🗊Презентация к уроку английского языка "Isaac Newton" - скачать

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Презентация к уроку английского языка "Isaac Newton" - скачать , слайд №1Презентация к уроку английского языка "Isaac Newton" - скачать , слайд №2Презентация к уроку английского языка "Isaac Newton" - скачать , слайд №3Презентация к уроку английского языка "Isaac Newton" - скачать , слайд №4Презентация к уроку английского языка "Isaac Newton" - скачать , слайд №5Презентация к уроку английского языка "Isaac Newton" - скачать , слайд №6

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Слайд 1

Презентация к уроку английского языка "Isaac Newton" - скачать , слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

After school education in the biography of the Newton was received in the college of the holy Trinity at the university of Cambridge. Under the influence of physicists, Newton still in the students made several discoveries, in more mathematical.
After school education in the biography of the Newton was received in the college of the holy Trinity at the university of Cambridge. Under the influence of physicists, Newton still in the students made several discoveries, in more mathematical.
Описание слайда:
After school education in the biography of the Newton was received in the college of the holy Trinity at the university of Cambridge. Under the influence of physicists, Newton still in the students made several discoveries, in more mathematical. After school education in the biography of the Newton was received in the college of the holy Trinity at the university of Cambridge. Under the influence of physicists, Newton still in the students made several discoveries, in more mathematical.

Слайд 3

In the period from 1664 to 1666 year he derived a formula бинома Newton's formula of Newton -Leibniz, brought the law of universal gravitation. In 1668 in the biography of Isaac Newton received his master's degree in 1669 - professor of mathematical sciences.
In the period from 1664 to 1666 year he derived a formula бинома Newton's formula of Newton -Leibniz, brought the law of universal gravitation. In 1668 in the biography of Isaac Newton received his master's degree in 1669 - professor of mathematical sciences.
Описание слайда:
In the period from 1664 to 1666 year he derived a formula бинома Newton's formula of Newton -Leibniz, brought the law of universal gravitation. In 1668 in the biography of Isaac Newton received his master's degree in 1669 - professor of mathematical sciences. In the period from 1664 to 1666 year he derived a formula бинома Newton's formula of Newton -Leibniz, brought the law of universal gravitation. In 1668 in the biography of Isaac Newton received his master's degree in 1669 - professor of mathematical sciences.

Слайд 4

. Thanks to the Newton telescope (reflector) have been significant discoveries in astronomy. The scientist was the member of the Royal court (since 1703 - president), the superintendent of the Coin.
. Thanks to the Newton telescope (reflector) have been significant discoveries in astronomy. The scientist was the member of the Royal court (since 1703 - president), the superintendent of the Coin.
Описание слайда:
. Thanks to the Newton telescope (reflector) have been significant discoveries in astronomy. The scientist was the member of the Royal court (since 1703 - president), the superintendent of the Coin. . Thanks to the Newton telescope (reflector) have been significant discoveries in astronomy. The scientist was the member of the Royal court (since 1703 - president), the superintendent of the Coin.

Слайд 5

Newton's Laws are the foundations of classical mechanics. Newton's first law explains the preservation of speed of a body in offsets external influences. The second Newton's law describes the dependence of acceleration of the body of the applied force. Of the 3 of Newton's laws can be derived by the other laws of mechanics.
Newton's Laws are the foundations of classical mechanics. Newton's first law explains the preservation of speed of a body in offsets external influences. The second Newton's law describes the dependence of acceleration of the body of the applied force. Of the 3 of Newton's laws can be derived by the other laws of mechanics.
Описание слайда:
Newton's Laws are the foundations of classical mechanics. Newton's first law explains the preservation of speed of a body in offsets external influences. The second Newton's law describes the dependence of acceleration of the body of the applied force. Of the 3 of Newton's laws can be derived by the other laws of mechanics. Newton's Laws are the foundations of classical mechanics. Newton's first law explains the preservation of speed of a body in offsets external influences. The second Newton's law describes the dependence of acceleration of the body of the applied force. Of the 3 of Newton's laws can be derived by the other laws of mechanics.

Слайд 6

Love to Newton mathematics has caused the greatest number of his discoveries in the science. So he described the integral and differential calculus, the method of difference, method of finding the roots of the equation (Newton's method).
Love to Newton mathematics has caused the greatest number of his discoveries in the science. So he described the integral and differential calculus, the method of difference, method of finding the roots of the equation (Newton's method).
Описание слайда:
Love to Newton mathematics has caused the greatest number of his discoveries in the science. So he described the integral and differential calculus, the method of difference, method of finding the roots of the equation (Newton's method). Love to Newton mathematics has caused the greatest number of his discoveries in the science. So he described the integral and differential calculus, the method of difference, method of finding the roots of the equation (Newton's method).

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