🗊Презентация Famous British and American writers

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Famous British and American writers, слайд №1Famous British and American writers, слайд №2Famous British and American writers, слайд №3Famous British and American writers, слайд №4Famous British and American writers, слайд №5Famous British and American writers, слайд №6Famous British and American writers, слайд №7Famous British and American writers, слайд №8Famous British and American writers, слайд №9Famous British and American writers, слайд №10Famous British and American writers, слайд №11Famous British and American writers, слайд №12Famous British and American writers, слайд №13

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Famous British and American writers
Описание слайда:
Famous British and American writers

Слайд 2

What is the most well-known novel by Oscar Wilde?
What is the most well-known novel by Oscar Wilde?
Описание слайда:
What is the most well-known novel by Oscar Wilde? What is the most well-known novel by Oscar Wilde?

Слайд 3

Match the author and the book
Match the author and the book
Описание слайда:
Match the author and the book Match the author and the book

Слайд 4

Is Joanne Rowling 
Is Joanne Rowling 
a British writer?
Описание слайда:
Is Joanne Rowling Is Joanne Rowling a British writer?

Слайд 5

Can you find A.A. Milne’s characters?
Can you find A.A. Milne’s characters?
Описание слайда:
Can you find A.A. Milne’s characters? Can you find A.A. Milne’s characters?

Слайд 6

Match the writer and the country
Match the writer and the country
Описание слайда:
Match the writer and the country Match the writer and the country

Слайд 7

Is this Mark Twain’s 
Is this Mark Twain’s 
Описание слайда:
Is this Mark Twain’s Is this Mark Twain’s portrait?

Слайд 8

Find the author of this book
Find the author of this book
Описание слайда:
Find the author of this book Find the author of this book

Слайд 9

Match the writers with 
Match the writers with 
their portraits
Описание слайда:
Match the writers with Match the writers with their portraits

Слайд 10

Is Pip the main character of “Prince and the Pauper”?
Is Pip the main character of “Prince and the Pauper”?
Описание слайда:
Is Pip the main character of “Prince and the Pauper”? Is Pip the main character of “Prince and the Pauper”?

Слайд 11

Clive Staples Lewis lived in
Clive Staples Lewis lived in
Описание слайда:
Clive Staples Lewis lived in Clive Staples Lewis lived in

Слайд 12

Match the character and the book
Match the character and the book
Описание слайда:
Match the character and the book Match the character and the book

Слайд 13

Well done 
Описание слайда:
Well done 

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