🗊Презентация Russia is my country

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Russia is my country, слайд №1Russia is my country, слайд №2Russia is my country, слайд №3Russia is my country, слайд №4Russia is my country, слайд №5Russia is my country, слайд №6Russia is my country, слайд №7Russia is my country, слайд №8Russia is my country, слайд №9

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Russia is my country
Описание слайда:
Russia is my country

Слайд 2

		My country is the biggest in the world.              It is 17 075 400 square kilometers. The population of
		My country is the biggest in the world.              It is 17 075 400 square kilometers. The population of
    my country is
    141  895 500 
Описание слайда:
My country is the biggest in the world. It is 17 075 400 square kilometers. The population of My country is the biggest in the world. It is 17 075 400 square kilometers. The population of my country is 141 895 500 people.

Слайд 3

		Climate in Russia is very different. Mostly it is mild. In the South of the country it is subtropical. In winter average temperature is   -15 - -20 degrees C. There are many rains in autumn in our country. Summer in my region is not very hot and often rainy.
Описание слайда:
Climate Climate in Russia is very different. Mostly it is mild. In the South of the country it is subtropical. In winter average temperature is -15 - -20 degrees C. There are many rains in autumn in our country. Summer in my region is not very hot and often rainy.

Слайд 4

Coat of arms
Описание слайда:
Coat of arms

Слайд 5

Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

President of the Russian Federation
Описание слайда:
President of the Russian Federation

Слайд 7

		The capital of my country is Moscow.                      10 562 000 people live in Moscow.   The Kremlin is the most important building in Moscow. Russian President works in the Kremlin.
Описание слайда:
Moscow The capital of my country is Moscow. 10 562 000 people live in Moscow. The Kremlin is the most important building in Moscow. Russian President works in the Kremlin.

Слайд 8

Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

Thank You!
Описание слайда:
Thank You!

Теги Russia is my country
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