🗊 The Audit Process

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  The Audit Process  , слайд №4  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №5  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №6  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №7  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №8  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №9  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №10  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №11  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №12  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №13  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №14  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №15  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №16  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №17  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №18  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №19  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №20  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №21  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №22  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №23  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №24  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №25  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №26  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №27  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №28  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №29  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №30  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №31  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №32  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №33  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №34  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №35  
  The Audit Process  , слайд №36


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Слайд 1

The Audit Process
Описание слайда:
The Audit Process

Слайд 2

The Audit Process
Phase 1:		Audit Preparation
Phase 2: 	Conduct audit and analyse results
Phase 3:		Findings and Recommendations
The Audit report
Computerised audit
Описание слайда:
The Audit Process Phase 1: Audit Preparation Phase 2: Conduct audit and analyse results Phase 3: Findings and Recommendations The Audit report Computerised audit

Слайд 3

Audit Process
Always consider the resources required to conduct all phases of an audit
Coding skills
Administrative support
Availability of charts
Preparation of report
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Always consider the resources required to conduct all phases of an audit Time Coding skills Analysis Administrative support Availability of charts Preparation of report

Слайд 4

Audit Process
Phase 1- Audit Preparation
Decide on subject of Audit
Identify Population
Identify Sample Size
Contact Hospitals
Chart availability
Office requirements
Arrange to meet with coding staff/supervisor
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 1- Audit Preparation Decide on subject of Audit Identify Population Identify Sample Size Contact Hospitals Chart availability Office requirements Arrange to meet with coding staff/supervisor

Слайд 5

Audit Process
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Audit Process

Слайд 6

Audit Process Phase 1
Phase 1- Decide on subject of Audit
Resources may determine focus and size of audit
One hospital or many hospitals
Examples of audits
High cost areas
High frequency areas
High complexity areas
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 1 Phase 1- Decide on subject of Audit Resources may determine focus and size of audit One hospital or many hospitals Examples of audits High cost areas High frequency areas High complexity areas

Слайд 7

Audit Process Phase 1
Phase 1- Decide on subject of Audit Examples
Particular DRG
Cases with a long length of stay
Cases with a particular procedure
E.g. Hip replacements
Complex neonate cases
Cases with a stay in intensive care
Areas where there is a data quality query
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 1 Phase 1- Decide on subject of Audit Examples Particular DRG Cases with a long length of stay Cases with a particular procedure E.g. Hip replacements Complex neonate cases Cases with a stay in intensive care Areas where there is a data quality query

Слайд 8

Audit Process Phase1
Phase 1: Identify population and sample size
Population= 	The entire number of cases 				that meet the chosen criteria
				for the subject of the audit
When the population is known the sample size can be determined
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase1 Phase 1: Identify population and sample size Population= The entire number of cases that meet the chosen criteria for the subject of the audit When the population is known the sample size can be determined

Слайд 9

Audit Process Phase 1
Phase 1: Identify population and sample size
Sample size: The number of cases to be 
Note: Resources may influence the sample 
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 1 Phase 1: Identify population and sample size Sample size: The number of cases to be audited Note: Resources may influence the sample size

Слайд 10

Audit Process Phase 1
Phase 1: Identify population and sample size
Sample Size:   Must be practical
5% of one months discharges is a statistically acceptable sample size for a chart based audit (Source Australian Coding Benchmark Audit, 2nd Edition, NCCH, Sydney)
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 1 Phase 1: Identify population and sample size Sample Size: Must be practical 5% of one months discharges is a statistically acceptable sample size for a chart based audit (Source Australian Coding Benchmark Audit, 2nd Edition, NCCH, Sydney)

Слайд 11

Audit Process Phase 1
Phase 1: Identify population and sample size
Suggested Sample Size:
General Audit	= Minimum of 40 charts
Targeted audits = Audits on specific topics can have a smaller sample size
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 1 Phase 1: Identify population and sample size Suggested Sample Size: General Audit = Minimum of 40 charts Targeted audits = Audits on specific topics can have a smaller sample size

Слайд 12

Audit Process Phase 1
Phase 1:Types of Samples
Random Sample = each record in the population has an equal chance of being selected for inclusion in the sample
e.g. Population = 200 hip replacements 
10% random sample= any 20 cases in the population
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 1 Phase 1:Types of Samples Random Sample = each record in the population has an equal chance of being selected for inclusion in the sample e.g. Population = 200 hip replacements 10% random sample= any 20 cases in the population

Слайд 13

Audit Process Phase 1
Phase 1: Types of Samples

Stratified Random Sample = Identifying a subset of the population and randomly sampling that subset. 
e.g. Patients aged over 65 with a hip replacement
 Population = 200 hip replacements 
10% random stratified sample= any 20 cases in the population where the patient is aged over 65 years
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 1 Phase 1: Types of Samples Stratified Random Sample = Identifying a subset of the population and randomly sampling that subset. e.g. Patients aged over 65 with a hip replacement Population = 200 hip replacements 10% random stratified sample= any 20 cases in the population where the patient is aged over 65 years

Слайд 14

Audit Process Phase 1
Phase 1: Types of Samples

Targeted Sample = Sample includes only a particular section of the population
e.g. Patients aged over 65 with a hip replacement
 Population = 200 hip replacements 
Targeted sample= All cases in the population where the patient is aged over 65 years
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 1 Phase 1: Types of Samples Targeted Sample = Sample includes only a particular section of the population e.g. Patients aged over 65 with a hip replacement Population = 200 hip replacements Targeted sample= All cases in the population where the patient is aged over 65 years

Слайд 15

Audit Process Phase 1
Phase 1:  Contact hospitals
Arrange dates
Provide list of charts in the sample to be retrieved
Note that not all charts requested will be available
List of sample charts to be in same order as medical records are stored
Request suitable space and facilities
Make arrangements to meet coding supervisor
Pre-audit and post audit meetings
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 1 Phase 1: Contact hospitals Arrange dates Provide list of charts in the sample to be retrieved Note that not all charts requested will be available List of sample charts to be in same order as medical records are stored Request suitable space and facilities Make arrangements to meet coding supervisor Pre-audit and post audit meetings

Слайд 16

Audit Process Phase 2
Phase 2:
Comparing codes
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 2 Phase 2: Reabstraction Grouping Comparing codes

Слайд 17

Audit Process Phase 2
Phase 2: Reabstraction
Will original codes be visible to auditor?
Will there be a audit data collection sheet?
Will additional information be collected?
		Presence of discharge summary
		Documentation issues
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 2 Phase 2: Reabstraction Will original codes be visible to auditor? Will there be a audit data collection sheet? Will additional information be collected? e.g. Presence of discharge summary Documentation issues

Слайд 18

Audit Process Phase 2
Phase 2: Reabstraction
Adherence to guidelines 
Assessment of completeness of chart
Meet with coding staff – 
Opportunity for discussion of code differences
Preliminary findiongs and outline of next stage in process
Identify local issues that may affect coding
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 2 Phase 2: Reabstraction Adherence to guidelines Assessment of completeness of chart Meet with coding staff – Opportunity for discussion of code differences Preliminary findiongs and outline of next stage in process Identify local issues that may affect coding

Слайд 19

Audit Process Phase 2
Phase 2: Grouping
If DRG analysis is required then recoded cases must be grouped into DRGs
Access to grouper and sytem for regrouping to allow for comparison at DRG and MDC level
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 2 Phase 2: Grouping If DRG analysis is required then recoded cases must be grouped into DRGs Access to grouper and sytem for regrouping to allow for comparison at DRG and MDC level

Слайд 20

Audit Process Phase 2
Phase 2: Comparing Codes
Compare original codes to re abstracted codes
Compare original administrative data to re-abstracted data
Compare DRG assignment between original codes and re-abstracted codes.
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 2 Phase 2: Comparing Codes Compare original codes to re abstracted codes Compare original administrative data to re-abstracted data Compare DRG assignment between original codes and re-abstracted codes.

Слайд 21

Audit Process Phase 2
Phase 2: Comparing Codes
Diagnoses: Identify Differences e.g.
	Differences in Principal Dx
	Differences in Additional Dx
	Compare Average number of Dx
 Differences in Sequencing of codes
 Diagnoses frequency
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 2 Phase 2: Comparing Codes Diagnoses: Identify Differences e.g. Differences in Principal Dx Differences in Additional Dx Compare Average number of Dx Differences in Sequencing of codes Diagnoses frequency Procedures

Слайд 22

Audit Process Phase 2
Phase 2: Comparing Codes
Identify differences in administrative data
Date of birth
Admission & Discharge dates
Admission code
Discharge code
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 2 Phase 2: Comparing Codes Identify differences in administrative data Date of birth Admission & Discharge dates Admission code Discharge code

Слайд 23

Audit Process Phase 2
Phase 2: Comparing Codes
Facility to record why codes are different.
Helps to identify factors affecting coding quality
e.g. 	Original coding PDx= Abdominal Pain
		Re abstracted PDx= Appendicitis
		Reason for difference: Original coder recorded 	symptom as Principal diagnosis and appendicitis as 	additional code
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 2 Phase 2: Comparing Codes Facility to record why codes are different. Helps to identify factors affecting coding quality e.g. Original coding PDx= Abdominal Pain Re abstracted PDx= Appendicitis Reason for difference: Original coder recorded symptom as Principal diagnosis and appendicitis as additional code

Слайд 24

Audit Process Phase 2
Phase 2: Comparing Codes
Factors affecting coding quality can include:
Discharge summaries
Information on ventilation
Information on ICU stay
Coder training levels
Knowledge of coding guidelines
Correct use of Classification
Support for coding function
How will these factors be recorded?
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 2 Phase 2: Comparing Codes Factors affecting coding quality can include: Documentation Discharge summaries Information on ventilation Information on ICU stay Coder training levels Knowledge of coding guidelines Correct use of Classification Support for coding function How will these factors be recorded?

Слайд 25

Audit Process Phase 2
Phase 2: Comparing Codes
Identify how many differences in each data field 
And the reason for the difference
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 2 Phase 2: Comparing Codes Identify how many differences in each data field And the reason for the difference

Слайд 26

Audit Process Phase 2
Phase 2: Compare DRG assignment
Identify differences in DRG assignment
	DRG frequency
	Change in severity of DRG
Identify differences in MDC assignment
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 2 Phase 2: Compare DRG assignment Identify differences in DRG assignment DRG frequency Change in severity of DRG Identify differences in MDC assignment

Слайд 27

Audit Process Phase 3
Phase 3: Findings & Recommendations
Having compared data make findings and recommendations based on evidence found by the audit process
E.g. 70% of cases record a different Principal diagnoses due to poor documentation.
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 3 Phase 3: Findings & Recommendations Having compared data make findings and recommendations based on evidence found by the audit process E.g. 70% of cases record a different Principal diagnoses due to poor documentation.

Слайд 28

Audit Process Phase 3
Phase 3: Findings & Recommendations
Highlight any areas with major differences
Highlight system problems found to affect data quality
Draw conclusions based on findings
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 3 Phase 3: Findings & Recommendations Highlight any areas with major differences Highlight system problems found to affect data quality Draw conclusions based on findings

Слайд 29

Audit Process Phase 3
Phase 3: Findings & Recommendations
Make recommendations that address the problems identified
Recommendations may involve areas other then the coding department
Описание слайда:
Audit Process Phase 3 Phase 3: Findings & Recommendations Make recommendations that address the problems identified Recommendations may involve areas other then the coding department

Слайд 30

The Audit Report
Consider a standard format/house style for reports
Will the same format be used for in-house reports?
How will data be presented
Consider confidentiality- use of a reference number instead of medical record number
Use appendices for listing detailed information – e.g. details of all cases in the sample
Описание слайда:
The Audit Report Consider a standard format/house style for reports Will the same format be used for in-house reports? How will data be presented Consider confidentiality- use of a reference number instead of medical record number Use appendices for listing detailed information – e.g. details of all cases in the sample

Слайд 31

The Audit Report
Suggested Format 
Audit Findings e.g.
Описание слайда:
The Audit Report Suggested Format Introduction Methodology Audit Findings e.g. Diagnoses Administrative DRG Conclusions Recommendations Appendices

Слайд 32

The Audit Report
Issue the report 
Keep a record of all audit documents and work to allow for queries by the hospital
Enclose a covering letter arranging for follow up discussions
Arrange any follow up promised by the report e.g. training
Описание слайда:
The Audit Report Issue the report Keep a record of all audit documents and work to allow for queries by the hospital Enclose a covering letter arranging for follow up discussions Arrange any follow up promised by the report e.g. training

Слайд 33

National Audit
Maintain a library of audits
Similar issues can arise in different hospitals
Where inappropriate coding is identified – how will cases be rectified.
Number of national audits
Type of national audits
Maintain audit skills – hospital and national
Описание слайда:
National Audit Maintain a library of audits Similar issues can arise in different hospitals Where inappropriate coding is identified – how will cases be rectified. Number of national audits Type of national audits Maintain audit skills – hospital and national

Слайд 34

Computerised Audit
Speeds up processes such as
Identifying Population
Creation of sample
Data entry and re-grouping
Collection of reasons for code differences
Error categories
Analysis of results
Helps to maintain records of audits and outcomes to build a body of knowledge
Описание слайда:
Computerised Audit Speeds up processes such as Identifying Population Creation of sample Data entry and re-grouping Collection of reasons for code differences Error categories Analysis of results Helps to maintain records of audits and outcomes to build a body of knowledge

Слайд 35

Computerised Audit
Compatibility with hospital systems
User friendly
Creation of varied reports
Ease of updating software if changes made to coding system
Ownership of software
Access to software
Описание слайда:
Computerised Audit Consider Compatibility with hospital systems User friendly Creation of varied reports Ease of updating software if changes made to coding system Ownership of software Access to software

Слайд 36

Suggest five topics for audit and:
A sampling method for each of the topics
Identify any resource issues that may impact on each of the audits
List 5 factors that may affect data quality
And make suggestions as to how these factors can be addressed
Описание слайда:
Exercise Suggest five topics for audit and: A sampling method for each of the topics Identify any resource issues that may impact on each of the audits List 5 factors that may affect data quality And make suggestions as to how these factors can be addressed

Теги The Audit Process
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