🗊Welcome to Russia

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Welcome to              Russia, слайд №1Welcome to              Russia, слайд №2Welcome to              Russia, слайд №3Welcome to              Russia, слайд №4Welcome to              Russia, слайд №5Welcome to              Russia, слайд №6Welcome to              Russia, слайд №7Welcome to              Russia, слайд №8Welcome to              Russia, слайд №9Welcome to              Russia, слайд №10Welcome to              Russia, слайд №11Welcome to              Russia, слайд №12Welcome to              Russia, слайд №13Welcome to              Russia, слайд №14Welcome to              Russia, слайд №15Welcome to              Russia, слайд №16Welcome to              Russia, слайд №17Welcome to              Russia, слайд №18Welcome to              Russia, слайд №19Welcome to              Russia, слайд №20

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:
Welcome to Russia

Слайд 2

Russia — democratic federal prezidentsko-parliamentary 
Capital — the city of Moscow.
Описание слайда:
Russia — democratic federal prezidentsko-parliamentary Capital — the city of Moscow.

Слайд 3

The head of the state is the President of Russia selected national voting for a period of 4 years.
The head of the state is the President of Russia selected national voting for a period of 4 years.
At present the president is-Medvedev Dmitry Anatolievich.
It possesses a number of the major powers: supervises over foreign policy, is the Supreme commander in chief Armed forces, appoints with the consent of the State Duma of the Chairman of the government, the decision on Government resignation makes. Under the offer of the Chairman of the government appoints to posts of vice-presidents of the government and federal ministers, and also dismisses them. The president heads Security council, appoints and dismisses command of Armed forces.
Описание слайда:
The head of the state is the President of Russia selected national voting for a period of 4 years. The head of the state is the President of Russia selected national voting for a period of 4 years. At present the president is-Medvedev Dmitry Anatolievich. It possesses a number of the major powers: supervises over foreign policy, is the Supreme commander in chief Armed forces, appoints with the consent of the State Duma of the Chairman of the government, the decision on Government resignation makes. Under the offer of the Chairman of the government appoints to posts of vice-presidents of the government and federal ministers, and also dismisses them. The president heads Security council, appoints and dismisses command of Armed forces.

Слайд 4

Russia is the secular state. The constitution guarantees «a freedom of worship, a freedom of worship, including the right to profess individually or together with others any religion or not to profess any, freely to choose, have and extend religious and other belief and to operate according to them» .
Описание слайда:
Russia is the secular state. The constitution guarantees «a freedom of worship, a freedom of worship, including the right to profess individually or together with others any religion or not to profess any, freely to choose, have and extend religious and other belief and to operate according to them» .

Слайд 5

Russia from the XX-th century middle has assigned to itself a rank of sports power. Since the Olympic games in Helsinki of 1952 and till today, Soviet, and later the Russian sportsmen never fell below the third place in general midallion offset among all countries of the world on summer Olympic games.
Russia from the XX-th century middle has assigned to itself a rank of sports power. Since the Olympic games in Helsinki of 1952 and till today, Soviet, and later the Russian sportsmen never fell below the third place in general midallion offset among all countries of the world on summer Olympic games.
In 1980 Moscow accepted XXII summer Olympic games, and Sochi will accept XXII winter Olympic games in 2014.In Russia following sports are most popular: football, hockey, figure skating, biathlon, boxing, basketball, volleyball, handball, tennis, rhythmic gymnastics, synchronous swimming, chess, weightlifting.
Описание слайда:
Russia from the XX-th century middle has assigned to itself a rank of sports power. Since the Olympic games in Helsinki of 1952 and till today, Soviet, and later the Russian sportsmen never fell below the third place in general midallion offset among all countries of the world on summer Olympic games. Russia from the XX-th century middle has assigned to itself a rank of sports power. Since the Olympic games in Helsinki of 1952 and till today, Soviet, and later the Russian sportsmen never fell below the third place in general midallion offset among all countries of the world on summer Olympic games. In 1980 Moscow accepted XXII summer Olympic games, and Sochi will accept XXII winter Olympic games in 2014.In Russia following sports are most popular: football, hockey, figure skating, biathlon, boxing, basketball, volleyball, handball, tennis, rhythmic gymnastics, synchronous swimming, chess, weightlifting.

Слайд 6

The people of Russia speak more than in 100 languages and the dialects belonging to Indo-European, Altay and Ural language families, Caucasian and to language groups. Among the most widespread spoken languages are allocated Russian, Ukrainian, Belarus, Armenian, Osset and German (an Indo-European language family), Tatar, Chuvash and Bashkir (the Altay language family), Udmurt, Mari (the Ural language family), Chechen, Avarian  (the nahsko-Dagestan languages), kabardino-Circassian (abhazo-adygskaja a language family).
The people of Russia speak more than in 100 languages and the dialects belonging to Indo-European, Altay and Ural language families, Caucasian and to language groups. Among the most widespread spoken languages are allocated Russian, Ukrainian, Belarus, Armenian, Osset and German (an Indo-European language family), Tatar, Chuvash and Bashkir (the Altay language family), Udmurt, Mari (the Ural language family), Chechen, Avarian  (the nahsko-Dagestan languages), kabardino-Circassian (abhazo-adygskaja a language family).
In 2009 of UNESCO recognized 136 languages in territory of Russia being under the threat of disappearance.
Описание слайда:
The people of Russia speak more than in 100 languages and the dialects belonging to Indo-European, Altay and Ural language families, Caucasian and to language groups. Among the most widespread spoken languages are allocated Russian, Ukrainian, Belarus, Armenian, Osset and German (an Indo-European language family), Tatar, Chuvash and Bashkir (the Altay language family), Udmurt, Mari (the Ural language family), Chechen, Avarian (the nahsko-Dagestan languages), kabardino-Circassian (abhazo-adygskaja a language family). The people of Russia speak more than in 100 languages and the dialects belonging to Indo-European, Altay and Ural language families, Caucasian and to language groups. Among the most widespread spoken languages are allocated Russian, Ukrainian, Belarus, Armenian, Osset and German (an Indo-European language family), Tatar, Chuvash and Bashkir (the Altay language family), Udmurt, Mari (the Ural language family), Chechen, Avarian (the nahsko-Dagestan languages), kabardino-Circassian (abhazo-adygskaja a language family). In 2009 of UNESCO recognized 136 languages in territory of Russia being under the threat of disappearance.

Слайд 7

National bylinas, fairy tales, characteristic for the people occupying Russia, have informed to us popular wisdom from depths of centuries.
National bylinas, fairy tales, characteristic for the people occupying Russia, have informed to us popular wisdom from depths of centuries.
short Russian national song, usually comic maintenance, transferred usually orally. The chastooshka is a folklore element.
Nested doll — Russian wooden toy in the form of a painted hollow doll in which there are dolls of the smaller size similar to it. The traditional list of a nested doll often represents country girls in traditional dresses. Recently the possible range of a list is limited by nothing by that, beginning from fantastic characters and finishing the Soviet leaders. This symbol of Russia was born not during ancient times as it is considered to be, and only in 1891 in Abramtzevo .Today the nested doll is one of the most popular souvenirs for foreign tourists in Russia.
Описание слайда:
National bylinas, fairy tales, characteristic for the people occupying Russia, have informed to us popular wisdom from depths of centuries. National bylinas, fairy tales, characteristic for the people occupying Russia, have informed to us popular wisdom from depths of centuries. short Russian national song, usually comic maintenance, transferred usually orally. The chastooshka is a folklore element. Nested doll — Russian wooden toy in the form of a painted hollow doll in which there are dolls of the smaller size similar to it. The traditional list of a nested doll often represents country girls in traditional dresses. Recently the possible range of a list is limited by nothing by that, beginning from fantastic characters and finishing the Soviet leaders. This symbol of Russia was born not during ancient times as it is considered to be, and only in 1891 in Abramtzevo .Today the nested doll is one of the most popular souvenirs for foreign tourists in Russia.

Слайд 8

As a part of flora of Russia is about 24700 kinds of plants, from which about 11400 kinds — vascular, 9000 — seaweed, 3000 — lichens and 159 — ferns. Are richest with kinds of plants caucasus (6000) and the Far East (1900—2000), is the poorest — the Arctic islands of Siberia (100—150). 
As a part of flora of Russia is about 24700 kinds of plants, from which about 11400 kinds — vascular, 9000 — seaweed, 3000 — lichens and 159 — ferns. Are richest with kinds of plants caucasus (6000) and the Far East (1900—2000), is the poorest — the Arctic islands of Siberia (100—150). 
Woods occupy over 40 % of territory. In territory of Russia there is a fifth part of all woods of the world and half of world coniferous woods. The fauna is various — here live both polar bears, and walruses, both tigers, and leopards, etc.
In Russia 35 national parks and 84 reserves are located. Unique in the country the natural park which is in city boundaries — Omska.
Russia is washed by 12 seas of the World ocean
The largest lake — Caspian sea. From lakes in traditional sense the largest on the area are Baikal (31 722 km ²), Ladoga (17 872 km ²), Onega (9 693 km ²) and Tajmyr (4 560 km ²), and on volume Baikal (23 516 km ³), Ladoga (838 km ³), Onega (292 km ³) and Hantajsky (82 km ³), thus about 96 % of all stocks of lake waters are concentrated only in eight largest lakes, from them of 95,2 % are necessary only to one Baikal.
Russia is located in Northern hemisphere, in the north of continent Eurasia. It is washed by waters of Silent and Arctic oceans, and also Baltic, Black, Azov by the seas of Atlantic ocean and Caspian sea, thus possessing the most extended coastal line (37 653 km). The Ural mountains and Kumo-Manychskaja a hollow divide Russia into the European and Asian parts, last includes the North Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East Russia.
Описание слайда:
As a part of flora of Russia is about 24700 kinds of plants, from which about 11400 kinds — vascular, 9000 — seaweed, 3000 — lichens and 159 — ferns. Are richest with kinds of plants caucasus (6000) and the Far East (1900—2000), is the poorest — the Arctic islands of Siberia (100—150). As a part of flora of Russia is about 24700 kinds of plants, from which about 11400 kinds — vascular, 9000 — seaweed, 3000 — lichens and 159 — ferns. Are richest with kinds of plants caucasus (6000) and the Far East (1900—2000), is the poorest — the Arctic islands of Siberia (100—150). Woods occupy over 40 % of territory. In territory of Russia there is a fifth part of all woods of the world and half of world coniferous woods. The fauna is various — here live both polar bears, and walruses, both tigers, and leopards, etc. In Russia 35 national parks and 84 reserves are located. Unique in the country the natural park which is in city boundaries — Omska. Russia is washed by 12 seas of the World ocean The largest lake — Caspian sea. From lakes in traditional sense the largest on the area are Baikal (31 722 km ²), Ladoga (17 872 km ²), Onega (9 693 km ²) and Tajmyr (4 560 km ²), and on volume Baikal (23 516 km ³), Ladoga (838 km ³), Onega (292 km ³) and Hantajsky (82 km ³), thus about 96 % of all stocks of lake waters are concentrated only in eight largest lakes, from them of 95,2 % are necessary only to one Baikal. Russia is located in Northern hemisphere, in the north of continent Eurasia. It is washed by waters of Silent and Arctic oceans, and also Baltic, Black, Azov by the seas of Atlantic ocean and Caspian sea, thus possessing the most extended coastal line (37 653 km). The Ural mountains and Kumo-Manychskaja a hollow divide Russia into the European and Asian parts, last includes the North Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East Russia.

Слайд 9

Sights Russia
Описание слайда:
Sights Russia

Слайд 10

The Hermitage in Sankt-Peterburge
Описание слайда:
The Hermitage in Sankt-Peterburge

Слайд 11

Dvortsovo-park ensemble "Peterhof " on the bank of a southern Finnish gulf
Описание слайда:
Dvortsovo-park ensemble "Peterhof " on the bank of a southern Finnish gulf

Слайд 12

«The tsar a bell»in Moscow
Описание слайда:
«The tsar a bell»in Moscow

Слайд 13

Monument «the tsar of a down» in Moscow
Описание слайда:
Monument «the tsar of a down» in Moscow

Слайд 14

The sculpture "the native land calls mother“ in Volgograd
Описание слайда:
The sculpture "the native land calls mother“ in Volgograd

Слайд 15

Monument  Petr  to the first "the copper horseman" in Sankt-Peterburge
Описание слайда:
Monument Petr to the first "the copper horseman" in Sankt-Peterburge

Слайд 16

Monument a «Millenium Russia» in Novgorod
Описание слайда:
Monument a «Millenium Russia» in Novgorod

Слайд 17

Monument Pushkin in Moscow
Описание слайда:
Monument Pushkin in Moscow

Слайд 18

Kremlin in Moscow
Описание слайда:
Kremlin in Moscow

Слайд 19

Mausoleum Lenina in Moscow
Описание слайда:
Mausoleum Lenina in Moscow

Слайд 20

Cruiser an «Aurora»in Sankt-Peterburg
Описание слайда:
Cruiser an «Aurora»in Sankt-Peterburg

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