🗊Презентация Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy

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Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №1Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №2Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №3Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №4Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №5Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №6Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №7Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №8Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №9Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №10Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №11Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №12Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №13Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №14Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №15Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №16Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №17Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №18Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №19Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №20Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №21Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №22Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №23Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №24Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №25Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №26Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №27Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №28Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №29Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №30Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №31Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №32Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №33Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №34Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №35Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №36Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №37Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №38Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №39Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №40Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №41Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №42Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №43Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №44Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №45Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №46Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №47Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №48Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №49Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №50Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №51Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №52Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №53Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №54Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №55Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №56


Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать презентацию на тему Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy. Доклад-сообщение содержит 56 слайдов. Презентации для любого класса можно скачать бесплатно. Если материал и наш сайт презентаций Mypresentation Вам понравились – поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте в закладки в своем браузере.

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Слайд 1

Thermal Energy, 
Chemical Energy
Описание слайда:
Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy IE350

Слайд 2

Thermal Energy
Chemical Energy
PV and electrolysis
Fuel Cells
Описание слайда:
Outline Thermal Energy Chemical Energy Electrolysis PV and electrolysis Fuel Cells

Слайд 3

Thermal Energy
We already know that in order to increase by 1°C the 1 gram of water we need 1 calorie.
For any mass and any temperature difference we will have:
Q = C·m·t,
where C is the Specific Heat
Описание слайда:
Thermal Energy We already know that in order to increase by 1°C the 1 gram of water we need 1 calorie. For any mass and any temperature difference we will have: Q = C·m·t, where C is the Specific Heat

Слайд 4

Specific Heat
The Specific Heat measurement unit, c naturally is: 
cal/(g·°C) =
= 4.184 J/(g·°C) or J/(g·°K) 
Water has a mass-specific heat capacity of about 4.184 joules per Kelvin per gram near 20 °C.
… or 1 calorie per kelvin per gram near 
20 °C (this is again the calorie definition).
Описание слайда:
Specific Heat The Specific Heat measurement unit, c naturally is: cal/(g·°C) = = 4.184 J/(g·°C) or J/(g·°K) Water has a mass-specific heat capacity of about 4.184 joules per Kelvin per gram near 20 °C. … or 1 calorie per kelvin per gram near 20 °C (this is again the calorie definition).

Слайд 5

Heat Storage
Assume you have 1 ton of water at 94°C in a room.  After some time the temperature decreases to 24°C.  How much energy is released to the room?
Q = c·m·t
c = 4.184 MJ/(ton·°K)
m = 1 t
t = 70°C
Q = 4.184 · 70 MJ = 292.88 MJ = 81.35[5] kWh (1 kWh = 3.6 MJ).
Описание слайда:
Heat Storage Assume you have 1 ton of water at 94°C in a room. After some time the temperature decreases to 24°C. How much energy is released to the room? Q = c·m·t c = 4.184 MJ/(ton·°K) m = 1 t t = 70°C Q = 4.184 · 70 MJ = 292.88 MJ = 81.35[5] kWh (1 kWh = 3.6 MJ).

Слайд 6

Table of Specific Heat for Various Materials.
Which material is best for heat storage?
Remember that water is limited in t, e.g. bricks or granite – not so much.
However losses at larger t-s are much higher.
Описание слайда:
Table of Specific Heat for Various Materials. Which material is best for heat storage? Remember that water is limited in t, e.g. bricks or granite – not so much. However losses at larger t-s are much higher.

Слайд 7

Specific Heat (C) of H2O
Water: 				J/(g·°K) 
	- gas,100 °C  		2.08
	- liquid, 25 °C		4.1813
	- solid, 0 °C			2.114
Описание слайда:
Specific Heat (C) of H2O Water: J/(g·°K) - gas,100 °C 2.08 - liquid, 25 °C 4.1813 - solid, 0 °C 2.114

Слайд 8

Specific Heat
Описание слайда:
Specific Heat

Слайд 9

Losses are linearly related to the temperature difference t (temperature gradient)!
Описание слайда:
Losses Losses are linearly related to the temperature difference t (temperature gradient)!

Слайд 10

Specific Heat of: 
Fusion and Vaporization
Specific Heat of Fusion: 
Amount of energy needed to turn solid into liquid.
Specific Heat of Vaporization: 
Amount of energy needed to turn liquid into vapor.
Описание слайда:
Specific Heat of: Fusion and Vaporization Specific Heat of Fusion: Amount of energy needed to turn solid into liquid. Specific Heat of Vaporization: Amount of energy needed to turn liquid into vapor.

Слайд 11

H2O: From Ice to Vapor
How much Energy is needed to turn ice into vapor? 
5 steps of calculation:
Energy needed to reach the melting point;
Add energy needed to melt the ice;
Add energy needed to reach the vaporization point;
Add energy needed to vaporize the water;
Add energy needed to reach higher temperature of vapor (analogy with band gap in Si).
Описание слайда:
H2O: From Ice to Vapor How much Energy is needed to turn ice into vapor? 5 steps of calculation: Energy needed to reach the melting point; Add energy needed to melt the ice; Add energy needed to reach the vaporization point; Add energy needed to vaporize the water; Add energy needed to reach higher temperature of vapor (analogy with band gap in Si).

Слайд 12

H2O: From Ice to Vapor
Energy needed to melt the ice:
333 J/g = specific heat of fusion
Energy needed to vaporize the water:
2260 J/g = specific heat of vaporization
How this difference is explained?
Описание слайда:
H2O: From Ice to Vapor Energy needed to melt the ice: 333 J/g = specific heat of fusion Energy needed to vaporize the water: 2260 J/g = specific heat of vaporization How this difference is explained?

Слайд 13

Phase change storage!
Описание слайда:
Phase change storage!

Слайд 14

Coffee Joulies
Описание слайда:
Coffee Joulies

Слайд 15

Coffee Joulies
Описание слайда:
Coffee Joulies

Слайд 16

Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №16
Описание слайда:

Слайд 17

Enthalpy or heat content (denoted as H or ΔH, or rarely as χ) is a quotient or description of thermodynamic potential of a system, which can be used to calculate the "useful" work obtainable from a closed thermodynamic system under constant pressure, 
Short definition: Enthalpy is the energy density in heat-mass transfer (transportation) phenomena.
Описание слайда:
Enthalpy Enthalpy or heat content (denoted as H or ΔH, or rarely as χ) is a quotient or description of thermodynamic potential of a system, which can be used to calculate the "useful" work obtainable from a closed thermodynamic system under constant pressure, Short definition: Enthalpy is the energy density in heat-mass transfer (transportation) phenomena.

Слайд 18

H = {Energy content}/mass = E/m
measured in J/g or J/kg.
Importantly, in many cases H = Q/m.
Описание слайда:
Enthalpy Enthalpy, H = {Energy content}/mass = E/m measured in J/g or J/kg. Importantly, in many cases H = Q/m.

Слайд 19

Absolute Humidity = weight of water in the volume of air, g/m3; 
… or weight of water in weight of air, g/kg.
Описание слайда:
Humidity Absolute Relative Absolute Humidity = weight of water in the volume of air, g/m3; … or weight of water in weight of air, g/kg.

Слайд 20

Relative humidity
Relative humidity is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure (or density) of water vapor in a gaseous mixture of air and water to the saturated vapor pressure (or density) of water at a given temperature. Relative humidity is expressed as a percentage and is calculated in the following manner:
RH = 100% • [p(H2O)]/[p*(H2O)]
RH is the relative humidity of the gas mixture being considered; 
	     is the partial pressure of water vapor in the gas mixture; and
 	     is the saturation vapor pressure of water at the temperature of the gas mixture.
Описание слайда:
Relative humidity Relative humidity is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure (or density) of water vapor in a gaseous mixture of air and water to the saturated vapor pressure (or density) of water at a given temperature. Relative humidity is expressed as a percentage and is calculated in the following manner: RH = 100% • [p(H2O)]/[p*(H2O)] where: RH is the relative humidity of the gas mixture being considered; is the partial pressure of water vapor in the gas mixture; and is the saturation vapor pressure of water at the temperature of the gas mixture.

Слайд 21

Описание слайда:

Слайд 22

Dependence of Relative humidity and Temperature.
Описание слайда:
Dependence of Relative humidity and Temperature.

Слайд 23

Anti-condensation bathroom mirror
Описание слайда:
Anti-condensation bathroom mirror

Слайд 24

Anti-condensation bathroom mirror
Описание слайда:
Anti-condensation bathroom mirror

Слайд 25

Chemical Energy
The weight of a proton or neutron is 
1.66 · 10-24 g
Since the electron weight is too small compared to proton, 1/1837 –th, the weight of atoms is defined by protons and neutrons.
NA, Avogadro Number, = 6.022 ·1023mol-1 particles.  The unit of amount of substance.
number of atoms in 12g of the isotope carbon-12
Interesting is that the volume of 1 mol of ideal gas is always the same.  Precisely,
Описание слайда:
Chemical Energy The weight of a proton or neutron is 1.66 · 10-24 g Since the electron weight is too small compared to proton, 1/1837 –th, the weight of atoms is defined by protons and neutrons. NA, Avogadro Number, = 6.022 ·1023mol-1 particles. The unit of amount of substance. number of atoms in 12g of the isotope carbon-12 Interesting is that the volume of 1 mol of ideal gas is always the same. Precisely,

Слайд 26

Avogadro Number’s Holiday
October 23 is called Mole Day. It is an informal holiday in honor of the unit among chemists. The date is derived from Avogadro's constant, which is approximately 6.022×1023. It starts at 6:02 a.m. and ends at 6:02 p.m.
Описание слайда:
Avogadro Number’s Holiday October 23 is called Mole Day. It is an informal holiday in honor of the unit among chemists. The date is derived from Avogadro's constant, which is approximately 6.022×1023. It starts at 6:02 a.m. and ends at 6:02 p.m.

Слайд 27

Heat of Formation
Reactions can be endothermic – absorption of heat takes place, temperature of ambience is decreased;
or exothermic – release of heat takes place, temperature of ambience is increased;
Denoted by Hf° - amount of energy per unit amount of substance, kcal/mol, released or absorbed by a reaction – is the reaction enthalpy.
Описание слайда:
Heat of Formation Reactions can be endothermic – absorption of heat takes place, temperature of ambience is decreased; or exothermic – release of heat takes place, temperature of ambience is increased; Denoted by Hf° - amount of energy per unit amount of substance, kcal/mol, released or absorbed by a reaction – is the reaction enthalpy.

Слайд 28

Exothermic	Endothermic
Описание слайда:
Exothermic Endothermic

Слайд 29

Exothermic & Endothermic reactions
Описание слайда:
Exothermic & Endothermic reactions

Слайд 30

Heats of Formation
Описание слайда:
Heats of Formation

Слайд 31

Hydrogen and water
Описание слайда:
Hydrogen and water

Слайд 32

However, what 
is the future?
Fuel Cells?
Large Ocean 
Solar Stations?
Описание слайда:
Electrolysis. However, what is the future? Hydrogen Combustion Engines? Hydrogen Fuel Cells? Large Ocean Solar Stations?

Слайд 33

PV and electrolysis.
Storage of solar energy is a problem yet to be solved.
Hydrogen is one of the best solutions.
Electrolysis efficiency is about 80%, with theoretical maximum of 94%.
Safety problems: The enthalpy of combustion for hydrogen is 286 kJ/mol,
Burning concentration starts from 4% (v)!
However, as experience shows, it is safer than e.g. gasoline or methane!
Описание слайда:
PV and electrolysis. Storage of solar energy is a problem yet to be solved. Hydrogen is one of the best solutions. Electrolysis efficiency is about 80%, with theoretical maximum of 94%. Safety problems: The enthalpy of combustion for hydrogen is 286 kJ/mol, Burning concentration starts from 4% (v)! However, as experience shows, it is safer than e.g. gasoline or methane!

Слайд 34

Описание слайда:

Слайд 35

Описание слайда:

Слайд 36

Описание слайда:

Слайд 37

Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №37
Описание слайда:

Слайд 38

Fuel cells
Описание слайда:
Fuel cells

Слайд 39

Photoelectrochemical cells
In this type of photoelectrochemical cells, electrolysis of water to hydrogen and oxygen gas occurs when the anode is irradiated with electromagnetic radiation. This has been suggested as a way of converting solar energy into a transportable form, namely hydrogen. The photogeneration cells passed the 10 percent economic efficiency barrier.
Lab tests confirmed the efficiency of the process. The main problem is the corrosion of the semiconductors which are in direct contact with water. Research is going on to meet the DOE requirement, a service life of 10000 hours.
Photogeneration cells have passed the 10 percent economic efficiency barrier. Corrosion of the semiconductors remains an issue, given their direct contact with water.[5] Research is now ongoing to reach a service life of 10000 hours, a requirement established by the United States Department of Energy
Описание слайда:
Photoelectrochemical cells In this type of photoelectrochemical cells, electrolysis of water to hydrogen and oxygen gas occurs when the anode is irradiated with electromagnetic radiation. This has been suggested as a way of converting solar energy into a transportable form, namely hydrogen. The photogeneration cells passed the 10 percent economic efficiency barrier. Lab tests confirmed the efficiency of the process. The main problem is the corrosion of the semiconductors which are in direct contact with water. Research is going on to meet the DOE requirement, a service life of 10000 hours. Photogeneration cells have passed the 10 percent economic efficiency barrier. Corrosion of the semiconductors remains an issue, given their direct contact with water.[5] Research is now ongoing to reach a service life of 10000 hours, a requirement established by the United States Department of Energy

Слайд 40

How to store Hydrogen?
Cylinders – compressed hydrogen
Metal Hydrate Compounds
Cryogenic storage
Chemical Storage
Carbon nanotube storage
Glass Microspheres
Liquid carrier storage
Описание слайда:
How to store Hydrogen? Cylinders – compressed hydrogen Metal Hydrate Compounds Cryogenic storage Chemical Storage Carbon nanotube storage Glass Microspheres Liquid carrier storage

Слайд 41

Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, слайд №41
Описание слайда:

Слайд 42

Cylinders – compressed hydrogen
requires energy to acomplish
lower energy density when compared to a traditional gasoline tank
same energy content yields a tank that is 3,000 times bigger than the gasoline tank
Описание слайда:
Cylinders – compressed hydrogen requires energy to acomplish lower energy density when compared to a traditional gasoline tank same energy content yields a tank that is 3,000 times bigger than the gasoline tank

Слайд 43

Metal Hydrates
MgH2, NaAlH4, LiAlH4, LiH, LaNi5H6, TiFeH2 and palladium hydride
similar to a sponge, 1-2% of the weight.
could reach to 5-7% if heated to 250°C
delivering Hydrogen at a constant pressure.
it also absorbs any impurities introduced into the tank by the hydrogen. The result is the hydrogen released from the tank is extremely pure, but the tank's lifetime and ability to store hydrogen is reduced as the impurities are left behind and fill the spaces in the metal that the hydrogen once occupied.
Описание слайда:
Metal Hydrates MgH2, NaAlH4, LiAlH4, LiH, LaNi5H6, TiFeH2 and palladium hydride similar to a sponge, 1-2% of the weight. could reach to 5-7% if heated to 250°C delivering Hydrogen at a constant pressure. it also absorbs any impurities introduced into the tank by the hydrogen. The result is the hydrogen released from the tank is extremely pure, but the tank's lifetime and ability to store hydrogen is reduced as the impurities are left behind and fill the spaces in the metal that the hydrogen once occupied.

Слайд 44

Cryogenic storage
Liquid hydrogen typically has to be stored at 20o Kelvin or -253o C. 
again, necessitate spending energy to compress and chill the hydrogen into its liquid state, resulting in a net loss of about 30% of the energy that the liquid hydrogen is storing.
a similar percentage will be due to the temperature gradient losses. t is usually > 270°C!
Larger, composite material tanks would be beneficial.
Описание слайда:
Cryogenic storage Liquid hydrogen typically has to be stored at 20o Kelvin or -253o C. again, necessitate spending energy to compress and chill the hydrogen into its liquid state, resulting in a net loss of about 30% of the energy that the liquid hydrogen is storing. a similar percentage will be due to the temperature gradient losses. t is usually > 270°C! Larger, composite material tanks would be beneficial.

Слайд 45

Cryogenic storage
Описание слайда:
Cryogenic storage

Слайд 46

Chemical Storage
Some examples of various techniques include ammonia cracking, partial oxidation, methanol cracking, etc. These methods eliminate the need for a storage unit for the hydrogen produced, where the hydrogen is produced on demand.
Still in the research stage.
Описание слайда:
Chemical Storage Some examples of various techniques include ammonia cracking, partial oxidation, methanol cracking, etc. These methods eliminate the need for a storage unit for the hydrogen produced, where the hydrogen is produced on demand. Still in the research stage.

Слайд 47

Carbon nanotube storage
Carbon nanotubes are microscopic tubes of carbon, two nanometers (billionths of a meter) across, that store hydrogen in microscopic pores on the tubes and within the tube structures.
4.2% - to 65% of their own weight in hydrogen!
Описание слайда:
Carbon nanotube storage Carbon nanotubes are microscopic tubes of carbon, two nanometers (billionths of a meter) across, that store hydrogen in microscopic pores on the tubes and within the tube structures. 4.2% - to 65% of their own weight in hydrogen!

Слайд 48

Glass Microspheres
Tiny hollow glass spheres can be used to safely store hydrogen. The glass spheres are warmed, increasing the permeability of their walls, and filled by being immersed in high-pressure hydrogen gas. 
The spheres are then cooled, locking the hydrogen inside of the glass balls. A subsequent increase in temperature will release the hydrogen trapped in the spheres.
Microspheres have the potential to be very safe, resist contamination, and contain hydrogen at a low pressure increasing the margin of safety.
Описание слайда:
Glass Microspheres Tiny hollow glass spheres can be used to safely store hydrogen. The glass spheres are warmed, increasing the permeability of their walls, and filled by being immersed in high-pressure hydrogen gas. The spheres are then cooled, locking the hydrogen inside of the glass balls. A subsequent increase in temperature will release the hydrogen trapped in the spheres. Microspheres have the potential to be very safe, resist contamination, and contain hydrogen at a low pressure increasing the margin of safety.

Слайд 49

Liquid Carrier (Carbohydrate) Storage
This is the technical term for the hydrogen being stored in the fossil fuels that are common in today's society. Whenever gasoline, natural gas methanol, etc.. is utilized as the source for hydrogen, the fossil fuel requires reforming. 
The reforming process removes the hydrogen from the original fossil fuel. 
The reformed hydrogen is then cleaned of excess carbon monoxide, which can poison certain types of fuel cells, and utilized by the fuel cell. 
Reformers are currently in the beta stage of their testing with many companies having operating prototypes in the field.
Описание слайда:
Liquid Carrier (Carbohydrate) Storage This is the technical term for the hydrogen being stored in the fossil fuels that are common in today's society. Whenever gasoline, natural gas methanol, etc.. is utilized as the source for hydrogen, the fossil fuel requires reforming. The reforming process removes the hydrogen from the original fossil fuel. The reformed hydrogen is then cleaned of excess carbon monoxide, which can poison certain types of fuel cells, and utilized by the fuel cell. Reformers are currently in the beta stage of their testing with many companies having operating prototypes in the field.

Слайд 50

Hydrogen Safety
The range of explosion proportion in air is rather wide, starting at 4%.
Hydrogen is light – it goes up in atmosphere.
Hydrogen molecules are small – they penetrate and escape from many situtations.
Описание слайда:
Hydrogen Safety The range of explosion proportion in air is rather wide, starting at 4%. Hydrogen is light – it goes up in atmosphere. Hydrogen molecules are small – they penetrate and escape from many situtations.

Слайд 51

Hydrogen Use
Internal Combustion Engines
PEM Fuel Cells
Описание слайда:
Hydrogen Use Internal Combustion Engines PEM Fuel Cells

Слайд 52

PEM Fuel Cells
Описание слайда:
PEM Fuel Cells

Слайд 53

PEM Fuel Cells
Acts like a battery, delivering electricity with efficiencies around 55%.
This “battery” does not need to spend time on recharging!  Whenever H2 and O2 (or humidified air) are supplied – it operates.
The rest of the energy can theoretically be used – in a form of heat.
Excellent way to provide distributed power and integrate with renewable sources.
Описание слайда:
PEM Fuel Cells Acts like a battery, delivering electricity with efficiencies around 55%. This “battery” does not need to spend time on recharging! Whenever H2 and O2 (or humidified air) are supplied – it operates. The rest of the energy can theoretically be used – in a form of heat. Excellent way to provide distributed power and integrate with renewable sources.

Слайд 54

PEM Fuel Cells
Описание слайда:
PEM Fuel Cells

Слайд 55

PEM Fuel Cells
Описание слайда:
PEM Fuel Cells

Слайд 56

Assume that a household needs 3 kW heating power on average of 24 hours during any day, during the 4.5 months of winter period. What kind of seasonal heat storage you may suggest (material, size, controllability, t, price)? Explain why and make the calculation.
Calculate the heat content and the daily amount of the hydrogen gas needed to power the daily need to run a fuel cell powered smartphone for 12 hours, 2.5W. Assume conversion efficiency of 43%.
Описание слайда:
Homework Assume that a household needs 3 kW heating power on average of 24 hours during any day, during the 4.5 months of winter period. What kind of seasonal heat storage you may suggest (material, size, controllability, t, price)? Explain why and make the calculation. Calculate the heat content and the daily amount of the hydrogen gas needed to power the daily need to run a fuel cell powered smartphone for 12 hours, 2.5W. Assume conversion efficiency of 43%.

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