sound engineer is person who records the song A sound engineer is person who records the song

Слайд 8

A lead singer is a person who sings songs
Описание слайда:
A lead singer is a person who sings songs

Слайд 9

Let’s play a game “Hobbies”
1.What’s your hobby?
2.Who’s your favourite singer?
3.What musical
professions do you know?
4.Would you like to work in the music industry?
5.What hobbies have your classmates got?
Описание слайда:
Let’s play a game “Hobbies” 1.What’s your hobby? 2.Who’s your favourite singer? 3.What musical professions do you know? 4.Would you like to work in the music industry? 5.What hobbies have your classmates got?

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