🗊Презентация The history of law

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The history of law, слайд №1The history of law, слайд №2The history of law, слайд №3The history of law, слайд №4The history of law, слайд №5The history of law, слайд №6The history of law, слайд №7The history of law, слайд №8The history of law, слайд №9The history of law, слайд №10

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The History of Law
Описание слайда:
The History of Law

Слайд 2

1. Code of Hammurabi•
2. Mosaic Law •
3. Roman Law •
4. Justinian Code •
5. The Magna Carta\ Rule of Law
6. Revolt vs. King Henry III
7. English Bill of Rights
8. American Declaration of Independence
9. Napoleonic Code
Описание слайда:
Plan 1. Code of Hammurabi• 2. Mosaic Law • 3. Roman Law • 4. Justinian Code • 5. The Magna Carta\ Rule of Law 6. Revolt vs. King Henry III 7. English Bill of Rights 8. American Declaration of Independence 9. Napoleonic Code

Слайд 3

Code of Hammurabi (1792-1750 BCE)
Created by Hammurabi, king of Babylon;
It is the oldest known set of laws, and contains approximately 282 laws;
The code provides protection for everyone in society, which includes women and slaves;
Laws were organized into sections including military service, slavery and trade;
One of the most well known examples is `An eye for an eye`.
Описание слайда:
Code of Hammurabi (1792-1750 BCE) Created by Hammurabi, king of Babylon; It is the oldest known set of laws, and contains approximately 282 laws; The code provides protection for everyone in society, which includes women and slaves; Laws were organized into sections including military service, slavery and trade; One of the most well known examples is `An eye for an eye`.

Слайд 4

Creation of Canada`s Law
The basis for law of future generations
Описание слайда:
Importance Creation of Canada`s Law The basis for law of future generations

Слайд 5

  Mosaic Law ( 1240 BCE)
Laws that God created for the people of Israel, that were passed through Moses;
Contained 613 laws ( 365 negative, 248 positive) the moral code, the social code, and the ceremonial code;
Said that Moses received the Ten Commandments from God and are the first part of the Mosaic Law;
Similar to Hammurabi`s Law Code;
Often included sacrifice and harsh punishments.
Описание слайда:
Mosaic Law ( 1240 BCE) Laws that God created for the people of Israel, that were passed through Moses; Contained 613 laws ( 365 negative, 248 positive) the moral code, the social code, and the ceremonial code; Said that Moses received the Ten Commandments from God and are the first part of the Mosaic Law; Similar to Hammurabi`s Law Code; Often included sacrifice and harsh punishments.

Слайд 6

A big role in both Jewish and Christian religion;
The Ten Commandments are a part of the Mosaic Law, and is something that is very well known today.
Описание слайда:
Importance A big role in both Jewish and Christian religion; The Ten Commandments are a part of the Mosaic Law, and is something that is very well known today.

Слайд 7

Roman Law (100 CE)
Had public and private law;
Concerned with the relationships between people, their legal actions, and their rights;
Males usually took the role of the lawyer\ legal person;
Roman Law was the basis for the Napoleonic Code, which is still used today.
Описание слайда:
Roman Law (100 CE) Had public and private law; Concerned with the relationships between people, their legal actions, and their rights; Males usually took the role of the lawyer\ legal person; Roman Law was the basis for the Napoleonic Code, which is still used today.

Слайд 8

Justinian Code (564 CE)
Created by the emperor of the Byzantine Emperor, Justinian;
Justinian Code is the code of laws that Emperor Justinian had codified from existing Roman laws by a group of scholars;
The Code was the existing Roman Laws;
The Institutes was the introduction to law and the code that was intended for law students;
Further divided into public (government) and private (individuals) law.
Описание слайда:
Justinian Code (564 CE) Created by the emperor of the Byzantine Emperor, Justinian; Justinian Code is the code of laws that Emperor Justinian had codified from existing Roman laws by a group of scholars; The Code was the existing Roman Laws; The Institutes was the introduction to law and the code that was intended for law students; Further divided into public (government) and private (individuals) law.

Слайд 9

The Magna Carta \ Rule of Law
King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta by 40 barons;
Was written to protect the rights and property of the people of England against King John;
Allowed for the formation of parliament as well as became the basis for citizen`s rights in England;
Beginning of a constitutional government in England;
Limited the power of the king as laws needed to be approved by the citizens;
King could not break his own rule\ law.
Описание слайда:
The Magna Carta \ Rule of Law King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta by 40 barons; Was written to protect the rights and property of the people of England against King John; Allowed for the formation of parliament as well as became the basis for citizen`s rights in England; Beginning of a constitutional government in England; Limited the power of the king as laws needed to be approved by the citizens; King could not break his own rule\ law.

Слайд 10

The history of law, слайд №10
Описание слайда:

Теги The history of law
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