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Слайд 1

Healthy Living Guide
Учитель МОУ СОШ № 13 ст.Новоджерелиевской 
Урадовская Татьяна Николаевна
Описание слайда:
Healthy Living Guide GOOD AND BAD HABITS Учитель МОУ СОШ № 13 ст.Новоджерелиевской Урадовская Татьяна Николаевна

Слайд 2

Obesity and physical inactivity re known from ancient times.
More and more teenagers spend their free time watching TV, playing computer games and eating fast food.
Описание слайда:
BAD HABITS Obesity and physical inactivity re known from ancient times. More and more teenagers spend their free time watching TV, playing computer games and eating fast food.

Слайд 3

Smoking makes skin unhealthy and teeth yellow.
It causes blood and heart diseases.
It should be banned in public places.
Описание слайда:
SMOKING Smoking makes skin unhealthy and teeth yellow. It causes blood and heart diseases. It should be banned in public places.

Слайд 4

Drugs make your brain centers sleep.
They cause a headache and blood disease.
Drugs effects the people around you.
Описание слайда:
TAKING DRUGS Drugs make your brain centers sleep. They cause a headache and blood disease. Drugs effects the people around you.

Слайд 5

Alcohol makes your speech unclear.
It causes slow reactions and lost of memory.
Alcohol makes the whole family unhappy.
Описание слайда:
DRINKING ALCOHOL Alcohol makes your speech unclear. It causes slow reactions and lost of memory. Alcohol makes the whole family unhappy.

Слайд 6

Many people nowadays think more about their health.
They eat a lot of low-fat food and more fibre.
Some people have started counting calories they eat every day.
Описание слайда:
GOOD HABITS Many people nowadays think more about their health. They eat a lot of low-fat food and more fibre. Some people have started counting calories they eat every day.

Слайд 7

Everyone should do morning exercises.
Sport must be regular in people’s life.
Young people go in for sports more anxiously than adults.
Описание слайда:
SPORTS AND FITNESS Everyone should do morning exercises. Sport must be regular in people’s life. Young people go in for sports more anxiously than adults.

Слайд 8

One in five 11-to16-year-olds skip breakfast.
Many eat only pizza, chips, crisps and cola for lunch.
They don’t get enough iron.
Описание слайда:
SKIPPING BREAKFAST One in five 11-to16-year-olds skip breakfast. Many eat only pizza, chips, crisps and cola for lunch. They don’t get enough iron.

Слайд 9

Cabbage may prevent the development of cancer.
Carrots are good for your eyesight.
Onion is good for your nerves.
Описание слайда:
EATING HIGH FIBRE FOOD Cabbage may prevent the development of cancer. Carrots are good for your eyesight. Onion is good for your nerves.

Слайд 10

Milk strengthen your bones.
Milk is very good for children
Описание слайда:
DRINKING MILK Milk strengthen your bones. Milk is very good for children

Слайд 11

An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Описание слайда:
An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Слайд 12

Be healthy, wealthy and wise!
Описание слайда:
Be healthy, wealthy and wise!

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