🗊Презентация Organic molecules

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Organic molecules, слайд №1Organic molecules, слайд №2Organic molecules, слайд №3Organic molecules, слайд №4Organic molecules, слайд №5Organic molecules, слайд №6Organic molecules, слайд №7Organic molecules, слайд №8Organic molecules, слайд №9Organic molecules, слайд №10Organic molecules, слайд №11Organic molecules, слайд №12Organic molecules, слайд №13Organic molecules, слайд №14Organic molecules, слайд №15Organic molecules, слайд №16Organic molecules, слайд №17Organic molecules, слайд №18Organic molecules, слайд №19Organic molecules, слайд №20Organic molecules, слайд №21Organic molecules, слайд №22Organic molecules, слайд №23Organic molecules, слайд №24Organic molecules, слайд №25Organic molecules, слайд №26Organic molecules, слайд №27Organic molecules, слайд №28Organic molecules, слайд №29Organic molecules, слайд №30Organic molecules, слайд №31Organic molecules, слайд №32Organic molecules, слайд №33Organic molecules, слайд №34Organic molecules, слайд №35Organic molecules, слайд №36Organic molecules, слайд №37Organic molecules, слайд №38Organic molecules, слайд №39Organic molecules, слайд №40Organic molecules, слайд №41Organic molecules, слайд №42Organic molecules, слайд №43Organic molecules, слайд №44Organic molecules, слайд №45Organic molecules, слайд №46Organic molecules, слайд №47Organic molecules, слайд №48Organic molecules, слайд №49Organic molecules, слайд №50Organic molecules, слайд №51Organic molecules, слайд №52Organic molecules, слайд №53Organic molecules, слайд №54Organic molecules, слайд №55Organic molecules, слайд №56Organic molecules, слайд №57Organic molecules, слайд №58Organic molecules, слайд №59Organic molecules, слайд №60Organic molecules, слайд №61Organic molecules, слайд №62Organic molecules, слайд №63Organic molecules, слайд №64Organic molecules, слайд №65Organic molecules, слайд №66Organic molecules, слайд №67Organic molecules, слайд №68Organic molecules, слайд №69Organic molecules, слайд №70


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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Organic molecules, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

There are 5 types of organic molecules in living things.These are:
Nucleic acids
Описание слайда:
TYPES OF ORGANIC MOLECULES There are 5 types of organic molecules in living things.These are: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Vitamins Nucleic acids

Слайд 3

Organic molecules, слайд №3
Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

There are 3 types of carbohydrates according to the number of sugar.     
Monosaccharides (single sugar)
Disaccharides(double sugar)  
Polysaccharides (many sugar)
Описание слайда:
TYPES OF CARBOHYDRATES There are 3 types of carbohydrates according to the number of sugar. Monosaccharides (single sugar) Disaccharides(double sugar) Polysaccharides (many sugar)

Слайд 5

Monosacharides are units of carbohydrates. 
Monosacharides are units of carbohydrates. 
Monosacharides are classified according to their carbon atoms.
    1- Pentose sugar (5 C)
   2- Hexose sugar  (6 C)
Описание слайда:
Monosacharides are units of carbohydrates. Monosacharides are units of carbohydrates. Monosacharides are classified according to their carbon atoms. 1- Pentose sugar (5 C) 2- Hexose sugar (6 C)

Слайд 6

Pentose sugars have 5 carbon atoms.
They participate structure of nucleic acids.
Ribose and Deoxyribose
Описание слайда:
PENTOSE SUGAR Pentose sugars have 5 carbon atoms. They participate structure of nucleic acids. EX: Ribose and Deoxyribose

Слайд 7

Hexose sugars have 6 carbon atoms
They are used in energy production.
Описание слайда:
HEXOSE SUGAR Hexose sugars have 6 carbon atoms They are used in energy production. EX:

Слайд 8

Glucose is a monosaccharide with the formula C6H12O6. 
Plants produce glucose during the photosynthesis. 
Amount of glucose is controlled by hormone in human blood.
Описание слайда:
GLUCOSE Glucose is a monosaccharide with the formula C6H12O6. Plants produce glucose during the photosynthesis. Amount of glucose is controlled by hormone in human blood.

Слайд 9

Organic molecules, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

Disaccharide is double sugar. 

Two monosaccharides chemically combine to form disaccharide. 

There is glycosidic bond between two monosaccharides
Описание слайда:
DISACCHARIDES Disaccharide is double sugar. Two monosaccharides chemically combine to form disaccharide. There is glycosidic bond between two monosaccharides

Слайд 11

There are 3 types of disaccharides.  These are;
Описание слайда:
TYPES OF DISACCHARIDES There are 3 types of disaccharides. These are; Maltose Sucrose Lactose

Слайд 12

Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

Organic molecules, слайд №13
Описание слайда:

Слайд 14

During the formation of disaccharide  one molecule  water is released. This type of reaction is called dehydration. 

 The reverse of dehydration  is hydrolysis. In this reaction water molecules are added to reaction.
Описание слайда:
GLUCOSE + GLUCOSE During the formation of disaccharide one molecule water is released. This type of reaction is called dehydration. The reverse of dehydration is hydrolysis. In this reaction water molecules are added to reaction.

Слайд 15

Simple sugars can be joined together by dehydration synthesis to form polysaccharides. 

Polysaccharides are long chain of glucose.

 There are glycosidic bond among of monosaccharides.
Описание слайда:
POLYSACCHARIDES Simple sugars can be joined together by dehydration synthesis to form polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are long chain of glucose. There are glycosidic bond among of monosaccharides.

Слайд 16

Starch, glycogen, cellulose and chitin are examples of polysaccharide.
Starch: It is found only in plants. 
Glycogen: It is found certain animal cells. Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscle. 
Cellulose:  It participates structure of plant cell.
Описание слайда:
Starch, glycogen, cellulose and chitin are examples of polysaccharide. Starch: It is found only in plants. Glycogen: It is found certain animal cells. Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscle. Cellulose: It participates structure of plant cell.

Слайд 17

Organic molecules, слайд №17
Описание слайда:

Слайд 18

Lipid molecule contains 2  subunits. These are glycerol and  3 fatty acids.
Lipid molecule contains 2  subunits. These are glycerol and  3 fatty acids.
Описание слайда:
Lipid molecule contains 2 subunits. These are glycerol and 3 fatty acids. Lipid molecule contains 2 subunits. These are glycerol and 3 fatty acids.

Слайд 19

Описание слайда:

Слайд 20

Proteins contain C, H, O and N. Some also contain S. 
Proteins contain C, H, O and N. Some also contain S. 
They are used in cell structure, regulation and control of cell functions.
They are produced under the control of DNA. 
Aminoacid is monomer of protein.
Описание слайда:
Proteins contain C, H, O and N. Some also contain S. Proteins contain C, H, O and N. Some also contain S. They are used in cell structure, regulation and control of cell functions. They are produced under the control of DNA. Aminoacid is monomer of protein.

Слайд 21

Organic molecules, слайд №21
Описание слайда:

Слайд 22

Radical group makes each aminoacid different. 
There are 20 different aminoacids. 
There must be 20 types of radical groups. 
Two aminoacids are linked peptide bond and formed dipeptide.
 Peptid bond forms between COOH of first aminoacid and NH2 of second aminoacid.
Описание слайда:
Radical group makes each aminoacid different. There are 20 different aminoacids. There must be 20 types of radical groups. Two aminoacids are linked peptide bond and formed dipeptide. Peptid bond forms between COOH of first aminoacid and NH2 of second aminoacid.

Слайд 23

Protein molecules may have 70 aminoacids.  There are many different proteins. Because;

1-Each different sequence makes a different protein.
2-Each different number of aminoacid makes a different protein 
3-Each different kind of aminoacid makes a different protein.
Описание слайда:
Protein molecules may have 70 aminoacids. There are many different proteins. Because; 1-Each different sequence makes a different protein. 2-Each different number of aminoacid makes a different protein 3-Each different kind of aminoacid makes a different protein.

Слайд 24

Proteins are heat sensitive. High temperature breaks certain bonds within protein molecules. This causes chance protein structure. 
Such a change in shape of protein molecule is called Denaturation.
Описание слайда:
DENATURATION Proteins are heat sensitive. High temperature breaks certain bonds within protein molecules. This causes chance protein structure. Such a change in shape of protein molecule is called Denaturation.

Слайд 25

Organic molecules, слайд №25
Описание слайда:

Слайд 26

Proteins are not used energy source. Because protein participates cell structure.
Proteins are not used energy source. Because protein participates cell structure.
Описание слайда:
Proteins are not used energy source. Because protein participates cell structure. Proteins are not used energy source. Because protein participates cell structure.

Слайд 27

Our Metabolism chose carbohydres because they are;
1- Smaller and have less molecular weight (thats why easily transported in blood streem)
2- Mobilizing faster and easier than others,
3- Flexible and water meltible (thats why they’re required small amount water in our body)
4- However fat molecules heavier and larger although they give 2,5 times more energy than carbohydrates
5- Even fatty acids require more water... Unless our body must be 8 times larger at least..
Описание слайда:
Our Metabolism chose carbohydres because they are; 1- Smaller and have less molecular weight (thats why easily transported in blood streem) 2- Mobilizing faster and easier than others, 3- Flexible and water meltible (thats why they’re required small amount water in our body) 4- However fat molecules heavier and larger although they give 2,5 times more energy than carbohydrates 5- Even fatty acids require more water... Unless our body must be 8 times larger at least..

Слайд 28

Organic molecules, слайд №28
Описание слайда:

Слайд 29

Vitamins are divided into two major groups. These are water-soluble vitamins and lipid soluble vitamins.
 B and C are water soluble vitamins.
 A, D, E and K are lipid soluble vitamins.
Описание слайда:
TYPES OF VITAMINS Vitamins are divided into two major groups. These are water-soluble vitamins and lipid soluble vitamins. B and C are water soluble vitamins. A, D, E and K are lipid soluble vitamins.

Слайд 30

Organic molecules, слайд №30
Описание слайда:

Слайд 31

Organic molecules, слайд №31
Описание слайда:

Слайд 32

Organic molecules, слайд №32
Описание слайда:

Слайд 33

Organic molecules, слайд №33
Описание слайда:

Слайд 34

Organic molecules, слайд №34
Описание слайда:

Слайд 35

Organic molecules, слайд №35
Описание слайда:

Слайд 36

Organic molecules, слайд №36
Описание слайда:

Слайд 37

 Nucleic acids differ from other organic molecules in their function. 
Genetic information is stored in nucleic acids.
Описание слайда:
NUCLEIC ACIDS  Nucleic acids differ from other organic molecules in their function. Genetic information is stored in nucleic acids.

Слайд 38

Описание слайда:

Слайд 39

Organic molecules, слайд №39
Описание слайда:

Слайд 40

    Pentose sugars have 5 C atoms.There are 2 types of pentose. These are ribose and deoxyribose. 
Nucleic acids which contain ribose sugar are called ribonucleic acid or  RNA.
Nucleic acids which contain deoxyribose sugar are called deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA.
Описание слайда:
PENTOSE SUGAR Pentose sugars have 5 C atoms.There are 2 types of pentose. These are ribose and deoxyribose. Nucleic acids which contain ribose sugar are called ribonucleic acid or RNA. Nucleic acids which contain deoxyribose sugar are called deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA.

Слайд 41

 All kinds of nucleotides have a phosphate group.
It is identical in all types of nucleotides.
Phosphate group gives an acidic character to nucleotide.
Описание слайда:
PHOSPHATE GROUP All kinds of nucleotides have a phosphate group. It is identical in all types of nucleotides. Phosphate group gives an acidic character to nucleotide.

Слайд 42

Organic molecules, слайд №42
Описание слайда:

Слайд 43

Organic bases are nitrogen containing compounds.  These are adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and urasil (U).                          
Nucleotides are classified according to its organic base. For example:                                     
Nucleotide which contains thymine is called thymine nucleotide.
Описание слайда:
ORGANIC BASE Organic bases are nitrogen containing compounds. These are adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and urasil (U). Nucleotides are classified according to its organic base. For example: Nucleotide which contains thymine is called thymine nucleotide.

Слайд 44

Organic molecules, слайд №44
Описание слайда:

Слайд 45

Organic molecules, слайд №45
Описание слайда:

Слайд 46

Organic molecules, слайд №46
Описание слайда:

Слайд 47

DNA molecule contains two long chains of nucleotides. The nucleotides of each chain are connected by phosphodiester bond.  
DNA molecule contains two long chains of nucleotides. The nucleotides of each chain are connected by phosphodiester bond.  
In this way nucleotides are attach to each other to form one strand of DNA. The second strand is ordered according to the nucleotide order of the first strand.
Описание слайда:
DNA molecule contains two long chains of nucleotides. The nucleotides of each chain are connected by phosphodiester bond. DNA molecule contains two long chains of nucleotides. The nucleotides of each chain are connected by phosphodiester bond. In this way nucleotides are attach to each other to form one strand of DNA. The second strand is ordered according to the nucleotide order of the first strand.

Слайд 48

Organic molecules, слайд №48
Описание слайда:

Слайд 49

 When bonding of two DNA strands an adenine is always bonded to a thymine. There are double hydrogen bond between adenine and thymine(A=T). 
 When bonding of two DNA strands an adenine is always bonded to a thymine. There are double hydrogen bond between adenine and thymine(A=T). 
Cytosine is always bonded to guanine. There are three hydrogen bonds between cytosine and guanine (C --- G).
Описание слайда:
When bonding of two DNA strands an adenine is always bonded to a thymine. There are double hydrogen bond between adenine and thymine(A=T). When bonding of two DNA strands an adenine is always bonded to a thymine. There are double hydrogen bond between adenine and thymine(A=T). Cytosine is always bonded to guanine. There are three hydrogen bonds between cytosine and guanine (C --- G).

Слайд 50

The number of adenine nucleotide in DNA is equal to the number of thymine nucleotide.
The number of adenine nucleotide in DNA is equal to the number of thymine nucleotide.
 Therefore number of cytosine is equal to number of guanine nucleotide.
Описание слайда:
The number of adenine nucleotide in DNA is equal to the number of thymine nucleotide. The number of adenine nucleotide in DNA is equal to the number of thymine nucleotide. Therefore number of cytosine is equal to number of guanine nucleotide.

Слайд 51

Before the cell division DNA make copy itself. This process is called duplication or replication.
Two new DNA strands are formed semiconservatively.
Описание слайда:
REPLICATION Before the cell division DNA make copy itself. This process is called duplication or replication. Two new DNA strands are formed semiconservatively.

Слайд 52

Organic molecules, слайд №52
Описание слайда:

Слайд 53

Organic molecules, слайд №53
Описание слайда:

Слайд 54

1- It is double stranded.
2-In nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplast.
3-Replicates itself by DNA polymerase.
4-Nucleotides are A,T,G and C.
5- Sugar is deoxyribose.
6-It can replicate itself
Описание слайда:
PROPERTIES OF DNA 1- It is double stranded. 2-In nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplast. 3-Replicates itself by DNA polymerase. 4-Nucleotides are A,T,G and C. 5- Sugar is deoxyribose. 6-It can replicate itself

Слайд 55

Organic molecules, слайд №55
Описание слайда:

Слайд 56

Описание слайда:

Слайд 57

 All types of RNA are synthesized by DNA. Synthesizing of RNA from DNA is called  transcription. Than m RNA moves to the cytoplasm.
Different m RNAs are transcripted from DNA for the synthesis of different proteins.
Описание слайда:
m RNA All types of RNA are synthesized by DNA. Synthesizing of RNA from DNA is called transcription. Than m RNA moves to the cytoplasm. Different m RNAs are transcripted from DNA for the synthesis of different proteins.

Слайд 58

     t RNA is synthesized in nucleus but than remains in cytoplasm. 
     t RNA carries aminoacids from cytoplasm to ribosome. 
     Each t RNA can transfer only one kind of aminoacid. There must be 20 types of t RNA because there are 20 types of aminoacid.
Описание слайда:
t RNA t RNA is synthesized in nucleus but than remains in cytoplasm. t RNA carries aminoacids from cytoplasm to ribosome. Each t RNA can transfer only one kind of aminoacid. There must be 20 types of t RNA because there are 20 types of aminoacid.

Слайд 59

Organic molecules, слайд №59
Описание слайда:

Слайд 60

 r RNA is formed by DNA in the nucleolus of the cell.
 r RNA takes roles in protein synthesis.
r RNA participates structure of ribosome.
Описание слайда:
r RNA r RNA is formed by DNA in the nucleolus of the cell. r RNA takes roles in protein synthesis. r RNA participates structure of ribosome.

Слайд 61

Organic molecules, слайд №61
Описание слайда:

Слайд 62

It is a system of symbols used to store information carried by DNA chain.
Only 4 bases in DNA serve to specify 20 aminoacids and all biological processes.
3 nucleotides code a single aminoacid.The triplet of nucleotides is called CODON.
Описание слайда:
THE GENETIC CODE It is a system of symbols used to store information carried by DNA chain. Only 4 bases in DNA serve to specify 20 aminoacids and all biological processes. 3 nucleotides code a single aminoacid.The triplet of nucleotides is called CODON.

Слайд 63

There are 64 codons.One of them is start codon (AUG).It codes methionin 
There are 64 codons.One of them is start codon (AUG).It codes methionin 
3 of them are stop codons(UAA,UAG and UGA)
None of stop codons codes  aminoacid.
Except stop codons 61 codons code aminoacids.
Some aminoacids are coded by more than one codons.For example; CAU and CAC code histidine.
Описание слайда:
There are 64 codons.One of them is start codon (AUG).It codes methionin There are 64 codons.One of them is start codon (AUG).It codes methionin 3 of them are stop codons(UAA,UAG and UGA) None of stop codons codes aminoacid. Except stop codons 61 codons code aminoacids. Some aminoacids are coded by more than one codons.For example; CAU and CAC code histidine.

Слайд 64

Genetic material is translated into 
a protein.
Описание слайда:
PROTEIN SYNTHESIS (TRANSLATION) Genetic material is translated into a protein.

Слайд 65

Occurs in three stages; initiation,elongation and termination.
Occurs in three stages; initiation,elongation and termination.
Ribosomal subunits and mRNA forms polysome.
Описание слайда:
Occurs in three stages; initiation,elongation and termination. Occurs in three stages; initiation,elongation and termination. 1-INITIATION Ribosomal subunits and mRNA forms polysome.

Слайд 66

Organic molecules, слайд №66
Описание слайда:

Слайд 67

Organic molecules, слайд №67
Описание слайда:

Слайд 68

Selection of initiation codon.(AUG)
Selection of initiation codon.(AUG)
formation of hydrogen bond between codons on mRNA and naticodons on tRNA.
joining two aminoacids by peptide bond.
First tRNA leaves A site while second one replaces P site.
This process  repeates till synthesis is completed.
Описание слайда:
Selection of initiation codon.(AUG) Selection of initiation codon.(AUG) formation of hydrogen bond between codons on mRNA and naticodons on tRNA. 2-ELONGATION joining two aminoacids by peptide bond. First tRNA leaves A site while second one replaces P site. This process repeates till synthesis is completed.

Слайд 69

Organic molecules, слайд №69
Описание слайда:

Слайд 70

Begins when a stop codon is reached.
A special protein binds to stop codon and causes peptidyl transferase to release the completed polypeptide.
Описание слайда:
3-TERMINATION Begins when a stop codon is reached. A special protein binds to stop codon and causes peptidyl transferase to release the completed polypeptide.

Теги Organic molecules
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