🗊«Tauride Palace» Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411

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«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №1«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №2«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №3«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №4«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №5«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №6«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №7«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №8«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №9

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Слайд 1

  «Tauride Palace»
Student: Catherine Gurskaya
Group 411
Описание слайда:
«Tauride Palace» Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411

Слайд 2

Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg - an outstanding work of Russian classicism of the XVIII century.
Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg - an outstanding work of Russian classicism of the XVIII century.
Was built in the period from 1783 to 1789 by architect Starov. The palace is situated on Shpalernaya, between Potemkin and Taurian streets. Behind there are Tauride Gardens.
At present the palace is the headquarters of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the States - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States. It is also the St. Petersburg branch of the Interstate TV and Radio Company "Mir".
Описание слайда:
Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg - an outstanding work of Russian classicism of the XVIII century. Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg - an outstanding work of Russian classicism of the XVIII century. Was built in the period from 1783 to 1789 by architect Starov. The palace is situated on Shpalernaya, between Potemkin and Taurian streets. Behind there are Tauride Gardens. At present the palace is the headquarters of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the States - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States. It is also the St. Petersburg branch of the Interstate TV and Radio Company "Mir".

Слайд 3

Complex Tauride Palace

Deep in the front yard, separated from the streets by a low fence (1792-1793, architect F. Volkov), it is the central two-storey building with a six-column portico, surmounted by a flat dome on a small drum; smooth plane walls pierced by high windows. The main building is combined with lateral galleries, one-story and two-story buildings, limiting the wide front yard.
Originally Tauride Palace was opened to the Neva, from which came a channel. Thus it was included into a panorama of the Neva banks existed before the building was built in the 1858-1863.
Описание слайда:
Complex Tauride Palace Deep in the front yard, separated from the streets by a low fence (1792-1793, architect F. Volkov), it is the central two-storey building with a six-column portico, surmounted by a flat dome on a small drum; smooth plane walls pierced by high windows. The main building is combined with lateral galleries, one-story and two-story buildings, limiting the wide front yard. Originally Tauride Palace was opened to the Neva, from which came a channel. Thus it was included into a panorama of the Neva banks existed before the building was built in the 1858-1863.

Слайд 4

«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №4
Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №6
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Слайд 7

«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №7
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Слайд 8

«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

«Tauride Palace»  Student: Catherine Gurskaya Group 411, слайд №9
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