🗊Презентация The Crimea Крым

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Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №1Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №2Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №3Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №4Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №5Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №6Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №7Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №8Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №9Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №10Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №11Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №12Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №13Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №14Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №15Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №16Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №17Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №18Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №19Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №20Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №21Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №22Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №23Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №24Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №25Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №26Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №27Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №28Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №29Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №30Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №31Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №32Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №33Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №34Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №35Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №36Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №37Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №38Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №39Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №40Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №41Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №42Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №43Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №44Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №45Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №46Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №47Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №48Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №49


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Слайд 1

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №1
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Слайд 2

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №2
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Слайд 3

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №3
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Слайд 4

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №4
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Слайд 5

The Crimea consists of two very different parts — treeless steppe of the Crimean Lowland in the northern and central parts, and the Crimean Mountains in the south.
Описание слайда:
The Crimea consists of two very different parts — treeless steppe of the Crimean Lowland in the northern and central parts, and the Crimean Mountains in the south.

Слайд 6

Crimean mountains stretch from west to east for 180 km, their width-50-60 km. 
Crimean mountains stretch from west to east for 180 km, their width-50-60 km.
Описание слайда:
Crimean mountains stretch from west to east for 180 km, their width-50-60 km. Crimean mountains stretch from west to east for 180 km, their width-50-60 km.

Слайд 7

Crimea mountains
Описание слайда:
Crimea mountains

Слайд 8

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №8
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Слайд 9

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

The climate there is subtropical. the Crimean Mountains stop cold winds from the north. 
Описание слайда:
The climate there is subtropical. the Crimean Mountains stop cold winds from the north. 

Слайд 11

The largest rivers – the  Alma, the Belbek and the Black. 
the River Alma
Описание слайда:
The largest rivers – the Alma, the Belbek and the Black. the River Alma

Слайд 12

According to the population of Crimea occupies the 26th place among subjects of the Russian Federation. 
Russian – 60 % , Ukrainians – 25 %, Crimean Tatars -10%.  
    Bakhchysarai is the former capital of the Crimean Khanate.
Описание слайда:
According to the population of Crimea occupies the 26th place among subjects of the Russian Federation. Russian – 60 % , Ukrainians – 25 %, Crimean Tatars -10%. Bakhchysarai is the former capital of the Crimean Khanate.

Слайд 13

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №13
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Слайд 14

Greek colonization of the Peninsula began in the 6th century B.C.
They built city-states: Panticapaeum, Feodosia, Kerkinitida, Hersonissos and Tiritaka.
Описание слайда:
Greek colonization of the Peninsula began in the 6th century B.C. They built city-states: Panticapaeum, Feodosia, Kerkinitida, Hersonissos and Tiritaka.

Слайд 15

In the summer of 1475 the Ottoman Turks landed in Crimea. In 1478, the Crimean khanate became a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire. Since the end of XV century the Crimean Khanate carried out regular raids on Russian state and Poland. The main purpose of the raids was to capture slaves and their resale to the Turkish markets.
Описание слайда:
In the summer of 1475 the Ottoman Turks landed in Crimea. In 1478, the Crimean khanate became a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire. Since the end of XV century the Crimean Khanate carried out regular raids on Russian state and Poland. The main purpose of the raids was to capture slaves and their resale to the Turkish markets.

Слайд 16

The Russo-Turkish wars were a series of wars fought between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 20th centuries. It was one of the longest series of conflicts in European history.
In total, 11 Russia-Turkish wars cover a period 241 year.
Описание слайда:
The Russo-Turkish wars were a series of wars fought between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 20th centuries. It was one of the longest series of conflicts in European history. In total, 11 Russia-Turkish wars cover a period 241 year.

Слайд 17

The Black sea fleet of the Russia created after the joining of Crimea. 
The Russo-Turkish war of 1768-74 years marked the end of Ottoman domination in Crimea.
Описание слайда:
The Black sea fleet of the Russia created after the joining of Crimea. The Russo-Turkish war of 1768-74 years marked the end of Ottoman domination in Crimea.

Слайд 18

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №18
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Слайд 19

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №19
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Слайд 20

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №20
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Слайд 21

Simferopol is the administrative center of the Republic of Crimea. The population is about 360 000 people.
Описание слайда:
Simferopol is the administrative center of the Republic of Crimea. The population is about 360 000 people.

Слайд 22

Sevastopol (the Greek name - Hersonissos) - a city located in the south-west of the Crimean peninsula on the Black Sea coast. Laid by the decree of Russian Empress Catherine II in 1783.
Описание слайда:
Sevastopol (the Greek name - Hersonissos) - a city located in the south-west of the Crimean peninsula on the Black Sea coast. Laid by the decree of Russian Empress Catherine II in 1783.

Слайд 23

Sevastopol is the naval base of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.
Sevastopol is the naval base of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.
Описание слайда:
Sevastopol is the naval base of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. Sevastopol is the naval base of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.

Слайд 24

The largest international airport airport «Simferopol». Second international airport is Belbek.
Описание слайда:
The largest international airport airport «Simferopol». Second international airport is Belbek.

Слайд 25

In 1954 Sevastopol was awarded the order of the Red Banner, in 1965 the city was awarded the title hero City, and in 1983 was awarded the Order of October Revolution.
Описание слайда:
In 1954 Sevastopol was awarded the order of the Red Banner, in 1965 the city was awarded the title hero City, and in 1983 was awarded the Order of October Revolution.

Слайд 26

Southern coast of Crimea is one of the most important and popular resort areas in former USSR includes the cities-resorts Alupka, Yalta, Alushta, Sudak and the numerous settlements.
Описание слайда:
Southern coast of Crimea is one of the most important and popular resort areas in former USSR includes the cities-resorts Alupka, Yalta, Alushta, Sudak and the numerous settlements.

Слайд 27

Big Yalta includes Alupka, Gaspra, Gurzuf, Koreiz, Livadia, Massandra, Simeiz, Foros.
Описание слайда:
Big Yalta includes Alupka, Gaspra, Gurzuf, Koreiz, Livadia, Massandra, Simeiz, Foros.

Слайд 28

Evpatoria - one of the oldest cities in the South of Russia. Near Evpatoria there are a number of salt lakes with mineralized water of different chemical composition.
Описание слайда:
Evpatoria - one of the oldest cities in the South of Russia. Near Evpatoria there are a number of salt lakes with mineralized water of different chemical composition.

Слайд 29

Sudak is well-known tourist resort and the centre of the wine industry.
Описание слайда:
Sudak is well-known tourist resort and the centre of the wine industry.

Слайд 30

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №30
Описание слайда:

Слайд 31

Artek - international children's center in Crimea. Located in Gurzuf. In the past, it was the most famous pioneer camp of the USSR.
Описание слайда:
Artek - international children's center in Crimea. Located in Gurzuf. In the past, it was the most famous pioneer camp of the USSR.

Слайд 32

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №32
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Слайд 33

The guests of «Artek» in different years were Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Gagarin, Indira Gandhi, Nikita Khrushchev, Palmiro Togliatti, Ho Chi Minh, Valentina Tereshkova, Lev Yashin.
Описание слайда:
The guests of «Artek» in different years were Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Gagarin, Indira Gandhi, Nikita Khrushchev, Palmiro Togliatti, Ho Chi Minh, Valentina Tereshkova, Lev Yashin.

Слайд 34

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №34
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Слайд 35

Livadia Palace was a summer residence of the last Russian tsar, Nicholas II. The Yalta Conference was held there in 1945, when the palace housed  Franklin Delano Roosevelt and other members of the American delegation. Today the palace is a museum, but it is sometimes used for international summits.
Описание слайда:
Livadia Palace was a summer residence of the last Russian tsar, Nicholas II. The Yalta Conference was held there in 1945, when the palace housed  Franklin Delano Roosevelt and other members of the American delegation. Today the palace is a museum, but it is sometimes used for international summits.

Слайд 36

Yalta Conference in February 1945 with (from left to right) Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin.
Описание слайда:
Yalta Conference in February 1945 with (from left to right) Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin.

Слайд 37

Massandra Palace of Alexander III is located in Upper Massandra.
Описание слайда:
Massandra Palace of Alexander III is located in Upper Massandra.

Слайд 38

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №38
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Слайд 39

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №39
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Слайд 40

Vorontsov Palace is one of the jewels of the Crimea. 
The Palace was built as the Crimean residence of the Governor-General of the Novorossiysk territory of count Mikhail Vorontsov.
Описание слайда:
Vorontsov Palace is one of the jewels of the Crimea. The Palace was built as the Crimean residence of the Governor-General of the Novorossiysk territory of count Mikhail Vorontsov.

Слайд 41

The Swallow's Nest is a decorative castle located at Gaspra, a small town between Yalta and Alupka. It was built between 1911 and 1912 , on top of the 40-metre high Aurora Cliff by the Russian architect Leonid Sherwood for the Baltic German oil millionaire Baron von Steingel.
Описание слайда:
The Swallow's Nest is a decorative castle located at Gaspra, a small town between Yalta and Alupka. It was built between 1911 and 1912 , on top of the 40-metre high Aurora Cliff by the Russian architect Leonid Sherwood for the Baltic German oil millionaire Baron von Steingel.

Слайд 42

In 1987 on the territory of the Swallow's nest Stanislav Govorukhin shoot the famous Soviet thriller film based on the novel by English writer Agatha Christie -  «Ten black kids».
Описание слайда:
In 1987 on the territory of the Swallow's nest Stanislav Govorukhin shoot the famous Soviet thriller film based on the novel by English writer Agatha Christie - «Ten black kids».

Слайд 43

Dacha of Gorbachev in Foros - in the USSR state dacha № 11, where Mikhail Gorbachev put under house arrest in 1991.
Описание слайда:
Dacha of Gorbachev in Foros - in the USSR state dacha № 11, where Mikhail Gorbachev put under house arrest in 1991.

Слайд 44

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №44
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Слайд 45

Nikitsky Botanical Garden is one of the oldest botanical garden. It was founded in 1812 and named after the settlement Nikita.
Описание слайда:
Nikitsky Botanical Garden is one of the oldest botanical garden. It was founded in 1812 and named after the settlement Nikita.

Слайд 46

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №46
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Слайд 47

«Massandra» is one of the largest enterprises of high-quality wines. Collection wines of Massandra (about one million bottles) is the largest in the world and is registered in 1998 in the Guinness Book of records. 
In Massandra the first wine was made in 1898.
Описание слайда:
«Massandra» is one of the largest enterprises of high-quality wines. Collection wines of Massandra (about one million bottles) is the largest in the world and is registered in 1998 in the Guinness Book of records. In Massandra the first wine was made in 1898.

Слайд 48

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №48
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Слайд 49

Презентация The Crimea Крым, слайд №49
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