🗊Презентация The diseases of the cardiovascular system

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The diseases of the cardiovascular system, слайд №1The diseases of the cardiovascular system, слайд №2The diseases of the cardiovascular system, слайд №3The diseases of the cardiovascular system, слайд №4The diseases of the cardiovascular system, слайд №5The diseases of the cardiovascular system, слайд №6The diseases of the cardiovascular system, слайд №7The diseases of the cardiovascular system, слайд №8The diseases of the cardiovascular system, слайд №9The diseases of the cardiovascular system, слайд №10The diseases of the cardiovascular system, слайд №11

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Слайд 1

The diseases of the cardiovascular system, слайд №1
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Слайд 2

  According to statistics, a stomach ulcer suffers 6-14% of the people who inhabit the globe. The share of Russians accounted for 10% (with 1% of the total mass - the children). For the sake of your health you need to know what the disease is and how it should be treated.
Описание слайда:
According to statistics, a stomach ulcer suffers 6-14% of the people who inhabit the globe. The share of Russians accounted for 10% (with 1% of the total mass - the children). For the sake of your health you need to know what the disease is and how it should be treated.

Слайд 3

      Gastric ulcer (GU, Ulcus gastrica) - is a local violation of the integrity of the gastric mucosa (sometimes the process affects submucosal layer). This defect is formed by the impact of bile pepsin and hydrochloric acid. The value of ulcers is rarely more than 1 cm on the affected area of ​​the stomach eventually emerge trophic disorders. Ulcer healing with scar always (as opposed to erosion). Gastric acid secretion usually is not increased. Peptic ulcer disease is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation (fall, spring) and remission.
Описание слайда:
Gastric ulcer (GU, Ulcus gastrica) - is a local violation of the integrity of the gastric mucosa (sometimes the process affects submucosal layer). This defect is formed by the impact of bile pepsin and hydrochloric acid. The value of ulcers is rarely more than 1 cm on the affected area of ​​the stomach eventually emerge trophic disorders. Ulcer healing with scar always (as opposed to erosion). Gastric acid secretion usually is not increased. Peptic ulcer disease is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation (fall, spring) and remission.

Слайд 4

The causes of stomach ulcers

      In a normal stomach function under the influence of two factors - the protective (this mucus) and aggressive (gastric juice). An ulcer occurs when the prevalence of the second over the first. Impetus to the development of the disease may allow the microorganism Helicobacter infection (Helicobacter pylori). In fairness it should be noted that only 20% of infected people develop stomach ulcers.
Описание слайда:
The causes of stomach ulcers In a normal stomach function under the influence of two factors - the protective (this mucus) and aggressive (gastric juice). An ulcer occurs when the prevalence of the second over the first. Impetus to the development of the disease may allow the microorganism Helicobacter infection (Helicobacter pylori). In fairness it should be noted that only 20% of infected people develop stomach ulcers.

Слайд 5

For other causes of gastric ulcers include:
  • Systemic use of certain drugs (eg, aspirin)
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse
  • I blood group antigens
  • The prevalence of diet in the rough, hot, spicy and salty foods
  • Irregular eating
  • Low immunity
  • The physical and nervous stress
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Injuries to the spine and abdomen
  • Blockage of blood clots blood vessels of the stomach
  • Severe stress, anxiety, depression, and just negative emotions
  • Lack of sleep and rest
  • Heredity
Описание слайда:
For other causes of gastric ulcers include: • Systemic use of certain drugs (eg, aspirin) • Smoking and alcohol abuse • I blood group antigens • The prevalence of diet in the rough, hot, spicy and salty foods • Irregular eating • Low immunity • The physical and nervous stress • Vitamin deficiencies • Injuries to the spine and abdomen • Blockage of blood clots blood vessels of the stomach • Severe stress, anxiety, depression, and just negative emotions • Lack of sleep and rest • Heredity

Слайд 6

Symptoms of stomach ulcers

     Symptoms largely depend on the age of the person and the location of the ulcer, as well as on individual sensitivity to pain. The main symptom of stomach ulcers is considered to be a pain in the epigastric region ("pit of the stomach") that occurs after a meal. Patients often complain of a sour belching, heartburn, nausea after eating (it is often accompanied by vomiting), as well as weight loss.
Описание слайда:
Symptoms of stomach ulcers Symptoms largely depend on the age of the person and the location of the ulcer, as well as on individual sensitivity to pain. The main symptom of stomach ulcers is considered to be a pain in the epigastric region ("pit of the stomach") that occurs after a meal. Patients often complain of a sour belching, heartburn, nausea after eating (it is often accompanied by vomiting), as well as weight loss.

Слайд 7

Diagnosis of gastric ulcers

Help diagnose stomach ulcers following studies:
• Fecal occult blood
• Complete blood
• A study of acid-forming function of the stomach
• X-rays
• Endoscopy
• Biopsy
• Research for the presence of gastric mucosa Helicobacter Pylori
• Antroduodenalnaya manometry and electrogastroenterography
Описание слайда:
Diagnosis of gastric ulcers Help diagnose stomach ulcers following studies: • Fecal occult blood • Complete blood • A study of acid-forming function of the stomach • X-rays • Endoscopy • Biopsy • Research for the presence of gastric mucosa Helicobacter Pylori • Antroduodenalnaya manometry and electrogastroenterography

Слайд 8

Do I need surgery for a stomach ulcer?

    With prompt and adequate treatment prognosis is quite favorable - performance is restored, quality of life suffers. Surgery is required only in case of complications that result from running a stomach ulcer. That is why at the slightest suspicion for the presence of ulcers should consult a doctor
Описание слайда:
Do I need surgery for a stomach ulcer? With prompt and adequate treatment prognosis is quite favorable - performance is restored, quality of life suffers. Surgery is required only in case of complications that result from running a stomach ulcer. That is why at the slightest suspicion for the presence of ulcers should consult a doctor

Слайд 9

          The most frightening complication of gastric ulcer is the ulcer perforation - the process of destruction of the mucous membrane affects the deeper layers, and then comes to a thin outer shell. Under the influence of any minor voltage (up to cough) is a breakthrough, and the contents of the stomach is in the peritoneum. The pain is unbearable and there is truly patient needs urgent surgery.
          The most frightening complication of gastric ulcer is the ulcer perforation - the process of destruction of the mucous membrane affects the deeper layers, and then comes to a thin outer shell. Under the influence of any minor voltage (up to cough) is a breakthrough, and the contents of the stomach is in the peritoneum. The pain is unbearable and there is truly patient needs urgent surgery.
          Another complication is bleeding stomach ulcers - it arises as a result of the destruction of an ulcer blood vessel. Strength of bleeding depends on the degree of damage of the vessel and its diameter.
          Another unpleasant complication of ulcers is the narrowing of the place of transition of the stomach into the duodenum through the formation of scars. Because of impaired patency of the food remains in the stomach and is
Описание слайда:
The most frightening complication of gastric ulcer is the ulcer perforation - the process of destruction of the mucous membrane affects the deeper layers, and then comes to a thin outer shell. Under the influence of any minor voltage (up to cough) is a breakthrough, and the contents of the stomach is in the peritoneum. The pain is unbearable and there is truly patient needs urgent surgery. The most frightening complication of gastric ulcer is the ulcer perforation - the process of destruction of the mucous membrane affects the deeper layers, and then comes to a thin outer shell. Under the influence of any minor voltage (up to cough) is a breakthrough, and the contents of the stomach is in the peritoneum. The pain is unbearable and there is truly patient needs urgent surgery. Another complication is bleeding stomach ulcers - it arises as a result of the destruction of an ulcer blood vessel. Strength of bleeding depends on the degree of damage of the vessel and its diameter. Another unpleasant complication of ulcers is the narrowing of the place of transition of the stomach into the duodenum through the formation of scars. Because of impaired patency of the food remains in the stomach and is

Слайд 10

Treatment of gastric ulcer

       Treatment of stomach ulcers when detecting Helicobacter Pylori is to destroy the microorganism. Antacids bring relief to patients - drugs allowing to neutralize hydrochloric acid. Most find application in the treatment of antisecretory drugs lowering gastric acidity. The dose of medication is chosen strictly individual.
       It is also very important to the health food for gastric and compliance with a special diet, which is chosen for the duration of treatment and contains a specific set of products.
       If you are sick ulcer, do not despair - go to the doctor. Timely diagnosis, and counseling can help stop the ulcer and the right approach to cure it.
Описание слайда:
Treatment of gastric ulcer Treatment of stomach ulcers when detecting Helicobacter Pylori is to destroy the microorganism. Antacids bring relief to patients - drugs allowing to neutralize hydrochloric acid. Most find application in the treatment of antisecretory drugs lowering gastric acidity. The dose of medication is chosen strictly individual. It is also very important to the health food for gastric and compliance with a special diet, which is chosen for the duration of treatment and contains a specific set of products. If you are sick ulcer, do not despair - go to the doctor. Timely diagnosis, and counseling can help stop the ulcer and the right approach to cure it.

Слайд 11

Stomach ulcer - a very unpleasant disease, but with due attention to their health, it will not turn your life into a nightmare. Value yourself and be healthy!
Stomach ulcer - a very unpleasant disease, but with due attention to their health, it will not turn your life into a nightmare. Value yourself and be healthy!
Описание слайда:
Stomach ulcer - a very unpleasant disease, but with due attention to their health, it will not turn your life into a nightmare. Value yourself and be healthy! Stomach ulcer - a very unpleasant disease, but with due attention to their health, it will not turn your life into a nightmare. Value yourself and be healthy!

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