🗊Презентация Passive voice in present

Категория: Английский язык
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Passive voice in present, слайд №1Passive voice in present, слайд №2Passive voice in present, слайд №3Passive voice in present, слайд №4Passive voice in present, слайд №5Passive voice in present, слайд №6Passive voice in present, слайд №7Passive voice in present, слайд №8Passive voice in present, слайд №9Passive voice in present, слайд №10

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Passive voice in present, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

To remind on Passive voice.
To improve grammar knowledge.
To activate grammar skills.
Описание слайда:
Aims: To remind on Passive voice. To improve grammar knowledge. To activate grammar skills.

Слайд 3

Compare. Passive Simple.
Is    +V3
Every day
Often, etc.
Описание слайда:
Compare. Passive Simple. Present Am Is +V3 Are Every day Usually Often, etc.

Слайд 4

    Passive                 to be + V3
Описание слайда:
So, Passive to be + V3

Слайд 5

Translate E-R.
I am told to come in time.
I was told to come in time.
The pictures are drawn every year.
The pictures were drawn many years ago.
He is brought a new book.
He was brought a new book.
Описание слайда:
Translate E-R. I am told to come in time. I was told to come in time. The pictures are drawn every year. The pictures were drawn many years ago. He is brought a new book. He was brought a new book.

Слайд 6

Fill in the blanks using am, is, are, was, were.
She … bought a new dress yesterday.
They always … given gifts for Christmas.
Nick … invited to the party last week.
These houses … built 5 years ago.
Many wonderful houses … built here every year.
I often … asked to help them. 
Radio … invented by Popov.
We … taught English twice a week.
Описание слайда:
Fill in the blanks using am, is, are, was, were. She … bought a new dress yesterday. They always … given gifts for Christmas. Nick … invited to the party last week. These houses … built 5 years ago. Many wonderful houses … built here every year. I often … asked to help them. Radio … invented by Popov. We … taught English twice a week.

Слайд 7

Translate R-E.
Вчера нас попросили принести цветы.
Нас часто просят помочь.
Питеру дали награду в прошлом году.
Их видели в Париже в прошлом месяце.
Их часто видят вместе.
Нам дали трудный тест.
Нам дают трудные тесты.
Описание слайда:
Translate R-E. Вчера нас попросили принести цветы. Нас часто просят помочь. Питеру дали награду в прошлом году. Их видели в Париже в прошлом месяце. Их часто видят вместе. Нам дали трудный тест. Нам дают трудные тесты.

Слайд 8

Try to do it yourself. Correct the mistakes.
He is taught French last year.
We were often asked to bring copy books.
Mike were helped to do his work yesterday.
They are always give home task.
I are told to cook dinner.
Описание слайда:
Try to do it yourself. Correct the mistakes. He is taught French last year. We were often asked to bring copy books. Mike were helped to do his work yesterday. They are always give home task. I are told to cook dinner.

Слайд 9

And what about Future Simple?
Future Simple Active
           + V
 Future Simple Passive?
                     shall, will be + V3
Описание слайда:
And what about Future Simple? Future Simple Active shall + V will Future Simple Passive? shall, will be + V3

Слайд 10

Change the sentences into the Future S. Passive.
He was invited to the party.
They are given a new task.
The Palace was built two centuries ago.
The cars were repaired.
Nick is given a present.
Описание слайда:
Change the sentences into the Future S. Passive. He was invited to the party. They are given a new task. The Palace was built two centuries ago. The cars were repaired. Nick is given a present.

Теги Passive voice in present
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