🗊Презентация The smartest one

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The smartest one, слайд №1The smartest one, слайд №2The smartest one, слайд №3The smartest one, слайд №4The smartest one, слайд №5The smartest one, слайд №6The smartest one, слайд №7The smartest one, слайд №8The smartest one, слайд №9The smartest one, слайд №10The smartest one, слайд №11The smartest one, слайд №12The smartest one, слайд №13The smartest one, слайд №14The smartest one, слайд №15The smartest one, слайд №16The smartest one, слайд №17The smartest one, слайд №18The smartest one, слайд №19The smartest one, слайд №20The smartest one, слайд №21The smartest one, слайд №22The smartest one, слайд №23The smartest one, слайд №24The smartest one, слайд №25The smartest one, слайд №26The smartest one, слайд №27The smartest one, слайд №28The smartest one, слайд №29The smartest one, слайд №30The smartest one, слайд №31The smartest one, слайд №32The smartest one, слайд №33The smartest one, слайд №34The smartest one, слайд №35The smartest one, слайд №36The smartest one, слайд №37The smartest one, слайд №38The smartest one, слайд №39The smartest one, слайд №40The smartest one, слайд №41The smartest one, слайд №42The smartest one, слайд №43The smartest one, слайд №44The smartest one, слайд №45The smartest one, слайд №46The smartest one, слайд №47The smartest one, слайд №48The smartest one, слайд №49The smartest one, слайд №50The smartest one, слайд №51The smartest one, слайд №52The smartest one, слайд №53The smartest one, слайд №54The smartest one, слайд №55The smartest one, слайд №56The smartest one, слайд №57The smartest one, слайд №58The smartest one, слайд №59The smartest one, слайд №60The smartest one, слайд №61The smartest one, слайд №62The smartest one, слайд №63The smartest one, слайд №64The smartest one, слайд №65The smartest one, слайд №66The smartest one, слайд №67The smartest one, слайд №68The smartest one, слайд №69The smartest one, слайд №70The smartest one, слайд №71The smartest one, слайд №72The smartest one, слайд №73The smartest one, слайд №74The smartest one, слайд №75The smartest one, слайд №76The smartest one, слайд №77The smartest one, слайд №78The smartest one, слайд №79The smartest one, слайд №80The smartest one, слайд №81The smartest one, слайд №82The smartest one, слайд №83The smartest one, слайд №84


Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать презентацию на тему The smartest one. Доклад-сообщение содержит 84 слайдов. Презентации для любого класса можно скачать бесплатно. Если материал и наш сайт презентаций Mypresentation Вам понравились – поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте в закладки в своем браузере.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

How many letters Are there in the English alphabet?
How many letters Are there in the English alphabet?
Описание слайда:
How many letters Are there in the English alphabet? How many letters Are there in the English alphabet? 24 25 26 27

Слайд 3

2. How many sounds are there in the English language?
2. How many sounds are there in the English language?
Описание слайда:
2. How many sounds are there in the English language? 2. How many sounds are there in the English language? 40 42 44 26

Слайд 4

3. There are a lot of borrowed words in English language. Which language didn’t give their words to form it?
3. There are a lot of borrowed words in English language. Which language didn’t give their words to form it?
Описание слайда:
3. There are a lot of borrowed words in English language. Which language didn’t give their words to form it? 3. There are a lot of borrowed words in English language. Which language didn’t give their words to form it? French Latin Russian Saxon

Слайд 5

4. What means of transport is not suitable to get the UK?
4. What means of transport is not suitable to get the UK?
A train
A ship
A car
A plane
Описание слайда:
4. What means of transport is not suitable to get the UK? 4. What means of transport is not suitable to get the UK? A train A ship A car A plane

Слайд 6

5. How is a five cent coin called in the USA?
5. How is a five cent coin called in the USA?
A dollar
A nickel
A dime
A quarter
Описание слайда:
5. How is a five cent coin called in the USA? 5. How is a five cent coin called in the USA? A dollar A nickel A dime A quarter

Слайд 7

 6. What is the coldest season of the year?
 6. What is the coldest season of the year?
Описание слайда:
6. What is the coldest season of the year? 6. What is the coldest season of the year? Winter Spring Summer autumn

Слайд 8

7. Will you finish the English proverb:
7. Will you finish the English proverb:
My house is …
My palace
My castle
My motherland
My sweet home
Описание слайда:
7. Will you finish the English proverb: 7. Will you finish the English proverb: My house is … My palace My castle My motherland My sweet home

Слайд 9

8. How is the English idiom   “ It’s raining cats and dogs translated into English”?
8. How is the English idiom   “ It’s raining cats and dogs translated into English”?
В холодную погоду ни собаку, ни кошку на улицу не выпустишь.
Плохо собакам и кошкам когда идет проливной дождь.
Дождь льет как из ведра.
Вот это погода.
Описание слайда:
8. How is the English idiom “ It’s raining cats and dogs translated into English”? 8. How is the English idiom “ It’s raining cats and dogs translated into English”? В холодную погоду ни собаку, ни кошку на улицу не выпустишь. Плохо собакам и кошкам когда идет проливной дождь. Дождь льет как из ведра. Вот это погода.

Слайд 10

9. What is the right spelling for the English word which means “смущение”
9. What is the right spelling for the English word which means “смущение”
Описание слайда:
9. What is the right spelling for the English word which means “смущение” 9. What is the right spelling for the English word which means “смущение” Embarasament Embarrassment Amberrasement Imberresement

Слайд 11

10.Which horoscope sign stands between Aries and  Gemini?
10.Which horoscope sign stands between Aries and  Gemini?
Описание слайда:
10.Which horoscope sign stands between Aries and Gemini? 10.Which horoscope sign stands between Aries and Gemini? Leo Virgo Taurus Pisces

Слайд 12

11. What is American English for “ этаж” ?
11. What is American English for “ этаж” ?
Описание слайда:
11. What is American English for “ этаж” ? 11. What is American English for “ этаж” ? Storey Store Floor etazh

Слайд 13

12. How can you refuse the invitation politely?
12. How can you refuse the invitation politely?
I am sorry, I can’t.
No, I can’t.
Yes, I can.
I’m afraid, I can’t.
Описание слайда:
12. How can you refuse the invitation politely? 12. How can you refuse the invitation politely? I am sorry, I can’t. No, I can’t. Yes, I can. I’m afraid, I can’t.

Слайд 14

13. The word environment means …
13. The word environment means …
Wild life
What is around us
Описание слайда:
13. The word environment means … 13. The word environment means … Wild life Ecology Danger What is around us

Слайд 15

 14. Which of these flowers do not grow in the garden?
 14. Which of these flowers do not grow in the garden?
Lilies of the Valley
Описание слайда:
14. Which of these flowers do not grow in the garden? 14. Which of these flowers do not grow in the garden? Roses Daisies Carnations Lilies of the Valley

Слайд 16

15. How many letters in the English word for 
15. How many letters in the English word for 
“ успех”?
Описание слайда:
15. How many letters in the English word for 15. How many letters in the English word for “ успех”? 6 7 8 5

Слайд 17

16. What is harmful for your health?
16. What is harmful for your health?
Dairy products
Описание слайда:
16. What is harmful for your health? 16. What is harmful for your health? Vegetables Drugs Fruit Dairy products

Слайд 18

17. Which of this subjects is not studied at our school?
17. Which of this subjects is not studied at our school?
Information Technology
Physical Education
Описание слайда:
17. Which of this subjects is not studied at our school? 17. Which of this subjects is not studied at our school? Psychology Economics Information Technology Physical Education

Слайд 19

18. Where does the sun set?
18. Where does the sun set?
In the west
In the east
In the north
In the south
Описание слайда:
18. Where does the sun set? 18. Where does the sun set? In the west In the east In the north In the south

Слайд 20

19. What is the most commonly used letter in English?
19. What is the most commonly used letter in English?
Описание слайда:
19. What is the most commonly used letter in English? 19. What is the most commonly used letter in English? A E I o

Слайд 21

20. Which ocean does the Japanese sea belong to?
20. Which ocean does the Japanese sea belong to?
The Atlantic ocean
The Indian ocean
The Arctic ocean
The Pacific ocean
Описание слайда:
20. Which ocean does the Japanese sea belong to? 20. Which ocean does the Japanese sea belong to? The Atlantic ocean The Indian ocean The Arctic ocean The Pacific ocean

Слайд 22

The smartest one, слайд №22
Описание слайда:

Слайд 23

Decipher the word which means the name of school subject
Описание слайда:
Decipher the word which means the name of school subject

Слайд 24

1. Mr. Eliot sat down …his wife.
a) beside       b) besides
Описание слайда:
GRAMMAR 1. Mr. Eliot sat down …his wife. a) beside b) besides

Слайд 25

2. My pen friend writes that he….. back from London.
a) just came
b) has just come
c) have just come 
d) comes
Описание слайда:
GRAMMAR 2. My pen friend writes that he….. back from London. a) just came b) has just come c) have just come d) comes

Слайд 26

3. I’m tired. I… to bed now. 
a) go 
b) goes 
c) am going 
d) is going
Описание слайда:
GRAMMAR 3. I’m tired. I… to bed now. a) go b) goes c) am going d) is going

Слайд 27

4. Jane… for me when I… . 
a) waited; arrived 
b) was waiting; arrived 
c) was waiting; was arriving 
d) waits; arrives
Описание слайда:
GRAMMAR 4. Jane… for me when I… . a) waited; arrived b) was waiting; arrived c) was waiting; was arriving d) waits; arrives

Слайд 28

5. Kiwi is eaten… a small teaspoon 
a) by 
b) with 
c) from
Описание слайда:
GRAMMAR 5. Kiwi is eaten… a small teaspoon a) by b) with c) from

Слайд 29

1. Lemons are…. .
a) sweet 
b) sugary 
c) sour 
d) salty
Описание слайда:
VOCABULARY 1. Lemons are…. . a) sweet b) sugary c) sour d) salty

Слайд 30

2. What is the English word for this …
Описание слайда:
VOCABULARY 2. What is the English word for this …

Слайд 31

3. Read the anagrams:
Описание слайда:
VOCABULARY 3. Read the anagrams: yaluslu

Слайд 32

4.  How will you form adverb from the noun Beauty
Описание слайда:
VOCABULARY 4. How will you form adverb from the noun Beauty

Слайд 33

5. What is a plural for явление:
Описание слайда:
VOCABULARY 5. What is a plural for явление: Phenomenon phenomena

Слайд 34

 1. Who is the greatest English writer, the author of “A Christmas Carol”?
Описание слайда:
Literature 1. Who is the greatest English writer, the author of “A Christmas Carol”?

Слайд 35

2. What is the famous character’s name who once declared “ To be or not to be”?
Описание слайда:
Literature 2. What is the famous character’s name who once declared “ To be or not to be”?

Слайд 36

3. Who is the author of the novel “ The portrait of Dorian Gray”.
Описание слайда:
Literature 3. Who is the author of the novel “ The portrait of Dorian Gray”.

Слайд 37

4. What is the name of the writer who is often called  “ the Bard of Avon”?
Описание слайда:
Literature 4. What is the name of the writer who is often called “ the Bard of Avon”?

Слайд 38

 5. What is  the name of a witty, humorous, or nonsense poem?
Описание слайда:
Literature 5. What is the name of a witty, humorous, or nonsense poem?

Слайд 39


1. What is the national American sport?
Описание слайда:
Sport 1. What is the national American sport?

Слайд 40


2. What is the name of a professional basketball team based in Chicago?
Описание слайда:
Sport 2. What is the name of a professional basketball team based in Chicago?

Слайд 41


3. What is the name of the world’s greatest sport event  which takes place every 4 years.
Описание слайда:
Sport 3. What is the name of the world’s greatest sport event which takes place every 4 years.

Слайд 42


4. Where will the winter Olympic games take place in 2014?
Описание слайда:
Sport 4. Where will the winter Olympic games take place in 2014?

Слайд 43


5. What is the name of the most prestigious  tennis tournament in the world which take place in England?
Описание слайда:
Sport 5. What is the name of the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world which take place in England?

Слайд 44


1. What is the name of a district in Los Angeles, California, United States which is considered to be the centre of American movie industry?
Описание слайда:
Films 1. What is the name of a district in Los Angeles, California, United States which is considered to be the centre of American movie industry?

Слайд 45


2. What is the name of actor starred in the film 
“ The Fifth Element”?
Описание слайда:
Films 2. What is the name of actor starred in the film “ The Fifth Element”?

Слайд 46

3. What is the genre of the film with vampires, ghosts or other supernatural beings?
Описание слайда:
Films 3. What is the genre of the film with vampires, ghosts or other supernatural beings?

Слайд 47

4. Name the film.
Описание слайда:
Films 4. Name the film.

Слайд 48


5. How many Oscars got the film “Titanic”?
Описание слайда:
Films 5. How many Oscars got the film “Titanic”?

Слайд 49


1. What is the largest country in the world?
Описание слайда:
Countries 1. What is the largest country in the world?

Слайд 50


2. What is the name of popular soft drink that was invented by a pharmacist in his a drugstore in New Bern, North Carolina in 1890th ?
Описание слайда:
Countries 2. What is the name of popular soft drink that was invented by a pharmacist in his a drugstore in New Bern, North Carolina in 1890th ?

Слайд 51


3. Which American companies do the following logos belong to?
Описание слайда:
Countries 3. Which American companies do the following logos belong to?

Слайд 52


4. What country does this flag belong to?
Описание слайда:
Countries 4. What country does this flag belong to?

Слайд 53


5. What is the second biggest country in the world?
Описание слайда:
Countries 5. What is the second biggest country in the world?

Слайд 54


1. What is the name of the band that started its musical career in Liverpool?
Описание слайда:
Music 1. What is the name of the band that started its musical career in Liverpool?

Слайд 55


2. Who is considered to be the king of pop music?
Описание слайда:
Music 2. Who is considered to be the king of pop music?

Слайд 56


3. Which style does the music Pink Floyd belong to?
Описание слайда:
Music 3. Which style does the music Pink Floyd belong to?

Слайд 57


4. What is the name of a singer who is performing  this song?
Описание слайда:
Music 4. What is the name of a singer who is performing this song?

Слайд 58


5. Can you recognize these singers or band? What country do they come from?
Описание слайда:
Music 5. Can you recognize these singers or band? What country do they come from?

Слайд 59


1. Who invented the telephone?
Описание слайда:
Science 1. Who invented the telephone?

Слайд 60


2.  Which country did Charles Darwin come from?
Описание слайда:
Science 2. Which country did Charles Darwin come from?

Слайд 61


3.  Where does the number 1 meridian begin and end?
Описание слайда:
Science 3. Where does the number 1 meridian begin and end?

Слайд 62


4. Who invented the periodic table of elements?
Описание слайда:
Science 4. Who invented the periodic table of elements?

Слайд 63


5. What is the most dangerous invention in the history of mankind?
Описание слайда:
Science 5. What is the most dangerous invention in the history of mankind?

Слайд 64


What is this place famous for?
Описание слайда:
PLACES What is this place famous for?

Слайд 65


2. Where is this place 
Описание слайда:
PLACES 2. Where is this place situated?

Слайд 66


3 . What tourist site can you see in the picture? Where is it situated?
Описание слайда:
PLACES 3 . What tourist site can you see in the picture? Where is it situated?

Слайд 67


4. Where is this place situated?
Описание слайда:
PLACES 4. Where is this place situated?

Слайд 68

5. Where is this museum situated? What is its name?
Описание слайда:
PLACES 5. Where is this museum situated? What is its name?

Слайд 69

Описание слайда:

Слайд 70

Описание слайда:

Слайд 71

Описание слайда:

Слайд 72


3. Which century the War of the Roses take place?
Описание слайда:
THE UK 3. Which century the War of the Roses take place?

Слайд 73

4. What is the last name of the royal family that is on the throne nowadays?
4. What is the last name of the royal family that is on the throne nowadays?
Описание слайда:
4. What is the last name of the royal family that is on the throne nowadays? 4. What is the last name of the royal family that is on the throne nowadays?

Слайд 74

5. What is the name of London’s underground?
5. What is the name of London’s underground?
Описание слайда:
5. What is the name of London’s underground? 5. What is the name of London’s underground?

Слайд 75

The US
1. Which states do the following nicknames belong to? Give the explanation.
Описание слайда:
The US 1. Which states do the following nicknames belong to? Give the explanation.

Слайд 76

The US
The Mayflower was the ship on which British settlers arrived in North
America in 1620. 
They were …
a) the Puritans	b) the Pilgrims
c) the settlers of the Virginia Comp
Описание слайда:
The US The Mayflower was the ship on which British settlers arrived in North America in 1620. They were … a) the Puritans b) the Pilgrims c) the settlers of the Virginia Comp

Слайд 77

The US
3.  What do you know about this sign?
Описание слайда:
The US 3. What do you know about this sign?

Слайд 78

The US
3. Who was the first American President?
Описание слайда:
The US 3. Who was the first American President?

Слайд 79

The US
5. What holiday is celebrated in the USA on the 4th of July?
Описание слайда:
The US 5. What holiday is celebrated in the USA on the 4th of July?

Слайд 80

1. What is the official name of the country?
Описание слайда:
Australia 1. What is the official name of the country?

Слайд 81

2. Who discovered the east coast of Australia in 1770?
Описание слайда:
Australia 2. Who discovered the east coast of Australia in 1770?

Слайд 82

3. What is the capital of Australia?
Описание слайда:
Australia 3. What is the capital of Australia?

Слайд 83

4. What symbols of Australia do you know?
Описание слайда:
Australia 4. What symbols of Australia do you know?

Слайд 84

5. What landscape is typical for Australia?
Описание слайда:
Australia 5. What landscape is typical for Australia?

Теги The smartest one
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