🗊The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of Defense of Russian Federation. The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss

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The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №1The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №2The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №3The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №4The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №5The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №6The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №7The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №8The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №9The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №10The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №11The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №12The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №13The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №14

Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of Defense of Russian Federation. The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss. Презентация содержит 14 слайдов. Презентации для любого класса можно скачать бесплатно. Если материал и наш сайт презентаций Вам понравились – поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте в закладки в своем браузере.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces
Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation. 
The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about missile attack as soon as possible.
Описание слайда:
The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of Defense of Russian Federation. The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about missile attack as soon as possible.

Слайд 2

The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №2
Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №3
Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №4
Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №6
Описание слайда:

Слайд 7

The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

The 10th anniversary of the Russian Space Forces  Russian Space Forces is the branch of the Department of  Defense of Russian Federation.   The main task of Russian Space Forces is: to inform the president and military commanders about miss, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

   Mozhaysky  Military Space Engineering Academy  is a higher military educational institution. It prepares engineers and scientists. 
   Mozhaysky  Military Space Engineering Academy  is a higher military educational institution. It prepares engineers and scientists.
Описание слайда:
Mozhaysky Military Space Engineering Academy is a higher military educational institution. It prepares engineers and scientists. Mozhaysky Military Space Engineering Academy is a higher military educational institution. It prepares engineers and scientists.

Слайд 11

Military Space Engineering Academy has a very interesting history.
Military Space Engineering Academy has a very interesting history.
It was founded in 1941 on the basis of the Leningrad Civil Air Engineering Fleet.
In 1946, it was renamed into the Military Engineering Academy .
In 1974 , it was renamed into the Military Engineering Institute.
In 1994 , it was renamed into  the Aerospace Forces Academy 
In 1999  it was reorganized into Military Space Engineering Academy.
Описание слайда:
Military Space Engineering Academy has a very interesting history. Military Space Engineering Academy has a very interesting history. It was founded in 1941 on the basis of the Leningrad Civil Air Engineering Fleet. In 1946, it was renamed into the Military Engineering Academy . In 1974 , it was renamed into the Military Engineering Institute. In 1994 , it was renamed into the Aerospace Forces Academy In 1999 it was reorganized into Military Space Engineering Academy.

Слайд 12

       The Space military cadet  school   was founded in 1996. The education is based on school subjects and the cadets  study some military subjects . The daily routine is based on military regulations and orders.
Описание слайда:
The Space military cadet school  was founded in 1996. The education is based on school subjects and the cadets study some military subjects . The daily routine is based on military regulations and orders.

Слайд 13

Our Space Military cadet school  has many traditions. They are: the anniversary of foundation of our  military school, the ceremony of invitation into  cadets  and a special graduation ceremony.
Our Space Military cadet school  has many traditions. They are: the anniversary of foundation of our  military school, the ceremony of invitation into  cadets  and a special graduation ceremony.
Описание слайда:
Our Space Military cadet school has many traditions. They are: the anniversary of foundation of our military school, the ceremony of invitation into cadets and a special graduation ceremony. Our Space Military cadet school has many traditions. They are: the anniversary of foundation of our military school, the ceremony of invitation into cadets and a special graduation ceremony.  

Слайд 14

In our automobile classes  we learn to drive a car. The boys learn to march perfectly.
In our automobile classes  we learn to drive a car. The boys learn to march perfectly.
We take part in parades and sports competitions. We never sit down to relax!
Описание слайда:
In our automobile classes we learn to drive a car. The boys learn to march perfectly. In our automobile classes we learn to drive a car. The boys learn to march perfectly. We take part in parades and sports competitions. We never sit down to relax!

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