🗊Презентация The Art of Public Speaking

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The Art of Public Speaking, слайд №1The Art of Public Speaking, слайд №2The Art of Public Speaking, слайд №3The Art of Public Speaking, слайд №4The Art of Public Speaking, слайд №5The Art of Public Speaking, слайд №6The Art of Public Speaking, слайд №7

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The Art of Public Speaking
Описание слайда:
The Art of Public Speaking

Слайд 2

What is a debate?
A debate is a kind of contest where you must support your argument and refute your opponent's argument with logical reasoning and rebuttals by giving facts and evidence.
Описание слайда:
What is a debate? A debate is a kind of contest where you must support your argument and refute your opponent's argument with logical reasoning and rebuttals by giving facts and evidence.

Слайд 3

In order to support you argument, you may have to make statements which are against your own opinion.
Описание слайда:
In order to support you argument, you may have to make statements which are against your own opinion.

Слайд 4

It is best never to agree with the opposite side until after the debate!
It is best never to agree with the opposite side until after the debate!
Описание слайда:
It is best never to agree with the opposite side until after the debate! It is best never to agree with the opposite side until after the debate!

Слайд 5

The Rules:
The chairperson will start the debate by summarizing the situation at heart. This is followed by:
	a 3-minute constructive speech from each side
	two or three 2-minute rebuttals from each side turn by turn
	a 3-minute concluding speech from each side
	questions from the floor - the audience can address questions to both sides after the debate.
Описание слайда:
The Rules: The chairperson will start the debate by summarizing the situation at heart. This is followed by: a 3-minute constructive speech from each side two or three 2-minute rebuttals from each side turn by turn a 3-minute concluding speech from each side questions from the floor - the audience can address questions to both sides after the debate.

Слайд 6

Try to use every available argument.
Try to use every available argument.
Описание слайда:
Try to use every available argument. Try to use every available argument.

Слайд 7

Today’s Topics
Marijuana legalization
Contemporary art
Описание слайда:
Today’s Topics Marijuana legalization Contemporary art Euthanasia

Теги The Art of Public Speaking
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