🗊Презентация Wedding in the USA

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Wedding in the USA, слайд №1Wedding in the USA, слайд №2Wedding in the USA, слайд №3Wedding in the USA, слайд №4Wedding in the USA, слайд №5Wedding in the USA, слайд №6Wedding in the USA, слайд №7Wedding in the USA, слайд №8Wedding in the USA, слайд №9

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Слайд 1


Diah Purwanti N.H   2201405004
Sepfiana Arum Dias W  2201406599
Siti Marlina  2201408112
Описание слайда:
WEDDING IN UNITED STATES by: Diah Purwanti N.H 2201405004 Sepfiana Arum Dias W 2201406599 Siti Marlina 2201408112

Слайд 2

The United States has few wedding traditions that are totally unique to the U.S.  Virtually all U.S. wedding traditions and customs have either been taken directly from a wide range of other countries and cultures or they have evolved from traditions in other nations. This is certainly easily understood since the United States was originally populated by immigrants from many lands, primarily Europe. 
Описание слайда:
The United States has few wedding traditions that are totally unique to the U.S.  Virtually all U.S. wedding traditions and customs have either been taken directly from a wide range of other countries and cultures or they have evolved from traditions in other nations. This is certainly easily understood since the United States was originally populated by immigrants from many lands, primarily Europe. 

Слайд 3

In the United States the traditional western wedding custom of the bride wearing a white dress and face veil to symbolize virginity. A white dress and veil are not worn for the second or third wedding after becoming a widow or a divorcee.
Описание слайда:
In the United States the traditional western wedding custom of the bride wearing a white dress and face veil to symbolize virginity. A white dress and veil are not worn for the second or third wedding after becoming a widow or a divorcee.

Слайд 4

Wedding Attendees:

The Best Man - usually the best or closest male friend or a relative of the groom is given this place of honor.
Maid of honor - usually the best or closest female friend of the bride is given this place of honor. If married, she is called a “matron of honor”.
Groomsmen - one or more males that support the groom.
Bridesmaids - one or more females that support the bride.
Flower girl - a young girl who will scatter flowers in front of the bridal party. 
Ring bearer - usually a young boy, who carries the wedding rings.
Ushers - usually males, who help with the seating and organization.
Junior Bridesmaids - a young girl (usually between 8 and 18 years old) who the bride wants to be in the ceremony, but is too old to be a flower girl.
Описание слайда:
Wedding Attendees: The Best Man - usually the best or closest male friend or a relative of the groom is given this place of honor. Maid of honor - usually the best or closest female friend of the bride is given this place of honor. If married, she is called a “matron of honor”. Groomsmen - one or more males that support the groom. Bridesmaids - one or more females that support the bride. Flower girl - a young girl who will scatter flowers in front of the bridal party. Ring bearer - usually a young boy, who carries the wedding rings. Ushers - usually males, who help with the seating and organization. Junior Bridesmaids - a young girl (usually between 8 and 18 years old) who the bride wants to be in the ceremony, but is too old to be a flower girl.

Слайд 5

The typical processional of wedding ceremony goes like this: 
The typical processional of wedding ceremony goes like this: 
The ushers and/or groomsmen first escort the grandparents of the bride and groom and seat them. 
The ushers and/or groomsmen then escort the mother of groom and the mother of the bride and seat them. 
Next, the bridesmaids will enter, being escorted by the groomsmen. 
The maid or matron of honor will then enter, either by herself or she will be escorted by the best man. 
The ringbearer will enter next. 
The flower girl then enters. (Sometimes the ringbearer and flower girl will enter together.)
Описание слайда:
The typical processional of wedding ceremony goes like this: The typical processional of wedding ceremony goes like this: The ushers and/or groomsmen first escort the grandparents of the bride and groom and seat them. The ushers and/or groomsmen then escort the mother of groom and the mother of the bride and seat them. Next, the bridesmaids will enter, being escorted by the groomsmen. The maid or matron of honor will then enter, either by herself or she will be escorted by the best man. The ringbearer will enter next. The flower girl then enters. (Sometimes the ringbearer and flower girl will enter together.)

Слайд 6

Finally the bride will enter and take her walk down the aisle, escorted by her father, to the accompaniment of music; typically Wagner’s “The Bridal Chorus”, commonly known as “Here Comes the Bride” and the ceremony will begin. 
After the ceremony ends, the bride and groom will go to a side room with the officiate and two witnesses and sign the state-issued marriage license in the United States or in the United Kingdom they sign the wedding register.
The guests will then throw flower petals, rice, birdseed or confetti over the newlyweds as they leave the church and a photographic session is held as they are leaving the church or getting into the cars to go to the reception.
Описание слайда:
Finally the bride will enter and take her walk down the aisle, escorted by her father, to the accompaniment of music; typically Wagner’s “The Bridal Chorus”, commonly known as “Here Comes the Bride” and the ceremony will begin. After the ceremony ends, the bride and groom will go to a side room with the officiate and two witnesses and sign the state-issued marriage license in the United States or in the United Kingdom they sign the wedding register. The guests will then throw flower petals, rice, birdseed or confetti over the newlyweds as they leave the church and a photographic session is held as they are leaving the church or getting into the cars to go to the reception.

Слайд 7

The Wedding Reception:
The reception usually consists of a catered three course meal, drinks, numerous toasts and speeches and the cutting of the wedding cake by the bride and groom, all accompanied by music. The dancing is usually started by the bride and groom who commonly get the first dance called the “Bridal Waltz”. Dancing a waltz is actually rare; couples usually choose their favorite love song for their first dance. After the first dance, a dance between the bride and her father is traditional. Often the groom will cut in halfway through, to symbolize the bride leaving her father and joining her husband. In America, dances between the groom and his mother are also becoming popular. 
Finally the newlyweds are ready to set out on their honeymoon. Newlyweds try to celebrate honeymoons in places that are in some way special and romantic to them.
Описание слайда:
The Wedding Reception: The reception usually consists of a catered three course meal, drinks, numerous toasts and speeches and the cutting of the wedding cake by the bride and groom, all accompanied by music. The dancing is usually started by the bride and groom who commonly get the first dance called the “Bridal Waltz”. Dancing a waltz is actually rare; couples usually choose their favorite love song for their first dance. After the first dance, a dance between the bride and her father is traditional. Often the groom will cut in halfway through, to symbolize the bride leaving her father and joining her husband. In America, dances between the groom and his mother are also becoming popular. Finally the newlyweds are ready to set out on their honeymoon. Newlyweds try to celebrate honeymoons in places that are in some way special and romantic to them.

Слайд 8

A favorite custom during the reception is for the bride to turn her back and throw her bouquet backwards to a group of all the unmarried women at the wedding, the woman who catches it will be supposedly be the next one to marry
Описание слайда:
A favorite custom during the reception is for the bride to turn her back and throw her bouquet backwards to a group of all the unmarried women at the wedding, the woman who catches it will be supposedly be the next one to marry

Слайд 9

*the end*

Описание слайда:
*the end* THANK YOU

Теги Wedding in the USA
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