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Презентация к уроку английского языка "Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt" - скачать , слайд №1Презентация к уроку английского языка "Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt" - скачать , слайд №2Презентация к уроку английского языка "Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt" - скачать , слайд №3Презентация к уроку английского языка "Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt" - скачать , слайд №4Презентация к уроку английского языка "Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt" - скачать , слайд №5Презентация к уроку английского языка "Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt" - скачать , слайд №6

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Слайд 1

Презентация к уроку английского языка "Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt" - скачать , слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt - German physician, physiologist and psychologist. Generallyknown as the founder of experimental psychology. Less well known as a major figure in social psychology, but his last years were marked by Wundt's psychology of the peoples , which he understood as the doctrine of the socialbasis of the higher mental activities.
Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt - German physician, physiologist and psychologist. Generallyknown as the founder of experimental psychology. Less well known as a major figure in social psychology, but his last years were marked by Wundt's psychology of the peoples , which he understood as the doctrine of the socialbasis of the higher mental activities.
Описание слайда:
Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt - German physician, physiologist and psychologist. Generallyknown as the founder of experimental psychology. Less well known as a major figure in social psychology, but his last years were marked by Wundt's psychology of the peoples , which he understood as the doctrine of the socialbasis of the higher mental activities. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt - German physician, physiologist and psychologist. Generallyknown as the founder of experimental psychology. Less well known as a major figure in social psychology, but his last years were marked by Wundt's psychology of the peoples , which he understood as the doctrine of the socialbasis of the higher mental activities.

Слайд 3

Wundt tried to understand the human mind by studying the component parts of the human mind, as well as the study of complex chemical substances is divided into itsconstituent elements. 
Wundt tried to understand the human mind by studying the component parts of the human mind, as well as the study of complex chemical substances is divided into itsconstituent elements. 
Описание слайда:
Wundt tried to understand the human mind by studying the component parts of the human mind, as well as the study of complex chemical substances is divided into itsconstituent elements.  Wundt tried to understand the human mind by studying the component parts of the human mind, as well as the study of complex chemical substances is divided into itsconstituent elements. 

Слайд 4

Thus, the psychology of Wundt presented by science, similar to the physics and chemistry, in which consciousness is a set of shared and identifiableparts.
Thus, the psychology of Wundt presented by science, similar to the physics and chemistry, in which consciousness is a set of shared and identifiableparts.
Описание слайда:
Thus, the psychology of Wundt presented by science, similar to the physics and chemistry, in which consciousness is a set of shared and identifiableparts. Thus, the psychology of Wundt presented by science, similar to the physics and chemistry, in which consciousness is a set of shared and identifiableparts.

Слайд 5

The principles of psychology as the study of building a direct experience of consciousness, including feelings, emotions, volitions and ideas, using the method ofintrospection, and introspection.
The principles of psychology as the study of building a direct experience of consciousness, including feelings, emotions, volitions and ideas, using the method ofintrospection, and introspection.
Описание слайда:
The principles of psychology as the study of building a direct experience of consciousness, including feelings, emotions, volitions and ideas, using the method ofintrospection, and introspection. The principles of psychology as the study of building a direct experience of consciousness, including feelings, emotions, volitions and ideas, using the method ofintrospection, and introspection.

Слайд 6

In the last years of his life Wundt focused on social and cultural psychology, and beforehis death wrote a fundamental 10-volume work "The psychology of peoples"
In the last years of his life Wundt focused on social and cultural psychology, and beforehis death wrote a fundamental 10-volume work "The psychology of peoples"
Описание слайда:
In the last years of his life Wundt focused on social and cultural psychology, and beforehis death wrote a fundamental 10-volume work "The psychology of peoples" In the last years of his life Wundt focused on social and cultural psychology, and beforehis death wrote a fundamental 10-volume work "The psychology of peoples"

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