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Judging by Appearances, слайд №1Judging by Appearances, слайд №2Judging by Appearances, слайд №3Judging by Appearances, слайд №4Judging by Appearances, слайд №5Judging by Appearances, слайд №6

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Слайд 1

Judging by Appearances
I. Nikitin 146-2
Описание слайда:
Judging by Appearances I. Nikitin 146-2

Слайд 2

Judging people by there appearances, we were often told don`t judge a book it`s cover. Here comes the same thing to people. But why do we often judge people by their appearances?
Judging people by there appearances, we were often told don`t judge a book it`s cover. Here comes the same thing to people. But why do we often judge people by their appearances?
Описание слайда:
Judging people by there appearances, we were often told don`t judge a book it`s cover. Here comes the same thing to people. But why do we often judge people by their appearances? Judging people by there appearances, we were often told don`t judge a book it`s cover. Here comes the same thing to people. But why do we often judge people by their appearances?

Слайд 3

Being judged by appearance can get ugly Whoever said beauty is only skin deep was probably tired of being judged not by the appearance of her skin or the shape of her body underneath it. Unfortunately, the grading of body curves is rarely done on a curve. 
Being judged by appearance can get ugly Whoever said beauty is only skin deep was probably tired of being judged not by the appearance of her skin or the shape of her body underneath it. Unfortunately, the grading of body curves is rarely done on a curve. 
Описание слайда:
Being judged by appearance can get ugly Whoever said beauty is only skin deep was probably tired of being judged not by the appearance of her skin or the shape of her body underneath it. Unfortunately, the grading of body curves is rarely done on a curve.  Being judged by appearance can get ugly Whoever said beauty is only skin deep was probably tired of being judged not by the appearance of her skin or the shape of her body underneath it. Unfortunately, the grading of body curves is rarely done on a curve. 

Слайд 4

It`s said that one should never judge a person by external appearance, but it`s very common for people to do so. Someone will say it`s human nature. It makes sense somehow. Actually, Appearance is the first thing everyone use as a first impression. People prefer someone who is well dressed. 
It`s said that one should never judge a person by external appearance, but it`s very common for people to do so. Someone will say it`s human nature. It makes sense somehow. Actually, Appearance is the first thing everyone use as a first impression. People prefer someone who is well dressed.
Описание слайда:
It`s said that one should never judge a person by external appearance, but it`s very common for people to do so. Someone will say it`s human nature. It makes sense somehow. Actually, Appearance is the first thing everyone use as a first impression. People prefer someone who is well dressed. It`s said that one should never judge a person by external appearance, but it`s very common for people to do so. Someone will say it`s human nature. It makes sense somehow. Actually, Appearance is the first thing everyone use as a first impression. People prefer someone who is well dressed.

Слайд 5

Most importantly it is that which results from judging, specifically the judgment of others. A few of the endless posibilities: inequality, humiliation, conformity, pride, succes, and individuality. However, being critical, it is opposed to the positives.
Most importantly it is that which results from judging, specifically the judgment of others. A few of the endless posibilities: inequality, humiliation, conformity, pride, succes, and individuality. However, being critical, it is opposed to the positives.
Описание слайда:
Most importantly it is that which results from judging, specifically the judgment of others. A few of the endless posibilities: inequality, humiliation, conformity, pride, succes, and individuality. However, being critical, it is opposed to the positives. Most importantly it is that which results from judging, specifically the judgment of others. A few of the endless posibilities: inequality, humiliation, conformity, pride, succes, and individuality. However, being critical, it is opposed to the positives.

Слайд 6

Thanks for attention 
Описание слайда:
Thanks for attention 

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