🗊Презентация News for the youth

Категория: Английский язык
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News for the youth, слайд №1News for the youth, слайд №2News for the youth, слайд №3News for the youth, слайд №4News for the youth, слайд №5News for the youth, слайд №6

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

News for the youth
Описание слайда:
News for the youth

Слайд 2

 The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite people. We want a family to gather at the table, read this magazine because lately people spend little time with their family. 
 The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite people. We want a family to gather at the table, read this magazine because lately people spend little time with their family.
Описание слайда:
The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite people. We want a family to gather at the table, read this magazine because lately people spend little time with their family. The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite people. We want a family to gather at the table, read this magazine because lately people spend little time with their family.

Слайд 3

“Happy Family” . The magazine will be for everybody who wants to know information about:  parenting , beauty,  amazing places around the world, national food, celebrities 
“Happy Family” . The magazine will be for everybody who wants to know information about:  parenting , beauty,  amazing places around the world, national food, celebrities
Описание слайда:
“Happy Family” . The magazine will be for everybody who wants to know information about: parenting , beauty, amazing places around the world, national food, celebrities “Happy Family” . The magazine will be for everybody who wants to know information about: parenting , beauty, amazing places around the world, national food, celebrities

Слайд 4

The first section is dedicated to kids and is called “Children’s time” .Young children will develop their skills enjoying time.
The first section is dedicated to kids and is called “Children’s time” .Young children will develop their skills enjoying time.
Описание слайда:
The first section is dedicated to kids and is called “Children’s time” .Young children will develop their skills enjoying time. The first section is dedicated to kids and is called “Children’s time” .Young children will develop their skills enjoying time.

Слайд 5

The second section is dedicated to teens and is called “Teenage kick”.  Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul.
The second section is dedicated to teens and is called “Teenage kick”.  Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul.
Описание слайда:
The second section is dedicated to teens and is called “Teenage kick”. Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul. The second section is dedicated to teens and is called “Teenage kick”. Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul.

Слайд 6

The third section is dedicated to adults and is called “Parents` Life”.  Here you can find lots of information about secrets of a friendly family, parenting, relations with a difficult child, problems with health, places for rest, family future plans, love and rapport. This section will be made to establish relationships between family members and strengthen their ties.
The third section is dedicated to adults and is called “Parents` Life”.  Here you can find lots of information about secrets of a friendly family, parenting, relations with a difficult child, problems with health, places for rest, family future plans, love and rapport. This section will be made to establish relationships between family members and strengthen their ties.
Описание слайда:
The third section is dedicated to adults and is called “Parents` Life”. Here you can find lots of information about secrets of a friendly family, parenting, relations with a difficult child, problems with health, places for rest, family future plans, love and rapport. This section will be made to establish relationships between family members and strengthen their ties. The third section is dedicated to adults and is called “Parents` Life”. Here you can find lots of information about secrets of a friendly family, parenting, relations with a difficult child, problems with health, places for rest, family future plans, love and rapport. This section will be made to establish relationships between family members and strengthen their ties.

Теги News for the youth
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