🗊Unit 5 Faces of London. Section 2. Speaking about the Famous.

Категория: Английский язык
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Unit 5 Faces of London.  Section 2. Speaking about the Famous., слайд №1Unit 5 Faces of London.  Section 2. Speaking about the Famous., слайд №2Unit 5 Faces of London.  Section 2. Speaking about the Famous., слайд №3Unit 5 Faces of London.  Section 2. Speaking about the Famous., слайд №4Unit 5 Faces of London.  Section 2. Speaking about the Famous., слайд №5Unit 5 Faces of London.  Section 2. Speaking about the Famous., слайд №6Unit 5 Faces of London.  Section 2. Speaking about the Famous., слайд №7Unit 5 Faces of London.  Section 2. Speaking about the Famous., слайд №8Unit 5 Faces of London.  Section 2. Speaking about the Famous., слайд №9Unit 5 Faces of London.  Section 2. Speaking about the Famous., слайд №10

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Unit 5 Faces of London.
Section 2. Speaking about the Famous.
Описание слайда:
Unit 5 Faces of London. Section 2. Speaking about the Famous.

Слайд 2

Daniel Defoe
Описание слайда:
Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)

Слайд 3

Описание слайда:
Daniel famous Robinson real main make desert become

Слайд 4

Daniel Defoe
famous writer
Robinson Crusoe
real adventures
main character
make pots
desert island
become famous
Описание слайда:
Daniel Defoe famous writer Robinson Crusoe real adventures main character make pots desert island become famous

Слайд 5

Daniel Defoe was a famous writer.
The story of Robinson Crusoe was based on the real adventures.
The main character of this book is Robinson Crusoe.
He lived on the desert island and made pots.
This book was very popular.
Описание слайда:
Daniel Defoe was a famous writer. The story of Robinson Crusoe was based on the real adventures. The main character of this book is Robinson Crusoe. He lived on the desert island and made pots. This book was very popular.

Слайд 6

Joseph Turner
Описание слайда:
Joseph Turner (1775-1851)

Слайд 7

«Канал в Чичестере»
Описание слайда:
«Канал в Чичестере»

Слайд 8

«Пожар парламента, 16 октября 1834»
Описание слайда:
«Пожар парламента, 16 октября 1834»

Слайд 9

«Последний рейс корабля «Отважный»
Описание слайда:
«Последний рейс корабля «Отважный»

Слайд 10

«Мол в Кале»
Описание слайда:
«Мол в Кале»

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