🗊Презентация Extracurricular study in mathematics, 7th grade

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Extracurricular study in mathematics, 7th grade, слайд №1Extracurricular study in mathematics, 7th grade, слайд №2Extracurricular study in mathematics, 7th grade, слайд №3Extracurricular study in mathematics, 7th grade, слайд №4Extracurricular study in mathematics, 7th grade, слайд №5Extracurricular study in mathematics, 7th grade, слайд №6Extracurricular study in mathematics, 7th grade, слайд №7Extracurricular study in mathematics, 7th grade, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Extracurricular study in mathematics, 7th grade
Academic supervisor: Fedotova G.L.
Описание слайда:
PROBLEMS Extracurricular study in mathematics, 7th grade Academic supervisor: Fedotova G.L.

Слайд 2

 Which values of k cause the lines 
y = 2x – 5, 
y = x + 2,
 and       y = kx – 12 
to intersect in a single point?
Описание слайда:
315 Which values of k cause the lines y = 2x – 5, y = x + 2, and y = kx – 12 to intersect in a single point?

Слайд 3

Roma really likes fantasy and reads three or four pages of a fantasy novel during each break. He never reads during or after classes. He goes to school five days a week, sitting 28 classes weekly. Last week he has read a total of 78 pages during breaks. 
Find the number of breaks during which Roma has read four pages.
Описание слайда:
364 Roma really likes fantasy and reads three or four pages of a fantasy novel during each break. He never reads during or after classes. He goes to school five days a week, sitting 28 classes weekly. Last week he has read a total of 78 pages during breaks. Find the number of breaks during which Roma has read four pages.

Слайд 4

The “Pups” company has purchased an automobile on sale at 35% below its original price, and sold it at 25% below its original price. 
Calculate the percentage of acquired profit.
Описание слайда:
419 The “Pups” company has purchased an automobile on sale at 35% below its original price, and sold it at 25% below its original price. Calculate the percentage of acquired profit.

Слайд 5

“Tell me, oh famous Pythagoras, how many students attend your talks?”
“This many,” the philosopher responded, “one half studies mathematics, one quarter studies music, one seventh remains silent, and aside from that, there are three women. 
Calculate for yourself how many students I have.”
Описание слайда:
450 “Tell me, oh famous Pythagoras, how many students attend your talks?” “This many,” the philosopher responded, “one half studies mathematics, one quarter studies music, one seventh remains silent, and aside from that, there are three women. Calculate for yourself how many students I have.”

Слайд 6

It takes a squirrel 20 minutes to carry a nut into her nest. 
The squirrel runs at 3 m/s with the nut, and at 5 m/s without the nut. How far is the nut tree from the nest?
Описание слайда:
454 It takes a squirrel 20 minutes to carry a nut into her nest. The squirrel runs at 3 m/s with the nut, and at 5 m/s without the nut. How far is the nut tree from the nest?

Слайд 7

Present the polynomial x4 – 7x2 +1 as a product of two polynomials with whole coefficients.
Описание слайда:
457 Present the polynomial x4 – 7x2 +1 as a product of two polynomials with whole coefficients.

Слайд 8


МАТЕМАТИКА, 7-8 классы
Задания для подготовки к олимпиадам
Ю.В. Лепёхин, Волгоград, 2014
Описание слайда:
ЛИТЕРАТУРА: МАТЕМАТИКА, 7-8 классы Задания для подготовки к олимпиадам Ю.В. Лепёхин, Волгоград, 2014

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