🗊Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH CUISINE

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Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №1Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №2Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №3Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №4Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №5Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №6Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №7Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №8Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №9Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №10Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №11Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №12Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №13Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №14

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

Traditions and holidays
   There is no other nation that clings to the past with the tenacity of the British. The British have a sense of the continuity of history. They love to go through their ancient ceremonies as they have always performed them, with the consciousness that they are keeping faith with their ancestors, that they are maintaining the community they have created. The British don’t often change their manner of carrying out official acts, and if they ever do, the new method at once becomes a tradition.
Описание слайда:
Traditions and holidays There is no other nation that clings to the past with the tenacity of the British. The British have a sense of the continuity of history. They love to go through their ancient ceremonies as they have always performed them, with the consciousness that they are keeping faith with their ancestors, that they are maintaining the community they have created. The British don’t often change their manner of carrying out official acts, and if they ever do, the new method at once becomes a tradition.

Слайд 4

Main holidays
Описание слайда:
Main holidays

Слайд 5

New Year's Day
Описание слайда:
New Year's Day

Слайд 6

Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №6
Описание слайда:

Слайд 7

Easter Monday 

The special dishes
It's traditional to bake a simnel cake or hot cross buns for Easter.
Описание слайда:
Easter Monday The special dishes It's traditional to bake a simnel cake or hot cross buns for Easter.

Слайд 8

Roast lamb
Roasted spring lamb is traditionally served at Easter.
Описание слайда:
Roast lamb Roasted spring lamb is traditionally served at Easter.

Слайд 9

Christmas Day

The special dishes
Christmas pudding is a type of pudding traditionally served on Christmas Day (December 25) as part of the Christmas dinner. It has its origins in medieval England, and is sometimes known as plum pudding or Christmas Pudding. The pudding is composed of many dried fruits. Held together by egg and suet, sometimes moistened by treacle or molasses.
Описание слайда:
Christmas Day The special dishes Christmas pudding is a type of pudding traditionally served on Christmas Day (December 25) as part of the Christmas dinner. It has its origins in medieval England, and is sometimes known as plum pudding or Christmas Pudding. The pudding is composed of many dried fruits. Held together by egg and suet, sometimes moistened by treacle or molasses.

Слайд 10

Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №10
Описание слайда:

Слайд 11

Christmas Turkey
  Turkey is the traditional Christmas dinner.
Описание слайда:
Christmas Turkey Turkey is the traditional Christmas dinner.

Слайд 12

Christmas eggnog
Eggnog, or egg nog, is a sweetened dairy-based beverage traditionally made with milk and/or cream, sugar, and whipped eggs (which gives it a frothy texture). Brandy, rum, whisky, bourbon, vodka, or a combination of liquors are often added.
Описание слайда:
Christmas eggnog Eggnog, or egg nog, is a sweetened dairy-based beverage traditionally made with milk and/or cream, sugar, and whipped eggs (which gives it a frothy texture). Brandy, rum, whisky, bourbon, vodka, or a combination of liquors are often added.

Слайд 13

Презентация на тему Английская кухня ENGLISH  CUISINE, слайд №13
Описание слайда:

Слайд 14

Thank you for your attention !
Описание слайда:
Thank you for your attention !

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