🗊Презентация Welcome to London See all the sights of London …

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Welcome to London See all the sights of London …, слайд №1Welcome to London See all the sights of London …, слайд №2Welcome to London See all the sights of London …, слайд №3Welcome to London See all the sights of London …, слайд №4Welcome to London See all the sights of London …, слайд №5Welcome to London See all the sights of London …, слайд №6Welcome to London See all the sights of London …, слайд №7Welcome to London See all the sights of London …, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Welcome to London

See all the  sights of  London …
Описание слайда:
Welcome to London See all the sights of London …

Слайд 2

   London is one of the largest  cities in the world.
Описание слайда:
London is one of the largest cities in the world.

Слайд 3

  Do you like art? 
  Do you like art? 
   Well, visit
 the National Gallery 
 in Trafalgar Square.
Описание слайда:
Do you like art? Do you like art? Well, visit the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square.

Слайд 4

    Next stop, Buckingham Palace. 
    Next stop, Buckingham Palace. 
   This is the home of the Queen of England and her family.
Описание слайда:
Next stop, Buckingham Palace. Next stop, Buckingham Palace. This is the home of the Queen of England and her family.

Слайд 5

   Covent  Garden Market is a very popular place  in London with lots of  visitors every year.
   Covent  Garden Market is a very popular place  in London with lots of  visitors every year.
    There are different shops and restaurants there.
Описание слайда:
Covent Garden Market is a very popular place in London with lots of visitors every year. Covent Garden Market is a very popular place in London with lots of visitors every year. There are different shops and restaurants there.

Слайд 6

Our last stop is the West End.
Our last stop is the West End.
The a lots of theatres 
and cinemas there.
Описание слайда:
Our last stop is the West End. Our last stop is the West End. The a lots of theatres and cinemas there.

Слайд 7

    Next stop, the Tower of London. 
    Next stop, the Tower of London. 
    It’s  got  a  very  long and  interesting history. 
    Today  it’s a museum and  you can visit it.
Описание слайда:
Next stop, the Tower of London. Next stop, the Tower of London. It’s got a very long and interesting history. Today it’s a museum and you can visit it.

Слайд 8

London is a  great place to have fun! 
London is a  great place to have fun!
Описание слайда:
London is a great place to have fun! London is a great place to have fun!

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