🗊Презентация Movie Industry in America

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Movie Industry in America
Описание слайда:
Movie Industry in America

Слайд 2

Cinema in America appeared in 1892. At first appeared «nickelodeons». Its cheap cinema, where ticket sold for 5 cents.
Описание слайда:
Appearance Cinema in America appeared in 1892. At first appeared «nickelodeons». Its cheap cinema, where ticket sold for 5 cents.

Слайд 3

Began to appear big unions : 
Began to appear big unions : 
In 1912 « Universal Studios» and  «Paramount Pictures»
In 1919 «United Artists»
In 1923 «Warner Brothers»
In 1924  «Columbia Pictures» and «Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer»
Описание слайда:
Began to appear big unions : Began to appear big unions : In 1912 « Universal Studios» and «Paramount Pictures» In 1919 «United Artists» In 1923 «Warner Brothers» In 1924 «Columbia Pictures» and «Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer»

Слайд 4

IN XX century cinema filmed on the east coast. There was bad weather and little light,people trying to find new place. This place was a Hollywood ( village near Los-Angeles ).
Описание слайда:
Hollywood IN XX century cinema filmed on the east coast. There was bad weather and little light,people trying to find new place. This place was a Hollywood ( village near Los-Angeles ).

Слайд 5

sTARS institute
Stars institute appeared in 1920.Here actors learned acting. Then they seemed like gods.
Описание слайда:
sTARS institute Stars institute appeared in 1920.Here actors learned acting. Then they seemed like gods.

Слайд 6

On walk of fame placed stars with the names of the actors and cartoon characters
Описание слайда:
HOLLYWOOD WALK OF FAME On walk of fame placed stars with the names of the actors and cartoon characters

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