🗊Презентация Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia

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Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia, слайд №1Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia, слайд №2Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia, слайд №3Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia, слайд №4Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia, слайд №5Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia, слайд №6Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia, слайд №7Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia
Описание слайда:
Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia

Слайд 2

  Main part:
Materials and methods
Описание слайда:
Plan introduction goal Tasks   Main part: Relevance Materials and methods conclusions recommendations  conclusion

Слайд 3

Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia
Описание слайда:
TARGET: Evaluation Service dispensary patients with iron deficiency anemia

Слайд 4

To determine the efficacy of clinical examination of patients with iron deficiency anemia
Identify violation maintenance of dispensary patients with anemia
Make recommendations for the management of patients with anemia, consisting in the D account
Описание слайда:
Tasks To determine the efficacy of clinical examination of patients with iron deficiency anemia Identify violation maintenance of dispensary patients with anemia Make recommendations for the management of patients with anemia, consisting in the D account

Слайд 5

Anemiya- is one of the most common diseases of blood, which affects 36% of the population of women of reproductive age in our country and 8% is expressed, and 1% -Heavy degree of anemia.
The most common iron deficiency anemia, in the structure of anemia was 80%. Women suffer from this disease more often than men. According to the WHO, every third woman and every 6th man in the world (200 million people) suffer from iron deficiency anemia. In developed European countries, IDA is found in 7-11% of women of childbearing age in Kazakhstan - at 30-70%
Описание слайда:
Relevance Anemiya- is one of the most common diseases of blood, which affects 36% of the population of women of reproductive age in our country and 8% is expressed, and 1% -Heavy degree of anemia. The most common iron deficiency anemia, in the structure of anemia was 80%. Women suffer from this disease more often than men. According to the WHO, every third woman and every 6th man in the world (200 million people) suffer from iron deficiency anemia. In developed European countries, IDA is found in 7-11% of women of childbearing age in Kazakhstan - at 30-70%

Слайд 6

Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) -gipohromnaya microcytic anemia develops due to an absolute reduction of body iron stores.
IDA appears usually chronic blood loss or insufficient intake of iron in the body.
Описание слайда:
Relevance Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) -gipohromnaya microcytic anemia develops due to an absolute reduction of body iron stores. IDA appears usually chronic blood loss or insufficient intake of iron in the body.

Слайд 7

Methods and materials
Research Date:
Venue: Department of Internal Medicine KazNMU
Number of respondents:
is the number of respondents:
is the number of refused:
The sex composition:
Описание слайда:
Methods and materials Research Date: Venue: Department of Internal Medicine KazNMU Number of respondents: is the number of respondents: is the number of refused: The sex composition:

Слайд 8

Methods and materials
survey methods:
Materials: Questionnaire
Number of questions:
-The Number of open questions:
-Number Of closed questions:
-The Number of multiple choice questions:
Описание слайда:
Methods and materials survey methods: Materials: Questionnaire Number of questions: -The Number of open questions: -Number Of closed questions: -The Number of multiple choice questions:

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