🗊Презентация The perfect aspect

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The perfect aspect, слайд №1The perfect aspect, слайд №2The perfect aspect, слайд №3

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Present Perfect
have/has + V3/ed
use for complete actions that have an importance/result in the present:
Ex. I’ve painted the room. (my walls in the room are blue now)
use for unfinished actions that has continued up to the “now” moment:
Ex. I have known Jack for 5 years now.
use with the time espressions: already, yet, just, recently, for, since, ever/never.
Ex. I haven’t called her yet.
      She has had her car for 3 years already.
use with stative verbs: know, have, be, see and etc.
Описание слайда:
Present Perfect have/has + V3/ed use for complete actions that have an importance/result in the present: Ex. I’ve painted the room. (my walls in the room are blue now) use for unfinished actions that has continued up to the “now” moment: Ex. I have known Jack for 5 years now. use with the time espressions: already, yet, just, recently, for, since, ever/never. Ex. I haven’t called her yet. She has had her car for 3 years already. use with stative verbs: know, have, be, see and etc.

Слайд 3

Present Perfect Continuous
have/has + been + V ing
use for temporary situations: Ex. I have been going to the gym recently.
use to emphasize the duration of an activity with the present result: Ex. I have been doing housework all day. (that’s why I’m tired)
use for repeated actions: I have been going to the hairdresser far too much recently.
use with the time expressions: for, since, recently, all day/week/month/year
Описание слайда:
Present Perfect Continuous have/has + been + V ing use for temporary situations: Ex. I have been going to the gym recently. use to emphasize the duration of an activity with the present result: Ex. I have been doing housework all day. (that’s why I’m tired) use for repeated actions: I have been going to the hairdresser far too much recently. use with the time expressions: for, since, recently, all day/week/month/year

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