🗊Презентация Scotland

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Scotland, слайд №1Scotland, слайд №2Scotland, слайд №3Scotland, слайд №4Scotland, слайд №5Scotland, слайд №6

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

    Let’s guess what country we are going to read about?  Scotland
Описание слайда:
Let’s guess what country we are going to read about? Scotland

Слайд 2

  cliffs  seabirds  wildlife  swans  bluebells                  field mice  underwater caves  parrots   deer  Which of the following do you think you can’t see in Scotland’s National Nature Reserves? Listen and check.
Описание слайда:
cliffs seabirds wildlife swans bluebells field mice underwater caves parrots deer Which of the following do you think you can’t see in Scotland’s National Nature Reserves? Listen and check.

Слайд 3

  Read the text.  puffins
Описание слайда:
Read the text. puffins

Слайд 4

  Golden Eagle  wild garlic
Описание слайда:
Golden Eagle wild garlic

Слайд 5

  marsh  natural trails  hike
Описание слайда:
marsh natural trails hike

Слайд 6

  Project  Portfolio. Collect information under the headings from Ex. 3 about some nature reserves in your country. Write an article about them. Decorate it with pictures.  Altaisky Nature Reserve  Baikalsky Nature Reserve  Kavkazkiy Nature Reserve
Описание слайда:
Project Portfolio. Collect information under the headings from Ex. 3 about some nature reserves in your country. Write an article about them. Decorate it with pictures. Altaisky Nature Reserve Baikalsky Nature Reserve Kavkazkiy Nature Reserve

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