🗊Презентация Collision Detection

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Collision Detection, слайд №1Collision Detection, слайд №2Collision Detection, слайд №3Collision Detection, слайд №4Collision Detection, слайд №5Collision Detection, слайд №6Collision Detection, слайд №7Collision Detection, слайд №8Collision Detection, слайд №9Collision Detection, слайд №10Collision Detection, слайд №11Collision Detection, слайд №12Collision Detection, слайд №13Collision Detection, слайд №14Collision Detection, слайд №15Collision Detection, слайд №16Collision Detection, слайд №17Collision Detection, слайд №18Collision Detection, слайд №19Collision Detection, слайд №20Collision Detection, слайд №21Collision Detection, слайд №22Collision Detection, слайд №23Collision Detection, слайд №24Collision Detection, слайд №25Collision Detection, слайд №26Collision Detection, слайд №27Collision Detection, слайд №28Collision Detection, слайд №29Collision Detection, слайд №30Collision Detection, слайд №31Collision Detection, слайд №32Collision Detection, слайд №33Collision Detection, слайд №34Collision Detection, слайд №35Collision Detection, слайд №36Collision Detection, слайд №37Collision Detection, слайд №38Collision Detection, слайд №39Collision Detection, слайд №40Collision Detection, слайд №41Collision Detection, слайд №42Collision Detection, слайд №43Collision Detection, слайд №44Collision Detection, слайд №45Collision Detection, слайд №46Collision Detection, слайд №47Collision Detection, слайд №48Collision Detection, слайд №49Collision Detection, слайд №50Collision Detection, слайд №51


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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Collision Detection
Описание слайда:
Collision Detection

Слайд 2

Up to this point, objects just pass through each other
Two parts to handling collisions
Collision detection – uses computational geometry techniques (useful in other ways, too)
Collision response – modifying physical simulation
Описание слайда:
Collisions Up to this point, objects just pass through each other Two parts to handling collisions Collision detection – uses computational geometry techniques (useful in other ways, too) Collision response – modifying physical simulation

Слайд 3

Computational Geometry
Algorithms for solving geometric problems
Object intersections
Object proximity
Path planning
Описание слайда:
Computational Geometry Algorithms for solving geometric problems Object intersections Object proximity Path planning

Слайд 4

Distance Testing
Useful for computing intersection between simple objects
E.g. sphere intersection boils down to point-point distance test 
Just cover a few examples
Описание слайда:
Distance Testing Useful for computing intersection between simple objects E.g. sphere intersection boils down to point-point distance test Just cover a few examples

Слайд 5

Point-Point Distance
Compute length of vector between two points P0 and P1, or
Описание слайда:
Point-Point Distance Compute length of vector between two points P0 and P1, or

Слайд 6

Line-Point Distance
Line defined by point P and vector v
Break vector w = Q – P into w and w||
w|| = (w  v) v
||w||2 = ||w||2 – ||w||||2
Описание слайда:
Line-Point Distance Line defined by point P and vector v Break vector w = Q – P into w and w|| w|| = (w  v) v ||w||2 = ||w||2 – ||w||||2

Слайд 7

Line-Point Distance
Final formula:
If v isn't normalized:
Описание слайда:
Line-Point Distance Final formula: If v isn't normalized:

Слайд 8

Line-Line Distance
From http://www.geometryalgorithms.com
Vector wc perpendicular to u and v or
Two equations
Two unknowns
Описание слайда:
Line-Line Distance From http://www.geometryalgorithms.com Vector wc perpendicular to u and v or Two equations Two unknowns

Слайд 9

Line-Line Distance
Final equations:
Описание слайда:
Line-Line Distance Final equations:

Слайд 10

Segment-Segment Distance
Determine closest point between lines
If lies on both segments, done
Otherwise clamp against nearest endpoint and recompute
See references for details
Описание слайда:
Segment-Segment Distance Determine closest point between lines If lies on both segments, done Otherwise clamp against nearest endpoint and recompute See references for details

Слайд 11

Bounding Objects
Detecting intersections with complex objects expensive
Provide simple object that surrounds them to cheaply cull out obvious cases
Use for collision, rendering, picking
Cover in increasing order of complexity
Описание слайда:
Bounding Objects Detecting intersections with complex objects expensive Provide simple object that surrounds them to cheaply cull out obvious cases Use for collision, rendering, picking Cover in increasing order of complexity

Слайд 12

Bounding Sphere
Tightest sphere that surrounds model
For each point, compute distance from center, save max for radius
Описание слайда:
Bounding Sphere Tightest sphere that surrounds model For each point, compute distance from center, save max for radius

Слайд 13

Bounding Sphere (Cont’d)
What to use for center?
Local origin of model
Centroid (average of all points)
Center of bounding box
Want a good fit to cull as much as possible
Linear programming gives smallest fit
Описание слайда:
Bounding Sphere (Cont’d) What to use for center? Local origin of model Centroid (average of all points) Center of bounding box Want a good fit to cull as much as possible Linear programming gives smallest fit

Слайд 14

Sphere-Sphere Collision
Compute distance d between centers
If d < r1 + r2, colliding
Note: d2 is not necessarily < r12 + r22
want d2 < (r1 + r2)2
Описание слайда:
Sphere-Sphere Collision Compute distance d between centers If d < r1 + r2, colliding Note: d2 is not necessarily < r12 + r22 want d2 < (r1 + r2)2

Слайд 15

Bounding Box
Tightest box that surrounds model
Compare points to min/max vertices
If element less/greater, set element in min/max
Описание слайда:
Bounding Box Tightest box that surrounds model Compare points to min/max vertices If element less/greater, set element in min/max

Слайд 16

Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
Box edges aligned to world axes
Recalc when object changes orientation
Collision checks are cheaper though
Описание слайда:
Axis-Aligned Bounding Box Box edges aligned to world axes Recalc when object changes orientation Collision checks are cheaper though

Слайд 17

Axis-Aligned Box-Box Collision
Compare x values in min,max vertices
If min2 > max1 or min1 > max2, no collision (separating plane)
Otherwise check y and z directions
Описание слайда:
Axis-Aligned Box-Box Collision Compare x values in min,max vertices If min2 > max1 or min1 > max2, no collision (separating plane) Otherwise check y and z directions

Слайд 18

Object-Oriented Bounding Box
Box edges aligned with local object coordinate system
Much tighter, but collision calcs costly
Описание слайда:
Object-Oriented Bounding Box Box edges aligned with local object coordinate system Much tighter, but collision calcs costly

Слайд 19

OBB Collision
Idea: determine if separating plane between boxes exists
Project box extent onto plane vector, test against projection btwn centers
Описание слайда:
OBB Collision Idea: determine if separating plane between boxes exists Project box extent onto plane vector, test against projection btwn centers

Слайд 20

OBB Collision
To ensure maximum extents, take dot product using only absolute values
Check against axes for both boxes, plus cross products of all axes
See Gottschalk for more details
Описание слайда:
OBB Collision To ensure maximum extents, take dot product using only absolute values Check against axes for both boxes, plus cross products of all axes See Gottschalk for more details

Слайд 21

Cylinder with hemispheres on ends
One way to compute
Calc bounding box
Use long axis for length
Next largest width for radius
Описание слайда:
Capsule Cylinder with hemispheres on ends One way to compute Calc bounding box Use long axis for length Next largest width for radius

Слайд 22

Only store radius, endpoints of line segment
Oriented shape w/faster test than OBB
Test path collision
Описание слайда:
Capsule Compact Only store radius, endpoints of line segment Oriented shape w/faster test than OBB Test path collision

Слайд 23

Capsule-Capsule Collision
Key: swept sphere axis is line segment with surrounding radius
Compute distance between line segments
If less than r1 + r2, collide
Описание слайда:
Capsule-Capsule Collision Key: swept sphere axis is line segment with surrounding radius Compute distance between line segments If less than r1 + r2, collide

Слайд 24

Math assumes infinite precision
Floating point is not to be trusted
Precision worse farther from 0
Use epsilons
Careful of operation order
Re-use computed results
More on floating point on website
Описание слайда:
Caveat Math assumes infinite precision Floating point is not to be trusted Precision worse farther from 0 Use epsilons Careful of operation order Re-use computed results More on floating point on website

Слайд 25

Which To Use?
As many as necessary
Start with cheap tests, move up the list
Swept Sphere
May not need them all
Описание слайда:
Which To Use? As many as necessary Start with cheap tests, move up the list Sphere Swept Sphere Box May not need them all

Слайд 26

Sphere -- cheap, not a good fit
AABB -- still cheap, but must recalc and not a tight fit
Swept Sphere -- oriented, cheaper than OBB but generally not as good a fit
OBB -- somewhat costly, but a better fit
Описание слайда:
Recap Sphere -- cheap, not a good fit AABB -- still cheap, but must recalc and not a tight fit Swept Sphere -- oriented, cheaper than OBB but generally not as good a fit OBB -- somewhat costly, but a better fit

Слайд 27

Collision Detection
Naïve: n2 checks!
Two part process
Broad phase
Cull out non-colliding pairs
Narrow phase
Determine penetration and contact points between pairs
Описание слайда:
Collision Detection Naïve: n2 checks! Two part process Broad phase Cull out non-colliding pairs Narrow phase Determine penetration and contact points between pairs

Слайд 28

Broad Phase
Obvious steps
Only check each pair once
Flag object if collisions already checked
Only check moving objects
Check against other moving and static
Check rough bounding object first
AABB or sphere
Описание слайда:
Broad Phase Obvious steps Only check each pair once Flag object if collisions already checked Only check moving objects Check against other moving and static Check rough bounding object first AABB or sphere

Слайд 29

Hierarchical Systems
Can break model into hierarchy and build bounds for each level of hierarchy
Finer level of detection
Test top level, cull out lots of lower levels
Описание слайда:
Hierarchical Systems Can break model into hierarchy and build bounds for each level of hierarchy Finer level of detection Test top level, cull out lots of lower levels

Слайд 30

Hierarchical Systems
Can use scene graph to maintain bounding information
Propagate transforms down to children
Propagate bound changes up to root
Описание слайда:
Hierarchical Systems Can use scene graph to maintain bounding information Propagate transforms down to children Propagate bound changes up to root

Слайд 31

Spatial Subdivision
Break world into separate areas
Only check your area and neighbors
Simplest: uniform
Описание слайда:
Spatial Subdivision Break world into separate areas Only check your area and neighbors Simplest: uniform Slabs Grid Voxels

Слайд 32

Sweep and Prune
Store sorted x extents of objects
Sweep from min x to max x
As object min value comes up, make active, test against active objects
Can extend to more dimensions
Описание слайда:
Sweep and Prune Store sorted x extents of objects Sweep from min x to max x As object min value comes up, make active, test against active objects Can extend to more dimensions

Слайд 33

Spatial Subdivision
Other methods:
Quadtrees, octrees
BSP trees, kd-trees
Choice depends on your game type, rendering engine, memory available, etc.
Описание слайда:
Spatial Subdivision Other methods: Quadtrees, octrees BSP trees, kd-trees Room-portal Choice depends on your game type, rendering engine, memory available, etc.

Слайд 34

Temporal Coherence
Objects nearby generally stay nearby
Check those first
Can take memory to store information
Описание слайда:
Temporal Coherence Objects nearby generally stay nearby Check those first Can take memory to store information

Слайд 35

Narrow Phase
Have culled object pairs
Need to find 
Contact point 
Penetration (if any)
Описание слайда:
Narrow Phase Have culled object pairs Need to find Contact point Normal Penetration (if any)

Слайд 36

Contact Region
Two objects interpenetrate, have one (or more) regions
A bit messy to deal with
Many try to avoid interpenetration
Описание слайда:
Contact Region Two objects interpenetrate, have one (or more) regions A bit messy to deal with Many try to avoid interpenetration

Слайд 37

Contact Features
Faceted objects collide at pair of contact features
Only consider E-E and F-V pairs
Infinite possibilities for normals for others
Can generally convert to E-E and F-V
Ex: V-V, pick neighboring face for one
Описание слайда:
Contact Features Faceted objects collide at pair of contact features Only consider E-E and F-V pairs Infinite possibilities for normals for others Can generally convert to E-E and F-V Ex: V-V, pick neighboring face for one

Слайд 38

Contact Features
For E-E:
Point is intersection of edges
Normal is cross product of edge vectors
For F-V:
Point is vertex location
Normal is face normal
Описание слайда:
Contact Features For E-E: Point is intersection of edges Normal is cross product of edge vectors For F-V: Point is vertex location Normal is face normal

Слайд 39

Contact Points
Can have multiple contact points
Ex: two concave objects
Store as part of collision detection 
Collate as part of collision resolution
Описание слайда:
Contact Points Can have multiple contact points Ex: two concave objects Store as part of collision detection Collate as part of collision resolution

Слайд 40

Example: Spheres
Difference between centers gives normal n (after you normalize)
Penetration distance p is				p = (r1+r2) - ||c2-c1||
Описание слайда:
Example: Spheres Difference between centers gives normal n (after you normalize) Penetration distance p is p = (r1+r2) - ||c2-c1||

Слайд 41

Example: Spheres
Collision point: average of penetration distance along extended normal 
If touching, where normal crosses sphere
Описание слайда:
Example: Spheres Collision point: average of penetration distance along extended normal If touching, where normal crosses sphere

Слайд 42

For convex objects
Easy to understand, hard to implement
Closest features generally same from frame to frame
Track between frames
Modify by walking along object
Описание слайда:
Lin-Canny For convex objects Easy to understand, hard to implement Closest features generally same from frame to frame Track between frames Modify by walking along object

Слайд 43

Frame 0
Frame 1
Описание слайда:
Lin-Canny Frame 0 Frame 1

Слайд 44

For Convex Objects
Hard to understand, easy to implement
Finds point in Configuration Space Obstacle closest to origin.  Corresponds to contact point
Iteratively finds points by successive refinement of simplices
Описание слайда:
GJK For Convex Objects Hard to understand, easy to implement Finds point in Configuration Space Obstacle closest to origin. Corresponds to contact point Iteratively finds points by successive refinement of simplices

Слайд 45

Simplex Refinement
Описание слайда:
GJK CSO Simplex Refinement

Слайд 46

Missing Collision
If time step is too large for object speed, two objects may pass right through each other without being detected (tunneling)
Описание слайда:
Missing Collision If time step is too large for object speed, two objects may pass right through each other without being detected (tunneling)

Слайд 47

Missing Collision
One solution: slice time interval
Simulate between slices
Same problem, just reduced frequency
Описание слайда:
Missing Collision One solution: slice time interval Simulate between slices Same problem, just reduced frequency

Слайд 48

Missing Collision
Another solution: use swept volumes
If volumes collide, may collide in frame
With more work can determine time-of-impact (TOI), if any
Описание слайда:
Missing Collision Another solution: use swept volumes If volumes collide, may collide in frame With more work can determine time-of-impact (TOI), if any

Слайд 49

Collision detection complex
Combo of math and computing
Break into two phases: broad and narrow
Be careful of tunneling
Описание слайда:
Recap Collision detection complex Combo of math and computing Break into two phases: broad and narrow Be careful of tunneling

Слайд 50

Preparata, Franco P. and Michael Ian Shamos, Computational Geometry: An Introduction, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985.
O’Rourke, Joseph, Computational Geometry in C, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1994.
Eberly, David H., 3D Game Engine Design, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2001.
Gottschalk, Stephan, Ming Lin and Dinesh Manocha, “OBB-Tree: A Hierarchical Structure for Rapid Interference Detection,” SIGGRAPH ‘96.
Описание слайда:
References Preparata, Franco P. and Michael Ian Shamos, Computational Geometry: An Introduction, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985. O’Rourke, Joseph, Computational Geometry in C, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1994. Eberly, David H., 3D Game Engine Design, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2001. Gottschalk, Stephan, Ming Lin and Dinesh Manocha, “OBB-Tree: A Hierarchical Structure for Rapid Interference Detection,” SIGGRAPH ‘96.

Слайд 51

Van den Bergen, Gino, Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2003.
Eberly, David H., Game Physics, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2003.
Ericson, Christer, Real-Time Collision Detection, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2004.
Описание слайда:
References Van den Bergen, Gino, Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2003. Eberly, David H., Game Physics, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2003. Ericson, Christer, Real-Time Collision Detection, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2004.

Теги Collision Detection
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