Описание слайда:
Hurricane (tornado, thunderstorm, rainstorm):
Hurricane - a wind of great destructive force and a significant three-valosti speed is 33 m / s or more.
Tornado - a rising vortex of air that quickly chief nated that looks like dark pole with a diameter of several tens to hundreds of meters of vertical, sometimes curved axis of rotation.
Chance - this atmospheric phenomenon, due to the development of powerful Cumulonimbus clouds, accompanied with zhuyetsya repeated electrical discharges between clouds and the earth's surface, sound effects, heavy precipitation, often with hail.
Rain - intermittent precipitation great intensity.
On receipt storm warning should immediately resort to conduct preventive work: strengthen not quite lasting design, shut the door, the room in the attic, skylights, vents. Large windows and showcases to upholster boards. Window glass seal strips of paper or cloth, and if possible, removed. Doors and windows on the leeward side exposed to balance the internal pressure in the building. On the roof, ball-Laws, loggias remove items that a fall could cause injury to people.
If possible and necessary, turn off utility power network, open auxiliary lights to pass water. With lightweight construction people translate into stronger building or shelter in the defenses DPP.
Stop outdoor use. Arm yourself with electric lamps, kerosene lamps, candles. Consider creating water supplies for 2-3 days, prepare derivative tiles hasivky, coercion. Do not forget to stock up on food Har vigil and medicines, especially dressing mate-rials, radios and televisions to keep permanently enabled.
While in the house, you should beware of shrapnel wounds glass that shatters. To do this, move away from windows and get up close to the piers. Can be used as solid-ing furniture. The safest place is the repository CO, basements or interior rooms first floor brick and stone houses. You can not go out immediately after the weakening of the wind, so that in a few minutes gust could happen again. If it is still necessary, should stay away from buildings, high fences, posts, trees, masts, poles, wires.
Do not be on the overpasses, approach the storage of flammable or highly toxic substances.
Remember that more often in such circumstances, people suffer injuries from broken glass, slate, tile, roofing iron ripped off road signs on the detail finishes facades and cornices, of items stored on balconies and loggias.
If a hurricane (tornado) you found in open areas, better than all hide in the ditch, pit, ravine, any seizure: lie on the bottom of the recess and pull tight to the ground. Be in the damaged building is dangerous: it can collapse under the pressure of new wind.
Especially be careful of broken electrical wires: do not exclude the possibility that they are under stress.
Hurricane (tornado) may be accompanied by thunder (bu-Ray). Uhylyaytes from situations in which increases the probability of lightning: not ukryvaytesya under trees, standing alone, do not come to the power lines, etc.
The main condition - not to panic. Act wisely and consciously refrain from the foolish actions, assist victims.