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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

So, such = very
Those are such good candies = Those are very good candies
Those candies are so good = Those candies are very good
Описание слайда:
So, such = very Those are such good candies = Those are very good candies Those candies are so good = Those candies are very good

Слайд 2

So + adjective or adverb phrase

So + adj.: So nice / loud/ good , etc.
The music is so loud.
The clothes are so nice.
So + adverb: so fast / quickly/ well, etc.
Time flies so fast.
You do it so well.

So many friends
So few friends
so much food
so little time
Описание слайда:
So + adjective or adverb phrase So + adj.: So nice / loud/ good , etc. The music is so loud. The clothes are so nice. So + adverb: so fast / quickly/ well, etc. Time flies so fast. You do it so well. So+many/few/much/little So many friends So few friends so much food so little time

Слайд 3

Such + adj. + noun :

Such a: + Count., sg. noun = 
such a nice guy/such a big house
(guy: count. noun, sg.)
2) such + Count. noun, pl./uncount. = 
Such nice clothes/Such beautiful eyes/such love
Описание слайда:
Such + adj. + noun : Such a: + Count., sg. noun = such a nice guy/such a big house (guy: count. noun, sg.) 2) such + Count. noun, pl./uncount. = Such nice clothes/Such beautiful eyes/such love

Слайд 4

So or such
They had ___  bad night that they couldn't sleep.
a. so
b. such
C) such a 

She gave him ___ good advice that he was very grateful to her.
a. so
b. such
c) such a
I'm having ___  wonderful time in Belem that I don't want to go home.
a. so
b. such
c) such a
The day was ___ hot that everybody went to the beach.
a. so
b. such
Описание слайда:
So or such They had ___ bad night that they couldn't sleep. a. so b. such C) such a She gave him ___ good advice that he was very grateful to her. a. so b. such c) such a I'm having ___ wonderful time in Belem that I don't want to go home. a. so b. such c) such a The day was ___ hot that everybody went to the beach. a. so b. such

Слайд 5

It was ___ cold weather that nobody could go outside.
a. so
b. such
It was ___ cold weather that nobody could go outside.
a. so
b. such
C) such a

There are ___ good jobs in Fortaleza that people are looking for jobs in other states.
a. so many
b. so few
c. so little
d. so much
e. such

The hotel has ___ comfortable room that I don't want to go out.
a. so much
b. so a
c. such a
d. such

It was ___ dark that I couldn't see his face.
a. so
b. such
c. such a
d. so a
Описание слайда:
It was ___ cold weather that nobody could go outside. a. so b. such It was ___ cold weather that nobody could go outside. a. so b. such C) such a There are ___ good jobs in Fortaleza that people are looking for jobs in other states. a. so many b. so few c. so little d. so much e. such The hotel has ___ comfortable room that I don't want to go out. a. so much b. so a c. such a d. such It was ___ dark that I couldn't see his face. a. so b. such c. such a d. so a

Слайд 6

Homework assignment

1. The story was __________ fascinating that the children didn't make a sound.
a) SO

2. The unfortunate tourist didn't expect __________ kindness from complete strangers!
a) SO

3. I'm glad you all had __________ good time at the picnic.
a) SO

4. The sweater was __________ big that it touched her knees.
a) SO

5. It was __________ lovely day that they decided to go swimming.
a) SO
Описание слайда:
Homework assignment 1. The story was __________ fascinating that the children didn't make a sound. a) SO b) SUCH c) SUCH A/AN 2. The unfortunate tourist didn't expect __________ kindness from complete strangers! a) SO b) SUCH c) SUCH A/AN 3. I'm glad you all had __________ good time at the picnic. a) SO b) SUCH c) SUCH A/AN 4. The sweater was __________ big that it touched her knees. a) SO b) SUCH c) SUCH A/AN 5. It was __________ lovely day that they decided to go swimming. a) SO b) SUCH c) SUCH A/AN

Слайд 7

Homework assignment
6. They had never seen __________ many people at the beach.
a) SO

7. The contestants didn't think they would have to face __________ difficulty.
a) SO

8. Wow! You are __________ intelligent!
a) SO
Описание слайда:
Homework assignment 6. They had never seen __________ many people at the beach. a) SO b) SUCH c) SUCH A/AN 7. The contestants didn't think they would have to face __________ difficulty. a) SO b) SUCH c) SUCH A/AN 8. Wow! You are __________ intelligent! a) SO b) SUCH c) SUCH A/AN

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