🗊Презентация Writing Skills. Greetings cards

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Writing Skills. Greetings cards, слайд №1Writing Skills. Greetings cards, слайд №2Writing Skills. Greetings cards, слайд №3Writing Skills. Greetings cards, слайд №4Writing Skills. Greetings cards, слайд №5Writing Skills. Greetings cards, слайд №6

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Writing Skills
Greetings cards
Описание слайда:
Writing Skills Greetings cards

Слайд 2

Writing Skills. Greetings cards, слайд №2
Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

Hi Matthew,
Hi Matthew,
Happy birthday! Cheers for inviting me to your party next week! I’ll definitely come! Can’t wait to see you all!
Описание слайда:
Hi Matthew, Hi Matthew, Happy birthday! Cheers for inviting me to your party next week! I’ll definitely come! Can’t wait to see you all! Love, Paul

Слайд 4

Writing Skills. Greetings cards, слайд №4
Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

Dear Kira,
Dear Kira,
Congratulations on winning the summer school scholarship! I’m sure you’ll enjoy studying and living in London. Best of luck with everything! 
Описание слайда:
Dear Kira, Dear Kira, Congratulations on winning the summer school scholarship! I’m sure you’ll enjoy studying and living in London. Best of luck with everything! Love, Sarah

Слайд 6

A friend of yours has bought a new car. Write a greetings card to congratulate your friend. Write 30-40 words.
A friend of yours has bought a new car. Write a greetings card to congratulate your friend. Write 30-40 words.
A friend of yours has a new job. Write a greetings card to congratulate your friend. Write 30-40 words.
A friend of yours is in hospital. Write a card to your friend. Write 30-40 words.
Описание слайда:
A friend of yours has bought a new car. Write a greetings card to congratulate your friend. Write 30-40 words. A friend of yours has bought a new car. Write a greetings card to congratulate your friend. Write 30-40 words. A friend of yours has a new job. Write a greetings card to congratulate your friend. Write 30-40 words. A friend of yours is in hospital. Write a card to your friend. Write 30-40 words.

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