🗊Презентация Botkin’s Disease

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Botkin’s Disease, слайд №1Botkin’s Disease, слайд №2Botkin’s Disease, слайд №3Botkin’s Disease, слайд №4Botkin’s Disease, слайд №5Botkin’s Disease, слайд №6Botkin’s Disease, слайд №7Botkin’s Disease, слайд №8Botkin’s Disease, слайд №9Botkin’s Disease, слайд №10Botkin’s Disease, слайд №11Botkin’s Disease, слайд №12Botkin’s Disease, слайд №13Botkin’s Disease, слайд №14Botkin’s Disease, слайд №15Botkin’s Disease, слайд №16Botkin’s Disease, слайд №17Botkin’s Disease, слайд №18

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Слайд 1

	         Kazakh National Medical University named   	                       after  S.J.Asfendiyarov
                on theme: «Botkin’s  Disease»
	 			        	 Checked:Tolebayev Tugelbay
				              Worked:Baimurat Dulat				                          Course: 2
				              Faculty: GM
				              Group: 026-2
			  Almaty 2017
Описание слайда:
Kazakh National Medical University named after S.J.Asfendiyarov Presentation on theme: «Botkin’s Disease» Checked:Tolebayev Tugelbay Worked:Baimurat Dulat Course: 2 Faculty: GM Group: 026-2 Almaty 2017

Слайд 2

Causes of the disease
Signs and Symptoms
Описание слайда:
Content Definition Causes of the disease Signs and Symptoms Treatment Prevention

Слайд 3

Infectious hepatitis — a widespread acute contagious disease. It is also called by the name of an infectious disease of the largest representative of the Russian clinical medicine, the second half of XIX century, who first identified as an independent infectious hepatitis disease. One of the brightest and most common signs of hepatitis is jaundice. So in the old days it was called catarrhal jaundice, infectious jaundice.
Infectious hepatitis — a widespread acute contagious disease. It is also called by the name of an infectious disease of the largest representative of the Russian clinical medicine, the second half of XIX century, who first identified as an independent infectious hepatitis disease. One of the brightest and most common signs of hepatitis is jaundice. So in the old days it was called catarrhal jaundice, infectious jaundice.
Описание слайда:
Infectious hepatitis — a widespread acute contagious disease. It is also called by the name of an infectious disease of the largest representative of the Russian clinical medicine, the second half of XIX century, who first identified as an independent infectious hepatitis disease. One of the brightest and most common signs of hepatitis is jaundice. So in the old days it was called catarrhal jaundice, infectious jaundice. Infectious hepatitis — a widespread acute contagious disease. It is also called by the name of an infectious disease of the largest representative of the Russian clinical medicine, the second half of XIX century, who first identified as an independent infectious hepatitis disease. One of the brightest and most common signs of hepatitis is jaundice. So in the old days it was called catarrhal jaundice, infectious jaundice.

Слайд 4

First, the jaundice may be a consequence of the disease process in violation of bile ducts through which bile is released into the intestine. There is "jaundice" due to mechanical delays of bile and its penetration into the blood. An example is the blockage of the bile duct stone in cholelithiasis or compression of the flow in the neighborhood of the growing tumor.
First, the jaundice may be a consequence of the disease process in violation of bile ducts through which bile is released into the intestine. There is "jaundice" due to mechanical delays of bile and its penetration into the blood. An example is the blockage of the bile duct stone in cholelithiasis or compression of the flow in the neighborhood of the growing tumor.
Secondly, jaundice may develop in lesions of the liver as a result of dysfunction of the bile. This form of jaundice is observed with some severe poisoning (phosphorus, arsenic, etc.), in some infectious diseases, and most often with infectious hepatitis.
Third and finally, a symptom of jaundice can develop without the liver and bile ducts disorders a result of increased decomposition of red blood cells — red blood cells. In their decay in the blood builds up a significant amount of dye bile — bilirubin. This symptom is typical of the so-called hemolytic jaundice. It is observed in malignant anemia, blood poisoning, or sepsis, certain other diseases and poisoning.
So, jaundice may have very different origins. In this article we will only go on epidemic hepatitis — infectious disease, which is a frequent sign of jaundice.
Описание слайда:
First, the jaundice may be a consequence of the disease process in violation of bile ducts through which bile is released into the intestine. There is "jaundice" due to mechanical delays of bile and its penetration into the blood. An example is the blockage of the bile duct stone in cholelithiasis or compression of the flow in the neighborhood of the growing tumor. First, the jaundice may be a consequence of the disease process in violation of bile ducts through which bile is released into the intestine. There is "jaundice" due to mechanical delays of bile and its penetration into the blood. An example is the blockage of the bile duct stone in cholelithiasis or compression of the flow in the neighborhood of the growing tumor. Secondly, jaundice may develop in lesions of the liver as a result of dysfunction of the bile. This form of jaundice is observed with some severe poisoning (phosphorus, arsenic, etc.), in some infectious diseases, and most often with infectious hepatitis. Third and finally, a symptom of jaundice can develop without the liver and bile ducts disorders a result of increased decomposition of red blood cells — red blood cells. In their decay in the blood builds up a significant amount of dye bile — bilirubin. This symptom is typical of the so-called hemolytic jaundice. It is observed in malignant anemia, blood poisoning, or sepsis, certain other diseases and poisoning. So, jaundice may have very different origins. In this article we will only go on epidemic hepatitis — infectious disease, which is a frequent sign of jaundice.

Слайд 5

Botkin’s Disease - a viral disease that destroys the liver and bile ducts. Another definition of Botkin's disease is - viral hepatitis. There are 3 forms of the disease on this chart.
Описание слайда:
Definition Botkin’s Disease - a viral disease that destroys the liver and bile ducts. Another definition of Botkin's disease is - viral hepatitis. There are 3 forms of the disease on this chart.

Слайд 6

Anatomy of the Liver
Описание слайда:
Anatomy of the Liver

Слайд 7

How big is the liver?
   The liver is the LARGEST internal organ!!!
In young children: about the size of a grapefruit
In adults:  about the size of a football
Описание слайда:
How big is the liver? The liver is the LARGEST internal organ!!! In young children: about the size of a grapefruit In adults: about the size of a football

Слайд 8

The disease is a liver disease — this most important body in which the vital processes. The liver is called the main laboratory of the human body, as it plays a pivotal role in the complex processes of metabolism. Here are synthesized various necessary for the body: proteins, cholesterol, glycogen, enzymes, and many others, here are split and disposal of toxic waste products of metabolism. The liver secretes bile that is involved in the act of digestion.
The disease is a liver disease — this most important body in which the vital processes. The liver is called the main laboratory of the human body, as it plays a pivotal role in the complex processes of metabolism. Here are synthesized various necessary for the body: proteins, cholesterol, glycogen, enzymes, and many others, here are split and disposal of toxic waste products of metabolism. The liver secretes bile that is involved in the act of digestion.
The value of the liver to the body vividly illustrated by the experience in the dog: the removal of the body inevitably after a few days in the death of an animal with symptoms of poisoning by toxic products of the gravest violation of the exchange.
Описание слайда:
The disease is a liver disease — this most important body in which the vital processes. The liver is called the main laboratory of the human body, as it plays a pivotal role in the complex processes of metabolism. Here are synthesized various necessary for the body: proteins, cholesterol, glycogen, enzymes, and many others, here are split and disposal of toxic waste products of metabolism. The liver secretes bile that is involved in the act of digestion. The disease is a liver disease — this most important body in which the vital processes. The liver is called the main laboratory of the human body, as it plays a pivotal role in the complex processes of metabolism. Here are synthesized various necessary for the body: proteins, cholesterol, glycogen, enzymes, and many others, here are split and disposal of toxic waste products of metabolism. The liver secretes bile that is involved in the act of digestion. The value of the liver to the body vividly illustrated by the experience in the dog: the removal of the body inevitably after a few days in the death of an animal with symptoms of poisoning by toxic products of the gravest violation of the exchange.

Слайд 9

Healthy Liver vs. Sick Liver
This is a healthy liver	This is a sick, scarred 					 liver (cirrhosis)
Описание слайда:
Healthy Liver vs. Sick Liver This is a healthy liver This is a sick, scarred liver (cirrhosis)

Слайд 10

Causes of the disease
Genetic disorders
Blood transfusion
Описание слайда:
Causes of the disease Viruses Alcohol Drugs/prescriptions Herbs Genetic disorders Obesity Tattoos Blood transfusion

Слайд 11

Signs and Symptoms
Most people have no symptoms.
Symptoms can include:
Loss of appetite
Dark urine
Jaundice (yellow skin and eyes)
Joint pains
Описание слайда:
Signs and Symptoms Most people have no symptoms. Symptoms can include: Loss of appetite Fever Stomach-ache Diarrhea Dark urine Jaundice (yellow skin and eyes) Fatigue Joint pains Depression

Слайд 12

Botkin’s Disease, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

Botkin’s Disease, слайд №13
Описание слайда:

Слайд 14

Botkin’s Disease, слайд №14
Описание слайда:

Слайд 15

Combination of 3 drugs: interferon, ribavirin and a protease inhibitor
Kill the virus
Entering vitamins: B12, B6
Give a lot of juice, tea
Stop scarring of the liver
Prevent cirrhosis
Get rid of the fatigue and other symptoms
Описание слайда:
Treatment Combination of 3 drugs: interferon, ribavirin and a protease inhibitor Kill the virus Entering vitamins: B12, B6 Give a lot of juice, tea Stop scarring of the liver Prevent cirrhosis Get rid of the fatigue and other symptoms

Слайд 16

Personal hygiene
To wash your hands frequently, 
   especially after using public facilities
Описание слайда:
Prevention Vaccination Personal hygiene To wash your hands frequently, especially after using public facilities

Слайд 17

Описание слайда:
References http://www.google.kz/ http://www.slideshare.net/ http://www.medterms.com/ http://www.nlm.nih.gov/

Слайд 18

Thanks for watching!
Описание слайда:
Thanks for watching!

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