🗊Презентация Приложения с искусственным интеллектом. Урок английского языка в 9-м классе

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

  Artificial Intelligence   ”It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.” John McCarthy
Описание слайда:
Artificial Intelligence ”It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.” John McCarthy

Слайд 2

Task 1. Match the AI to the pictures after watchinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC7_hYGeJNQ     A Facial ID;   A chatbot;   A digital assistant;  A text to speech app;  A translation app;    social media feeds;     An autocomplete;       online shopping        recommendations;   A robot floor cleaner;  A  chatbot;
Описание слайда:
Task 1. Match the AI to the pictures after watchinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC7_hYGeJNQ A Facial ID; A chatbot; A digital assistant; A text to speech app; A translation app; social media feeds; An autocomplete; online shopping recommendations; A robot floor cleaner; A chatbot;

Слайд 3

 Task 2               Match the phrases              to their meanings:                       1.  helps improve              a.  Вы можете потерять много времени                      2. reminds you to do               b.  Вы можете  понять слова                      3. helps communicate              c.  Это может вызывать зависимость                      4.  can guide  you through the system              d.  может помочь вам в поиске запросов                      5.  can help you search queries              e.  Ленты социальных сетей                      6. You might waste a lot of time              f.  мгновенно                      7. Social media feeds              g.  помогает общаться                      8.  It can get you addicted              h.  напоминает вам сделать                      9. You can figure out words              j.  может провести вас через систему                      10. instantly              k.  помогает улучшить
Описание слайда:
Task 2 Match the phrases to their meanings: 1. helps improve a. Вы можете потерять много времени 2. reminds you to do b. Вы можете понять слова 3. helps communicate c. Это может вызывать зависимость 4. can guide you through the system d. может помочь вам в поиске запросов 5. can help you search queries e. Ленты социальных сетей 6. You might waste a lot of time f. мгновенно 7. Social media feeds g. помогает общаться 8. It can get you addicted h. напоминает вам сделать 9. You can figure out words j. может провести вас через систему 10. instantly k. помогает улучшить

Слайд 4

 Task 3   Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC7_hYGeJNQ  and fill in the table using the following names: Connor, Neerja, Libby, Molly, Luke, Ashley, Jacob, Jane                    №№               Kinds of  AI apps               Who uses it   (names)               Advantages   of using it               Disadvantages  of using it
Описание слайда:
Task 3 Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC7_hYGeJNQ and fill in the table using the following names: Connor, Neerja, Libby, Molly, Luke, Ashley, Jacob, Jane №№ Kinds of AI apps Who uses it (names) Advantages of using it Disadvantages of using it

Слайд 5

Приложения с искусственным интеллектом. Урок английского языка в 9-м классе, слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

 Task 4        Choose what app it is about:     1.It helps improve safety and security:    A Facial ID; b) a chatbot; c) a digital assistant;  2. It reminds you to do things and play any music you want:  a) An autocomplete; b)a digital assistant; c) a chatbot;  3. It helps communicate when you  travel abroad:  A text to speech app; b) a translation app; c) social media feeds;  4. It can guide you through the system when you don’t know how to find something:  a) An autocomplete; b) a chatbot; c) a Facial ID;
Описание слайда:
Task 4 Choose what app it is about: 1.It helps improve safety and security: A Facial ID; b) a chatbot; c) a digital assistant; 2. It reminds you to do things and play any music you want: a) An autocomplete; b)a digital assistant; c) a chatbot; 3. It helps communicate when you travel abroad: A text to speech app; b) a translation app; c) social media feeds; 4. It can guide you through the system when you don’t know how to find something: a) An autocomplete; b) a chatbot; c) a Facial ID;

Слайд 7

  5. It can help you clean the floor:    a chatbot; b) a digital assistant; c) a robot floor cleaner;  6. It makes shopping fun and easy:   a) a robot floor cleaner; b) a digital assistant;   c) online shopping recommendations;   7. It can help you search queries and you can write chat messages very quickly:   a)  An autocomplete; b) a digital assistant;   c) online shopping recommendations;
Описание слайда:
5. It can help you clean the floor: a chatbot; b) a digital assistant; c) a robot floor cleaner; 6. It makes shopping fun and easy: a) a robot floor cleaner; b) a digital assistant; c) online shopping recommendations; 7. It can help you search queries and you can write chat messages very quickly: a) An autocomplete; b) a digital assistant; c) online shopping recommendations;

Слайд 8

Приложения с искусственным интеллектом. Урок английского языка в 9-м классе, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

Do a survey. Fill out the questionnaires, sum up the results and draw a bar chart. One person of every group will present the results to the class.
Описание слайда:
Do a survey. Fill out the questionnaires, sum up the results and draw a bar chart. One person of every group will present the results to the class.

Слайд 10

Is it worth using Artificial Intelligence Apps?
Описание слайда:
Is it worth using Artificial Intelligence Apps?

Слайд 11

Приложения с искусственным интеллектом. Урок английского языка в 9-м классе, слайд №11
Описание слайда:

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