🗊Презентация The definite article

Категория: Английский язык
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The definite article, слайд №1The definite article, слайд №2The definite article, слайд №3The definite article, слайд №4The definite article, слайд №5The definite article, слайд №6The definite article, слайд №7

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The Definite Article
Описание слайда:
The Definite Article

Слайд 2

RULES of the usage (употребление) “THE”
RULES of the usage (употребление) “THE”

   The noun (существительное) is clear from the context or situation.

Example: “Close the books” – our teacher said.
Описание слайда:
RULES of the usage (употребление) “THE” RULES of the usage (употребление) “THE” RULE 1 The noun (существительное) is clear from the context or situation. Example: “Close the books” – our teacher said.

Слайд 3


The noun has already been used.

Example: Nick has a dog. The dog is very nice.
Описание слайда:
RULE 2 The noun has already been used. Example: Nick has a dog. The dog is very nice.

Слайд 4

  The noun has got a limiting attribute (уточняющее определение).

Example: The man near the window is my brother.
Описание слайда:
RULE 3 The noun has got a limiting attribute (уточняющее определение). Example: The man near the window is my brother.

Слайд 5

The nouns are unique ( единственный в своем роде) objects.
Examples: Look at the sky! Save the world!
the moon              the sea
the sun                  the world
the sky                  the north (south, east..)
the earth
Описание слайда:
RULE 4 RULE 4 The nouns are unique ( единственный в своем роде) objects. Examples: Look at the sky! Save the world! the moon the sea the sun the world the sky the north (south, east..) the earth

Слайд 6


   The noun stands for (употребляться вместо) the whole class of objects.
Example: The dodo was a big bird that couldn’t fly.
Описание слайда:
RULE 5 The noun stands for (употребляться вместо) the whole class of objects. Example: The dodo was a big bird that couldn’t fly.

Слайд 7


The noun describes the adverbial modifier of place (обстоятельство места)

Example: My father is in the garden.
Описание слайда:
RULE 6 The noun describes the adverbial modifier of place (обстоятельство места) Example: My father is in the garden.

Теги The definite article
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