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Structured products, слайд №1Structured products, слайд №2Structured products, слайд №3Structured products, слайд №4Structured products, слайд №5Structured products, слайд №6Structured products, слайд №7Structured products, слайд №8Structured products, слайд №9Structured products, слайд №10Structured products, слайд №11Structured products, слайд №12Structured products, слайд №13Structured products, слайд №14Structured products, слайд №15Structured products, слайд №16Structured products, слайд №17Structured products, слайд №18Structured products, слайд №19Structured products, слайд №20Structured products, слайд №21Structured products, слайд №22Structured products, слайд №23Structured products, слайд №24Structured products, слайд №25Structured products, слайд №26Structured products, слайд №27Structured products, слайд №28Structured products, слайд №29Structured products, слайд №30Structured products, слайд №31Structured products, слайд №32Structured products, слайд №33Structured products, слайд №34Structured products, слайд №35Structured products, слайд №36Structured products, слайд №37Structured products, слайд №38Structured products, слайд №39Structured products, слайд №40Structured products, слайд №41Structured products, слайд №42Structured products, слайд №43Structured products, слайд №44Structured products, слайд №45Structured products, слайд №46Structured products, слайд №47Structured products, слайд №48Structured products, слайд №49Structured products, слайд №50Structured products, слайд №51Structured products, слайд №52Structured products, слайд №53Structured products, слайд №54Structured products, слайд №55Structured products, слайд №56Structured products, слайд №57Structured products, слайд №58Structured products, слайд №59Structured products, слайд №60Structured products, слайд №61Structured products, слайд №62


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Слайд 1

FEFU 2016
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

What are Structured Products
Structured Product is a combination of bond + derivative
It has flexibility with respect to the underlying asset
Описание слайда:
What are Structured Products Structured Product is a combination of bond + derivative It has flexibility with respect to the underlying asset

Слайд 3

An option gives its owner the right to buy or sell an underlying asset on or before a given date at a fixed price
Options are a part of a broader asset class called contingent claims. The payoff of this asset in future depends on the outcome of an uncertain event.
Описание слайда:
Derivatives An option gives its owner the right to buy or sell an underlying asset on or before a given date at a fixed price Options are a part of a broader asset class called contingent claims. The payoff of this asset in future depends on the outcome of an uncertain event.

Слайд 4

Some Definitions
Описание слайда:
Some Definitions

Слайд 5

Types of Structured Products
CPPI ( Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance) Based Structures : The client is not guaranteed a participation in the index, but principal protection is guaranteed by dynamically reducing risk as we approach the floor.
Dynamic Portfolio Protection : This is based on the CPPI model with modifications like a moving floor due to multiplier.
Option Based Structures with Simple Payoff : Here the clients capital is locked in for a certain time and a minimum return ( could be zero) and an upside participation (typically less than 100% or with a cap) in an equity index or a set of stocks is guaranteed
Range accruals/Digitals: In these products instead of capital guarantee and upside participation , the client gets a constant coupon if the underlying stock or basket is above a certain level.
Option Based Structures with Complex Payoffs
Описание слайда:
Types of Structured Products CPPI ( Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance) Based Structures : The client is not guaranteed a participation in the index, but principal protection is guaranteed by dynamically reducing risk as we approach the floor. Dynamic Portfolio Protection : This is based on the CPPI model with modifications like a moving floor due to multiplier. Option Based Structures with Simple Payoff : Here the clients capital is locked in for a certain time and a minimum return ( could be zero) and an upside participation (typically less than 100% or with a cap) in an equity index or a set of stocks is guaranteed Range accruals/Digitals: In these products instead of capital guarantee and upside participation , the client gets a constant coupon if the underlying stock or basket is above a certain level. Option Based Structures with Complex Payoffs

Слайд 6

 	Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) is the name given to a trading strategy that is designed to ensure that a fixed minimum return is achieved either at all times or more typically, at a set date in the future
Описание слайда:
CPPI Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) is the name given to a trading strategy that is designed to ensure that a fixed minimum return is achieved either at all times or more typically, at a set date in the future

Слайд 7

Floor : Present Value of desired capital to be preserved at maturity. If the product comes with an 80% capital guarantee, the floor is 80% of the initial capital.
Cushion : Portfolio value less Floor. In the above example cushion will be 100-80 i.e.20%
Multiplier : Leverage applied to cushion
Описание слайда:
CPPI-Jargon Floor : Present Value of desired capital to be preserved at maturity. If the product comes with an 80% capital guarantee, the floor is 80% of the initial capital. Cushion : Portfolio value less Floor. In the above example cushion will be 100-80 i.e.20% Multiplier : Leverage applied to cushion

Слайд 8

How CPPI operates
Essentially the strategy involves continuously re-balancing the portfolio of investments during the term of the product between performance assets and safe assets using a set formula or mathematical algorithm. CPPI is totally rules based and non-discretionary.
Principal protection is achieved by adjusting the exposure to the performance assets such that the underlying portfolio (ie the mix of safe assets and performance assets) is able to absorb a defined decrease in value before the value of the portfolio falls below the level required to achieve principal protection. 
Описание слайда:
How CPPI operates Essentially the strategy involves continuously re-balancing the portfolio of investments during the term of the product between performance assets and safe assets using a set formula or mathematical algorithm. CPPI is totally rules based and non-discretionary. Principal protection is achieved by adjusting the exposure to the performance assets such that the underlying portfolio (ie the mix of safe assets and performance assets) is able to absorb a defined decrease in value before the value of the portfolio falls below the level required to achieve principal protection. 

Слайд 9

Structured products, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

Example of CPPI
Initial Investment : 100
Minimum Guarantee : 80 after 5years
Investment pattern if worst case scenario is taken as fall in equity of 50% overnight
60 in Deposit 40 in Equity
50% fall in equity makes equity portion to 20. Still guarantee of 80 stands (60+20)
Описание слайда:
Example of CPPI Initial Investment : 100 Minimum Guarantee : 80 after 5years Investment pattern if worst case scenario is taken as fall in equity of 50% overnight 60 in Deposit 40 in Equity 50% fall in equity makes equity portion to 20. Still guarantee of 80 stands (60+20)

Слайд 11

Example of CPPI
Same example if market rises and value of equity goes up from 40 to 50. Total portfolio value becomes 110 (60+50).
Fund provider can put 60 in equity as 50% fall will bring equity value to 30. Which still gives investor guarantee plus returns.
As the fund rises so does the minimum guaranteed investment. If initial investment of 100 becomes 125, 80% of that is 100, which the investor can be assured of getting at any point in time after that.
Описание слайда:
Example of CPPI Same example if market rises and value of equity goes up from 40 to 50. Total portfolio value becomes 110 (60+50). Fund provider can put 60 in equity as 50% fall will bring equity value to 30. Which still gives investor guarantee plus returns. As the fund rises so does the minimum guaranteed investment. If initial investment of 100 becomes 125, 80% of that is 100, which the investor can be assured of getting at any point in time after that.

Слайд 12

Risk in CPPI-Cash Locked 
In the worst case scenario the market trends downwards. Then the risky asset contentiously loses value and in order to protect the floor, more and more assets are allocated to the risk-free asset. In this worst case scenario, as soon as all assets are allocated to the risk free asset. The total value of all assets equals the floor and the is no room left for an allocation to risky assets. The strategy is “cash locked”. Upside potential disappeared and only the interest earned from the cash position can be invested in the risky asset.
Описание слайда:
Risk in CPPI-Cash Locked In the worst case scenario the market trends downwards. Then the risky asset contentiously loses value and in order to protect the floor, more and more assets are allocated to the risk-free asset. In this worst case scenario, as soon as all assets are allocated to the risk free asset. The total value of all assets equals the floor and the is no room left for an allocation to risky assets. The strategy is “cash locked”. Upside potential disappeared and only the interest earned from the cash position can be invested in the risky asset.

Слайд 13

Risk in CPPI-Model Risk
Another risk is known as Model risk. This is the risk that the market overnight collapses and more value is lost then assumed when the multiplier was set. The model risk or gap risk is either ran by the investor or by the manager. In the latter case a gap risk insurance will be charged. This risk is often reduced by a long put option position.
Описание слайда:
Risk in CPPI-Model Risk Another risk is known as Model risk. This is the risk that the market overnight collapses and more value is lost then assumed when the multiplier was set. The model risk or gap risk is either ran by the investor or by the manager. In the latter case a gap risk insurance will be charged. This risk is often reduced by a long put option position.

Слайд 14

Risk in CPPI-Trading Band Width
	According to the CPPI methodology, risky assets are being bought in rising markets and sold in falling markets. If then after a boost, the underlying market corrects downwards to the previous level, the same number of risky assets that were first bought at a high price now needs to be sold at a low price. A loss is recorded and a smaller allocation to the risky asset is necessary. The trading band-with should be set as wide as to prevent this, but at the same time, as small as to reduce the gap risk. Next to the multiplier the trading band-width is a key to a successful CPPI product.
Описание слайда:
Risk in CPPI-Trading Band Width According to the CPPI methodology, risky assets are being bought in rising markets and sold in falling markets. If then after a boost, the underlying market corrects downwards to the previous level, the same number of risky assets that were first bought at a high price now needs to be sold at a low price. A loss is recorded and a smaller allocation to the risky asset is necessary. The trading band-with should be set as wide as to prevent this, but at the same time, as small as to reduce the gap risk. Next to the multiplier the trading band-width is a key to a successful CPPI product.

Слайд 15

Gap Protection
	Banks that provide CPPI underwrite this so-called ‘Gap Risk’ and guarantee to stand by the stated minimum return whatever occurs in the market. A non-bank provider of CPPI product would typically purchase Gap Protection from a third party in order to maintain their Minimum Return Guarantee
Описание слайда:
Gap Protection Banks that provide CPPI underwrite this so-called ‘Gap Risk’ and guarantee to stand by the stated minimum return whatever occurs in the market. A non-bank provider of CPPI product would typically purchase Gap Protection from a third party in order to maintain their Minimum Return Guarantee

Слайд 16

The difference between CPPI and standard fixed participation methodology

Unlike a standard structured product which places a set amount in a zero coupon deposit on day one and purchases a call option with the remaining funds in order to provide a set participation level, a CPPI based structure varies cash allocation between so-called safe assets (ie bonds and cash) and the performance assets (equities or other ‘risky assets’) depending upon market performance.
The key difference between CPPI based capital protected products and option-based products are:
The participation in any rise in the underlying is not fixed at the start
It is possible to have a higher initial participation than with an equivalent option-based product
Описание слайда:
The difference between CPPI and standard fixed participation methodology Unlike a standard structured product which places a set amount in a zero coupon deposit on day one and purchases a call option with the remaining funds in order to provide a set participation level, a CPPI based structure varies cash allocation between so-called safe assets (ie bonds and cash) and the performance assets (equities or other ‘risky assets’) depending upon market performance. The key difference between CPPI based capital protected products and option-based products are: The participation in any rise in the underlying is not fixed at the start It is possible to have a higher initial participation than with an equivalent option-based product

Слайд 17

Some Indian Structured Products
Описание слайда:
Some Indian Structured Products

Слайд 18

HSBC Capital Guard Portfolio
	The key features of this product are:   
     * 100% Capital Protection Guaranteed – 100% of initial investment back at maturity (after 4 years). For the guarantee to be applicable, the investor will need to remain invested till maturity   
	100% Initial Equity Exposure – Optimal allocation to actively managed equities aimed at Capital Appreciation   
	Profit Lock-in Mechanism – The portfolio endeavours to capture upside by providing a 3% lock-in for every 10% increase in initial portfolio  
	Easy Liquidity – 4 year tenor with liquidity provided through the tenor of the product (subject to applicable exit loads)  
	 Minimum Investment Amount – Rs 25 lacs    
* Guarantee has been provided by HSBC Bank plc subject to terms and conditions..
This portfolio is currently not available for subscription.
Описание слайда:
HSBC Capital Guard Portfolio The key features of this product are:         * 100% Capital Protection Guaranteed – 100% of initial investment back at maturity (after 4 years). For the guarantee to be applicable, the investor will need to remain invested till maturity   100% Initial Equity Exposure – Optimal allocation to actively managed equities aimed at Capital Appreciation   Profit Lock-in Mechanism – The portfolio endeavours to capture upside by providing a 3% lock-in for every 10% increase in initial portfolio   Easy Liquidity – 4 year tenor with liquidity provided through the tenor of the product (subject to applicable exit loads)   Minimum Investment Amount – Rs 25 lacs     * Guarantee has been provided by HSBC Bank plc subject to terms and conditions.. This portfolio is currently not available for subscription.

Слайд 19

JM Financial’s Triple AAAce Scheme
	JM Financial’s Triple AAAce Scheme, will invest in equity funds for five years and provide investors at least 85% of the maximum peak value of the underlying portfolio of funds, at the time of maturity. It has tied up with Societe Generale Asset Management and has been rated by Crisil Ltd, a subsidiary of ratings agency Standard & Poor’s
Описание слайда:
JM Financial’s Triple AAAce Scheme JM Financial’s Triple AAAce Scheme, will invest in equity funds for five years and provide investors at least 85% of the maximum peak value of the underlying portfolio of funds, at the time of maturity. It has tied up with Societe Generale Asset Management and has been rated by Crisil Ltd, a subsidiary of ratings agency Standard & Poor’s

Слайд 20

Structured Products in Global Markets
Some Examples
Описание слайда:
Structured Products in Global Markets Some Examples

Слайд 21

Exotics are exotic options which are different from the plain vanilla European and American Options. 
Banks and institutions globally use exotics to create a variety of Structured Products.
Examples of Exotics:
Non standard American Options (Bermudan Options)
Forward Start Options
Compound Options
Chooser Options
Barrier options
Knock-out or knock-in options
Down and Out Call
Down and In Call
Up and Out Call
Up and In Call
Binary Option
Cash or Nothing Call/Put
Asset or Nothing Call/Put
Lookback Options
Shout Options
Rainbow Options
Basket Options
Описание слайда:
Exotics Exotics are exotic options which are different from the plain vanilla European and American Options. Banks and institutions globally use exotics to create a variety of Structured Products. Examples of Exotics: Non standard American Options (Bermudan Options) Forward Start Options Compound Options Chooser Options Barrier options Knock-out or knock-in options Down and Out Call Down and In Call Up and Out Call Up and In Call Binary Option Cash or Nothing Call/Put Asset or Nothing Call/Put Lookback Options Shout Options Rainbow Options Basket Options

Слайд 22

Structured Products-Growth
Protected Note
Turbo Note
Digital Plus
Lock-in Accumulator
Delta One Certificate
Best of /Worst Of
Twin Win
Описание слайда:
Structured Products-Growth Protected Note Turbo Note Digital Plus Lock-in Accumulator Delta One Certificate Outperformer Sprint Best of /Worst Of Airbag Twin Win Condor

Слайд 23

Structured Products-Income
Callable Corridor
Reverse Convertible
Reverse Discount
FX Target
Callable Stability Note
Phoenix Note
Phoenix Plus
Eagle Note
Eagle Plus
Описание слайда:
Structured Products-Income Callable Corridor Scoop Reverse Convertible Reverse Discount FX Target Callable Stability Note Phoenix Note Phoenix Plus Eagle Note Eagle Plus

Слайд 24

Protected Note
A Protected Note is a structured procuct,100% Capital Guaranteed at maturity, which allows the investor to benefit from participation in the increase (or the decrease) of the underlying
At maturity the investor receives maximum between:
	100% of the capital invested
	100% + x% of the performance of the underlying
	100% capital protection
	Investor can benefit from a high return
	The redemption at maturity can be lower than the redemption of a standard deposit product over the same period
	The capital is only guaranteed at maturity
	Buy a zero coupon bond	
	Buy x% of a call (for participation in increase) or a Put (for a participation in the decrease)
Описание слайда:
Protected Note A Protected Note is a structured procuct,100% Capital Guaranteed at maturity, which allows the investor to benefit from participation in the increase (or the decrease) of the underlying Mechanism At maturity the investor receives maximum between: 100% of the capital invested 100% + x% of the performance of the underlying Advantages 100% capital protection Investor can benefit from a high return Disadvantages The redemption at maturity can be lower than the redemption of a standard deposit product over the same period The capital is only guaranteed at maturity Structure Buy a zero coupon bond Buy x% of a call (for participation in increase) or a Put (for a participation in the decrease)

Слайд 25

Example of Protected Note
Example 1: Increase of the underlying on the final observation date
	If the underlying has increased (from 100 to 120 for eg) the investor receives at maturity:
		100% of the capital invested + 100% of the underlying
		100% +(100%*20*) = 120% of the capital invested
Example 2: Stability or Decrease of the underlying on the final observation date
	If the underlying has decreased (from 100 to 40 for eg) the investor receives at maturity:
		100% of the capital invested
Описание слайда:
Example of Protected Note Example 1: Increase of the underlying on the final observation date If the underlying has increased (from 100 to 120 for eg) the investor receives at maturity: 100% of the capital invested + 100% of the underlying 100% +(100%*20*) = 120% of the capital invested Example 2: Stability or Decrease of the underlying on the final observation date If the underlying has decreased (from 100 to 40 for eg) the investor receives at maturity: 100% of the capital invested

Слайд 26

Turbo Note
A Turbo Note is a structured product,100% Capital Guaranteed at maturity, which allows the investor to benefit from a high participation in the increase of the underlying up to a predefined deactivating barrier level.
At maturity
		If the underlying closes at or above its initial level and has never reached the barrier during the life of the product, the investor receives
	100% + x% of the performance of the underlying
	x% being the participation in the increase of the underlying
If the underlying closes below its initial level but has never reached the barrier during the life of the product
		100% of the capital invested
If the underlying has reached the barrier during the life of the product
		100% of the capital invested
Описание слайда:
Turbo Note A Turbo Note is a structured product,100% Capital Guaranteed at maturity, which allows the investor to benefit from a high participation in the increase of the underlying up to a predefined deactivating barrier level. Mechanism At maturity If the underlying closes at or above its initial level and has never reached the barrier during the life of the product, the investor receives 100% + x% of the performance of the underlying x% being the participation in the increase of the underlying If the underlying closes below its initial level but has never reached the barrier during the life of the product 100% of the capital invested If the underlying has reached the barrier during the life of the product 100% of the capital invested

Слайд 27

Turbo Note
	100% capital protection
	The product provides higher participation in the increase of an underlying than other structures (for eg protected notes)
	The capital is only guaranteed at maturity
	The investor may no longer benefit from the increase if the underlying reaches the barrier.

	Buy a zero coupon bond	
	Buy a call  At the money Up and Out (American Barrier)
Описание слайда:
Turbo Note Advantages 100% capital protection The product provides higher participation in the increase of an underlying than other structures (for eg protected notes) Disadvantages The capital is only guaranteed at maturity The investor may no longer benefit from the increase if the underlying reaches the barrier. Structure Buy a zero coupon bond Buy a call At the money Up and Out (American Barrier)

Слайд 28

Example of Turbo Note
Participation : 100% of increase of the underlying  	Barrier : 130%
Example 1: Increase of the underlying on the final observation date
	If the underlying closes at 125% on the final observation date i.e. above its initial level and has never reached the barrier during the life of the product, the investor receives at maturity:
		100% of the capital invested + 100% of the underlying
		100% +(100%*25%) = 125% of the capital invested
Example 2: Increase of the underlying beyond the barrier
	If the underlying closes at 110% on the final observation date i.e. above its initial level but has reached the barrier during the life of the product, the investor receives at maturity:
		100% of the capital invested
Example 3: Decrease of the underlying on the final observation date
	If the underlying closes at 80% on the final observation date the investor receives at maturity:
		100% of the capital invested
Описание слайда:
Example of Turbo Note Participation : 100% of increase of the underlying Barrier : 130% Example 1: Increase of the underlying on the final observation date If the underlying closes at 125% on the final observation date i.e. above its initial level and has never reached the barrier during the life of the product, the investor receives at maturity: 100% of the capital invested + 100% of the underlying 100% +(100%*25%) = 125% of the capital invested Example 2: Increase of the underlying beyond the barrier If the underlying closes at 110% on the final observation date i.e. above its initial level but has reached the barrier during the life of the product, the investor receives at maturity: 100% of the capital invested Example 3: Decrease of the underlying on the final observation date If the underlying closes at 80% on the final observation date the investor receives at maturity: 100% of the capital invested

Слайд 29

Digital Plus
A Digital Plus is a structured product ,100% capital guaranteed at maturity, which allows the investor to benefit from the maximum between the entire increase of an underlying and a high Digital Bonus if the underlying closes at or above its initial level on the final observation day.
At maturity
If the underlying closes at or above its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives the maximum between
100% of the capital invested + Digital Bonus
100% of the capital invested + 100% of the performance of the underlying
If the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives 
100% of the capital invested
Описание слайда:
Digital Plus A Digital Plus is a structured product ,100% capital guaranteed at maturity, which allows the investor to benefit from the maximum between the entire increase of an underlying and a high Digital Bonus if the underlying closes at or above its initial level on the final observation day. Mechanism At maturity If the underlying closes at or above its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives the maximum between 100% of the capital invested + Digital Bonus 100% of the capital invested + 100% of the performance of the underlying If the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives 100% of the capital invested

Слайд 30

Digital Plus
The investor can benefit from the entire positive performance of the underlying
A high Digital bonus is guaranteed if the underlying closes at or above its initial level on the final observation date
The capital is 100% guaranteed at maturity
The capital is 100% guaranteed only at maturity
Buy a zero coupon bond
Buy a Digital Option
Buy a Call ‘Out of the money’
Описание слайда:
Digital Plus Advantages The investor can benefit from the entire positive performance of the underlying A high Digital bonus is guaranteed if the underlying closes at or above its initial level on the final observation date The capital is 100% guaranteed at maturity Disadvantages The capital is 100% guaranteed only at maturity Structure Buy a zero coupon bond Buy a Digital Option Buy a Call ‘Out of the money’

Слайд 31

Example of Digital Plus
Maturity 2years		Participation 100% of the increase of underlying
Digital Bonus Level 120%	Capital 100% Guaranteed	
Example 1: Underlying Performance
	The basket closes at 125% on the final observation date
	The investor receives at maturity 125% of the capital invested
Example 2: Digital Bonus
   	The basket closes at 110% on the final observation date i.e. above its initial level but below the digital bonus level
	The investor receives the digital bonus i.e. 120% of the capital invested	
Example 3: Capital Guarantee
	The basket closes at 90% on the final observation date i.e. below its intial level 
	The investor receives 100% of the capital invested
Описание слайда:
Example of Digital Plus Maturity 2years Participation 100% of the increase of underlying Digital Bonus Level 120% Capital 100% Guaranteed Example 1: Underlying Performance The basket closes at 125% on the final observation date The investor receives at maturity 125% of the capital invested Example 2: Digital Bonus The basket closes at 110% on the final observation date i.e. above its initial level but below the digital bonus level The investor receives the digital bonus i.e. 120% of the capital invested Example 3: Capital Guarantee The basket closes at 90% on the final observation date i.e. below its intial level The investor receives 100% of the capital invested

Слайд 32

Lock-in Accumulator
A lock-in Accumulator is a structured product, 100% capital guaranteed , which allows the investor to benefit from participation in the increase of underlying- periodically capped until a pre-defined level. This product offers a mechanism to set up to lock the accumulated performances when one or several levels of performance are reached.
The investor participated in the evolution of the underlying by accumulating positive and negative performances period by period
The performance observed at the end of each period are capped on the upside but not floored on the downside
A lock-in mechanism of accumulated performance at one or several pre-defined levels (lock-in levels) is ensured
The investor benefits at maturity from the maximum between
100% of the capital invested plus the maximum lock-in level reached during the life of the product
100% of the capital invested plus sum of the accumulated performances capped on the upside and not floored on the downside
100% of the capital invested
Описание слайда:
Lock-in Accumulator A lock-in Accumulator is a structured product, 100% capital guaranteed , which allows the investor to benefit from participation in the increase of underlying- periodically capped until a pre-defined level. This product offers a mechanism to set up to lock the accumulated performances when one or several levels of performance are reached. Mechanism The investor participated in the evolution of the underlying by accumulating positive and negative performances period by period The performance observed at the end of each period are capped on the upside but not floored on the downside A lock-in mechanism of accumulated performance at one or several pre-defined levels (lock-in levels) is ensured The investor benefits at maturity from the maximum between 100% of the capital invested plus the maximum lock-in level reached during the life of the product 100% of the capital invested plus sum of the accumulated performances capped on the upside and not floored on the downside 100% of the capital invested

Слайд 33

Lock-in Accumulator
The capital is 100% guaranteed at maturity
The investor can benefit from a high return
The investor benefits from 100% of the increase of the underlying until a certain level each period
A lock-in mechanism of performance is offered
As soon as the sum of calculated profits and losses reaches a predefined lock-in level, this level of performance then becomes secured and is guaranteed at maturity
The capital is only guaranteed at maturity
The performances each period are not floored on the downside but capped on the upside
Buy a zero coupon bond
Buy a strip of call spread 100% /100% +Cap
Sell a strip of Put 100%
Buy a Put plus one or several options ‘Lock-in” on the performances generated by the strips of Call Spread and Put
Описание слайда:
Lock-in Accumulator Advantages The capital is 100% guaranteed at maturity The investor can benefit from a high return The investor benefits from 100% of the increase of the underlying until a certain level each period A lock-in mechanism of performance is offered As soon as the sum of calculated profits and losses reaches a predefined lock-in level, this level of performance then becomes secured and is guaranteed at maturity Disadvantages The capital is only guaranteed at maturity The performances each period are not floored on the downside but capped on the upside Structure Buy a zero coupon bond Buy a strip of call spread 100% /100% +Cap Sell a strip of Put 100% Buy a Put plus one or several options ‘Lock-in” on the performances generated by the strips of Call Spread and Put

Слайд 34

Example of Lock-in Accumulator
Maturity 18 months
Observations : Monthly
Monthly Cap on Upside : 2.4%
Lock-in levels : 10% & 20%
	(Once a lock-in level has been reached a floor of performance is guaranteed at maturity)
Описание слайда:
Example of Lock-in Accumulator Maturity 18 months Observations : Monthly Monthly Cap on Upside : 2.4% Lock-in levels : 10% & 20% (Once a lock-in level has been reached a floor of performance is guaranteed at maturity)

Слайд 35

Example of Lock-in Accumulator
Описание слайда:
Example of Lock-in Accumulator

Слайд 36

Example of Lock-in Accumulator
Redemption at Maturity
	The investor benefits from the maximum between
		100% of capital invested + Lock-in level reached during the life of the product i.e.100%+20%
		100% of capital invested + the sum of accumulated monthly performances capped on the upside and not floored on the downside i.e. 126.8%
		100% of the capital invested
Описание слайда:
Example of Lock-in Accumulator Redemption at Maturity The investor benefits from the maximum between 100% of capital invested + Lock-in level reached during the life of the product i.e.100%+20% 100% of capital invested + the sum of accumulated monthly performances capped on the upside and not floored on the downside i.e. 126.8% 100% of the capital invested

Слайд 37

Delta One Certificate	
A Delta One Certificate I a structured product which allows the investor to be exposed to 100% of the performance of an underlying (positive or negative)
At Maturity
If the underlying closes at or above its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives 100% of the capital invested + 100% of the positive performance of the underlying
If the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives 100% of the capital invested reduced by the negative performance of the underlying (physical delivery or cash settlement) (Loss in capital scenario)
The product reflects at anytime the performance of the underlying
The capital is not guaranteed
If the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation day, the investor is subject to a loss in capital equivalent to the one associated with the underlying
Описание слайда:
Delta One Certificate A Delta One Certificate I a structured product which allows the investor to be exposed to 100% of the performance of an underlying (positive or negative) Mechanism At Maturity If the underlying closes at or above its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives 100% of the capital invested + 100% of the positive performance of the underlying If the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives 100% of the capital invested reduced by the negative performance of the underlying (physical delivery or cash settlement) (Loss in capital scenario) Advantages The product reflects at anytime the performance of the underlying Disadvantages The capital is not guaranteed If the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation day, the investor is subject to a loss in capital equivalent to the one associated with the underlying

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Example of Delta One Certificate
Example 1: Increase of Underlying
	The basket closes at 120% on the final observation date i.e. above its initial level
	The investor receives at maturity 100% of the capital invested + 100% of the performance of the underlying i.e. 120% of the capital invested
Example 2: Decrease in the Underlying
   	The basket closes at 90% on the final observation date i.e. below its initial level
	The investor receives 90% of the capital invested
Описание слайда:
Example of Delta One Certificate Example 1: Increase of Underlying The basket closes at 120% on the final observation date i.e. above its initial level The investor receives at maturity 100% of the capital invested + 100% of the performance of the underlying i.e. 120% of the capital invested Example 2: Decrease in the Underlying The basket closes at 90% on the final observation date i.e. below its initial level The investor receives 90% of the capital invested

Слайд 39

An outperformer is a structured product which allows the investor to benefit from a high level of participation in the rise of the underlying while being only exposed to 100% of the decrease
IF the underlying closes above its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives
100% + x% of the positive performance of he underlying ( x% being the participation in the rise of the underlying)
IF the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives
100% of the capital invested minus the negative performance of the underlying (physical or cash delivery) ( Loss in capital scenario)
The product offers strong participation in the upside without any upside limit
The product is very sensitive to the evolution of the underlying on the secondary market
The capital is not guaranteed
If the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation day, the investor is subject to a loss in capital equivalent to the one associated with the underlying
Описание слайда:
Outperformer An outperformer is a structured product which allows the investor to benefit from a high level of participation in the rise of the underlying while being only exposed to 100% of the decrease Mechanism IF the underlying closes above its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives 100% + x% of the positive performance of he underlying ( x% being the participation in the rise of the underlying) IF the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives 100% of the capital invested minus the negative performance of the underlying (physical or cash delivery) ( Loss in capital scenario) Advantages The product offers strong participation in the upside without any upside limit The product is very sensitive to the evolution of the underlying on the secondary market Disadvantages The capital is not guaranteed If the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation day, the investor is subject to a loss in capital equivalent to the one associated with the underlying

Слайд 40

Buy a Call Zero (in order to arbitrate the dividends)
Buy x% of a Call At The Money
Описание слайда:
Outperformer Structure Buy a Call Zero (in order to arbitrate the dividends) Buy x% of a Call At The Money

Слайд 41

Example of Outperformer
Underlying	XYZ Stock		Maturity : 12 months	Capital : Not Guaranteed
Participation	130% of the increase of the underlying
			100% of the decrease of the underlying
Capital		Not Guaranteed
Example 1: Increase of Underlying on the final observation date
	If the underlying has increased ( from 100 to 120 for example), the investor receives at maturity 
	100% of the capital invested + 130% of the performance of the underlying
	 i.e. 100% +(130% *20%)=126% of the capital invested
Example 2: Decrease of Underlying on the final observation date
	If the underlying has increased ( from 100 to 80 for example), the investor receives at maturity 
		A number n of stocks paid at their initial level
		In our example, if the stocks are immediately sold, the loss is less than 20%
Описание слайда:
Example of Outperformer Underlying XYZ Stock Maturity : 12 months Capital : Not Guaranteed Participation 130% of the increase of the underlying 100% of the decrease of the underlying Capital Not Guaranteed Example 1: Increase of Underlying on the final observation date If the underlying has increased ( from 100 to 120 for example), the investor receives at maturity 100% of the capital invested + 130% of the performance of the underlying i.e. 100% +(130% *20%)=126% of the capital invested Example 2: Decrease of Underlying on the final observation date If the underlying has increased ( from 100 to 80 for example), the investor receives at maturity A number n of stocks paid at their initial level In our example, if the stocks are immediately sold, the loss is less than 20%

Слайд 42

A sprint is is a structured product which allows the investor to benefit from a very high leveraged participation in the rise of the underlying capped on the upside, while being only exposed to 100% of the decrease
IF the underlying closes above its initial level but below the Target on the final observation date, the investor receives
100% + 200% of the positive performance of he underlying 
IF the underlying at or above the Target the final observation date, the investor receives
The Maximum Redemption (200%*Targeted Performance)
IF the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives
100% of the capital invested minus the negative performance of the underlying (physical or cash delivery) ( Loss in capital scenario)
The product offers strong leveraged participation in the upside 
The investor benefits from an improved return when anticipated a moderate increase of the underlying
The capital is not guaranteed
If the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation day, the investor is subject to a loss in capital equivalent to the one associated with the underlying
The performance is capped above predefined level
Описание слайда:
Sprint A sprint is is a structured product which allows the investor to benefit from a very high leveraged participation in the rise of the underlying capped on the upside, while being only exposed to 100% of the decrease Mechanism IF the underlying closes above its initial level but below the Target on the final observation date, the investor receives 100% + 200% of the positive performance of he underlying IF the underlying at or above the Target the final observation date, the investor receives The Maximum Redemption (200%*Targeted Performance) IF the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation date, the investor receives 100% of the capital invested minus the negative performance of the underlying (physical or cash delivery) ( Loss in capital scenario) Advantages The product offers strong leveraged participation in the upside The investor benefits from an improved return when anticipated a moderate increase of the underlying Disadvantages The capital is not guaranteed If the underlying closes below its initial level on the final observation day, the investor is subject to a loss in capital equivalent to the one associated with the underlying The performance is capped above predefined level

Слайд 43

Buy a Call Zero ( In order to arbitrate the dividends)
Buy 100% of a call At The Money
Sell 2 Calls Out of The money ‘Strike Target’
Описание слайда:
Sprint Structure Buy a Call Zero ( In order to arbitrate the dividends) Buy 100% of a call At The Money Sell 2 Calls Out of The money ‘Strike Target’

Слайд 44

Example of Sprint
Underlying	XYZ Stock		Maturity : 12 months	Capital : Not Guaranteed
Participation	200% of the increase of the underlying upto the Target
			100% of the decrease of the underlying
Target		115%		Max Redemption	130%
Capital		Not Guaranteed
Example 1: Increase of Underlying on the final observation date
	If the underlying closes at or above its initla level but below the Target( say 110%), the investor receives at maturity 
		100% + 200% of the positive performance of the underlying
		i.e. 100% +200%*10%=120%
		 Example 1: Increase of Underlying on the final observation date
Example 2: Increase of Underlying beyond the Target on the final observation date
	If the underlying closes at or above its initla level but below the Target( say 115%), the investor receives at maturity 
The Maximum Redemption i.e.130% of the capital invested
Example 3: Decrease of Underlying on the final observation date
	If the underlying has decreased ( from 100 to 80 for example), the investor receives at maturity 
		A number n of stocks paid at their initial level
		In our example, if the stocks are immediately sold, the loss is less than 20%
Описание слайда:
Example of Sprint Underlying XYZ Stock Maturity : 12 months Capital : Not Guaranteed Participation 200% of the increase of the underlying upto the Target 100% of the decrease of the underlying Target 115% Max Redemption 130% Capital Not Guaranteed Example 1: Increase of Underlying on the final observation date If the underlying closes at or above its initla level but below the Target( say 110%), the investor receives at maturity 100% + 200% of the positive performance of the underlying i.e. 100% +200%*10%=120% Example 1: Increase of Underlying on the final observation date Example 2: Increase of Underlying beyond the Target on the final observation date If the underlying closes at or above its initla level but below the Target( say 115%), the investor receives at maturity The Maximum Redemption i.e.130% of the capital invested Example 3: Decrease of Underlying on the final observation date If the underlying has decreased ( from 100 to 80 for example), the investor receives at maturity A number n of stocks paid at their initial level In our example, if the stocks are immediately sold, the loss is less than 20%

Слайд 45

Best of / Worst of
A Best Of/ Worst Of is a structured product which allows the investor to benefit from the increase of the Best Performance Underlying of a basket with leverage if the Worst Performing Underlying closes at or above its initial level on the final observation date.
On the final observation date, if the Worst Performing Underlying of the basket closes at or above its initial level, the investor receives
100% + x% of the Best Performing Underlying (x% being the participation in the increase of this underlying)
On the final observation date, if the Worst Performing Underlying of the basket closes strictly below its initial level the the investor receives 100% of the capital invested reduced by the negative performance of the Worst Performing Underlying (Loss of Capital Scenario)
Описание слайда:
Best of / Worst of A Best Of/ Worst Of is a structured product which allows the investor to benefit from the increase of the Best Performance Underlying of a basket with leverage if the Worst Performing Underlying closes at or above its initial level on the final observation date. Mechanism On the final observation date, if the Worst Performing Underlying of the basket closes at or above its initial level, the investor receives 100% + x% of the Best Performing Underlying (x% being the participation in the increase of this underlying) On the final observation date, if the Worst Performing Underlying of the basket closes strictly below its initial level the the investor receives 100% of the capital invested reduced by the negative performance of the Worst Performing Underlying (Loss of Capital Scenario)

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Best of / Worst of
The investor benefits from a high leveraged participation in the increase of the Best Performing Underlying if the condition if fulfilled
The capital is not guaranteed
The condition to benefit from the leverage is applied on the Worst Performing Underlying. Therefore a high return is possible only if all underlyings close at or above their initial levels. If the Worst Performing Underlying closes below is initial level on the final observation date, the investor is subject to a loss in capital equivalent to the one associated with the underlying.
Описание слайда:
Best of / Worst of Advantages The investor benefits from a high leveraged participation in the increase of the Best Performing Underlying if the condition if fulfilled Disadvantages The capital is not guaranteed The condition to benefit from the leverage is applied on the Worst Performing Underlying. Therefore a high return is possible only if all underlyings close at or above their initial levels. If the Worst Performing Underlying closes below is initial level on the final observation date, the investor is subject to a loss in capital equivalent to the one associated with the underlying.

Слайд 47

Example of Best Of/Worst Of
Underlying: ABC Stock and XYZ Stock
Maturity : 12months
Participation : 200% of the increase of the Best Performing Stock
Example 1 : Participation in increase
If ABC stock closes at 120% and XYZ at 105% on the final observation date. Then, the investor receives
100% of capital invested+200%of increase of ABC Stock
i.e. 100%+200%*20%=140% of the capital invested
Example 2 : Loss in Capital
 If ABC stock closes at 105% and XYZ at 95% on the final observation date. Then, the investor receives
N number of XYZ stocks paid at their initial level ( in the example, if the stocks are immediately sold, the loss is less than 5%)
Описание слайда:
Example of Best Of/Worst Of Underlying: ABC Stock and XYZ Stock Maturity : 12months Participation : 200% of the increase of the Best Performing Stock Example 1 : Participation in increase If ABC stock closes at 120% and XYZ at 105% on the final observation date. Then, the investor receives 100% of capital invested+200%of increase of ABC Stock i.e. 100%+200%*20%=140% of the capital invested Example 2 : Loss in Capital If ABC stock closes at 105% and XYZ at 95% on the final observation date. Then, the investor receives N number of XYZ stocks paid at their initial level ( in the example, if the stocks are immediately sold, the loss is less than 5%)

Слайд 48

Callable Corridor
A Callable Corridor is a structured product , 100% capital protected at maturity, which allows the investor to accumulate a bonus every day where the underlying has remained within a predefined range.
	The product can be early redeemed by the issuer at its sole discretion at 100% +accrued bonus
At the end of each period, we observe the number of days where the underlying has remained within the predefined range to calculate the bonus for that period.
The capital is 100% guaranteed at maturity
The investor can benefit from a high return
Even if the underlying exitsthe range, the mechanism of bonus payment does not deactivate. The investor receives on each payment date a bonus weighted according to the number of days where the underlying remains within the predefined ranges
The return can be lower than a classical monetary deposit if the underlying reamins within the predefined ranges for an insufficient amount of time.
The product may be redeemed by the issuer in the case of a favourable evolution of the underlying (Callable Effect)
Описание слайда:
Callable Corridor A Callable Corridor is a structured product , 100% capital protected at maturity, which allows the investor to accumulate a bonus every day where the underlying has remained within a predefined range. The product can be early redeemed by the issuer at its sole discretion at 100% +accrued bonus Mechanism At the end of each period, we observe the number of days where the underlying has remained within the predefined range to calculate the bonus for that period. Advantages The capital is 100% guaranteed at maturity The investor can benefit from a high return Even if the underlying exitsthe range, the mechanism of bonus payment does not deactivate. The investor receives on each payment date a bonus weighted according to the number of days where the underlying remains within the predefined ranges Disadvantages The return can be lower than a classical monetary deposit if the underlying reamins within the predefined ranges for an insufficient amount of time. The product may be redeemed by the issuer in the case of a favourable evolution of the underlying (Callable Effect)

Слайд 49

Callable Corridor
Buy a strip of daily binary European Options
Buy a zero coupon
Sella Bermudan Call on the structure
Описание слайда:
Callable Corridor Structure Buy a strip of daily binary European Options Buy a zero coupon Sella Bermudan Call on the structure

Слайд 50

Example of Callable Corridor
Currency 	USD		Maturity	6years
Bonus		A maximum quarterly bonus of 6.5% annualised
Underlying	6 month USD LIBOR	
Bonus Payment	Quarterly
Ranges	Year 1: 0%-5.5%	Year 4: 0%-5.75%
Year 2: 0%-5.5%	Year 5: 0%-6%
Year 3: 0%-5.75%	Year 6: 0%-6%
Redemption Scenarios
At the end of each quarter, we observe the number of days where the underlying has remained strictly within the predefined ranges
The underlying has remained strictly remianed within the ranges during the entire reference period, the investor receives a 6.5% annualised bonus, paid quarterly
The underlying has not remianed strictly within the ranges during the entire reference period
The investor receives a 6.5% annualised bonus weighted according to the number of days where the underlying has remianed within the range
Suppose the number of days within the range is 60, the payout will be
6.5%*(60/90)*(90/360) i.e 1.08% of the capital invested for that quarter.
Описание слайда:
Example of Callable Corridor Currency USD Maturity 6years Bonus A maximum quarterly bonus of 6.5% annualised Underlying 6 month USD LIBOR Bonus Payment Quarterly Ranges Year 1: 0%-5.5% Year 4: 0%-5.75% Year 2: 0%-5.5% Year 5: 0%-6% Year 3: 0%-5.75% Year 6: 0%-6% Redemption Scenarios At the end of each quarter, we observe the number of days where the underlying has remained strictly within the predefined ranges The underlying has remained strictly remianed within the ranges during the entire reference period, the investor receives a 6.5% annualised bonus, paid quarterly The underlying has not remianed strictly within the ranges during the entire reference period The investor receives a 6.5% annualised bonus weighted according to the number of days where the underlying has remianed within the range Suppose the number of days within the range is 60, the payout will be 6.5%*(60/90)*(90/360) i.e 1.08% of the capital invested for that quarter.

Слайд 51

Hw to Create Your Own Structured Product
Strategy A1
Using Fixed Deposits and Equity
Strategy A2
Using Fixed Deposits and Options
Strategy B
Using Fixed Income products like SCSS and Postal Savings Products with Equity
Strategy C
Using derivative models like bull call spread
Описание слайда:
Hw to Create Your Own Structured Product Strategy A1 Using Fixed Deposits and Equity Strategy A2 Using Fixed Deposits and Options Strategy B Using Fixed Income products like SCSS and Postal Savings Products with Equity Strategy C Using derivative models like bull call spread

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Strategy A1
Описание слайда:
Strategy A1

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Strategy A2
Описание слайда:
Strategy A2

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Strategy B
Описание слайда:
Strategy B

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Strategy C
Описание слайда:
Strategy C

Слайд 56

Strategy C
Maximum Loss 
	= Difference in the premium of Long and Short Call
Maximum Gain
	= Difference between strike price and the net premium outgo
Описание слайда:
Strategy C Maximum Loss = Difference in the premium of Long and Short Call =415-195 =220 Maximum Gain = Difference between strike price and the net premium outgo =(6900-6200)-(415-195) =480

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Strategy C
Описание слайда:
Strategy C

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Strategy C
Описание слайда:
Strategy C

Слайд 59

Strategy C
Maximum Loss 
	= Difference in the premium of Long and Short Call
Maximum Gain
	= Difference between strike price and the net premium outgo
Описание слайда:
Strategy C Maximum Loss = Difference in the premium of Long and Short Call =415-195 =220 Maximum Gain = Difference between strike price and the net premium outgo =(6900-6200)-(415-195) =480

Слайд 60

Risk in Structured Products
Issuers Credit Risk 
Market Risk : The value of investment changes with the movement of interest rates and volatilities
Liquidity Risk : Premature withdrawal is on best effort basis
Premature redemption risk : The is no capital guarantee if there is a withdrawal before maturity
Описание слайда:
Risk in Structured Products Issuers Credit Risk Market Risk : The value of investment changes with the movement of interest rates and volatilities Liquidity Risk : Premature withdrawal is on best effort basis Premature redemption risk : The is no capital guarantee if there is a withdrawal before maturity

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Distribution Platforms in India
Direct Distribution
Issuers are NBFC’s
Platform providers are MF’s, PMS providers, insurance companies
Описание слайда:
Distribution Platforms in India PMS : FMP/Insurance Direct Distribution Issuers are NBFC’s Platform providers are MF’s, PMS providers, insurance companies

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Why Structured Products market in India is not developed
Booming stock market
Preference for traditional products
Long term options not available (max 3months)
OTC derivatives use by SP issuers is not permitted*
In India there is a restriction on direct access to derivatives
Size required for direct access is huge
Описание слайда:
Why Structured Products market in India is not developed Booming stock market Preference for traditional products Long term options not available (max 3months) OTC derivatives use by SP issuers is not permitted* In India there is a restriction on direct access to derivatives Size required for direct access is huge

Теги Structured products
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